Wednesday, July 24, 2013



The two feasts that we have examined, Passover and Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, the Greek name meaning fifty, occurred in the spring of the sacred year, the time when new life comes into existence.  Passover was celebrated in the first month on the fourteenth day.  On the fifteenth day of the same month was the Feast of Unleavened Bread, lasting until the 21st day of the month.  In the same month, the Feast of Firstfruits and its associated Wave Offering was on the day following the Sabbath after Passover.  The Feast of Weeks, actually the completion of the Feast of Firstfruits, was fifty days after the Waving of the Sheaf of Firstfruits.

All of these feast days were fulfilled at the end of the era of Law. Pentecost was the final feast day of the spring festivals and was fulfilled when the day of Pentecost was fully come.  Because God ordained a special day on his calendar of events, wouldn’t it seem likely that he has also ordained a special day which will have its fulfillment with the ending of that same church, the day when we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air?


(This is a continuation of The Last Trump series)


“And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete;
Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord.
Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of the fine flour; they shall be baken with leaven; they are the firstfruits unto the Lord.” 
Lev. 23:15-17

Again, when God ordained this feast in Israel, he was looking ahead to the day of its fulfillment.  The Church was brought into existence on the first occurrence of that feast day after the resurrection.  The Greek name for this day is called Pentecost which means, fifty.  This feast occurred fifty days after the waving of the sheaf of firstfruits.  It should be clear by now that God is working from a detailed blueprint that has been and will continue to be followed.

Too often I hear comments suggesting that God waits until circumstances and conditions on earth are set before implementing his plans.  That idea is incorrect.  The expression “in the fullness of time” has to do with God’s calendar and not earthly conditions.

Some of God’s plans have their fulfillment exclusively in the Church, and some are reserved solely for Israel.  As noted, the fulfillment of the Feast of Weeks focuses on the Church.  Although the original membership of the Church consisted entirely of Jews, the Church was a new and separate entity altogether, distinct from the nation of Israel.  Prophecy students come to erroneous conclusions when they attempt to combine the promises made to the Church with those made to Israel.  The same error causes some to be confused with the rapture and the second coming of Christ.  The former is an air event while the latter is a ground event. The scriptures are detailed in giving us the New Testament time this feast day was fulfilled.

“To whom he also shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the
kingdom of God.” Acts1:3

God instructed Moses to number seven Sabbaths from the day of the waving of firstfruits plus an additional day; the total being fifty days.  Jesus ascended into heave on the fortieth day.  The apostles and disciples were commanded to wait in Jerusalem until they received the promise of the Father which was the Holy Ghost.

“...but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he,  ye have heard of me.
For John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.”  Acts 2:4&5

The wait in Jerusalem lasted ten days:

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place,
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”    Acts 2: 1-4

The Church was born.  The Feast of Weeks was fulfilled “when the day of Pentecost was fully come.”  There are no variables in the fulfillment of the feast days.  I realize I am bordering on redundancy in repeating that fact but it is essential that it be understood because so many are under the impression that the day of the Rapture is a variable day, even a random day, one no man knoweth or can know..  We shall see that its date also, is as fixed as all of the other feast day fulfillments.

When Jesus commanded the apostles to wait in Jerusalem, they asked him if he would restore the kingdom to Israel when the “promise of the Father” came.  The answer Jesus gave a this time has been taken by many to mean that we cannot know the time of the Rapture.

“ is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.”  Acts 2:7

It is incongruous for God to put lights in the heavens for signs; to give written prophecies stating specific times; to establish the calendar of feast days and then tell his followers that they cannot know the times or the seasons of his return!

Jesus’ answered their question about the time of the restoration of the kingdom of Israel and that is all!  Had they listened carefully to the answer to a previous question they asked, they would not have asked the question now before us.  Before his death Jesus told them that the Temple was going to be destroyed.

There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

Because that had not yet happened, it should have been clear to the apostles that Israel’s restoration as a kingdom would not be for quite a while.   If Jesus, at that time, had told them that Israel would not be restored as a nation for almost 2000 years, it would have devastated them.  When he referred to the “times and seasons,” plural, Jesus was telling them that there are some times and seasons of which they would not be told.  We already looked at one of those events: the passing away of the heavens and the earth.

When it suits God’s purpose, he will again restore Israel but at that moment in time, he chose to restrict the knowledge of that time and season to himself.  You can be sure that as that time approaches, surely the Lord will not act unless he reveals his plan to the prophets.  In 1948 when Israel was restored as a nation again, the year became very significant in marking off the times of last days’ events.

The date of formation of the Church was one of those times and seasons that the Father did not reveal to any of the prophets.  Peter’s epistle lets us know that the prophets searched diligently as to what would effect the work of great grace and when it would occur but that their search was unfruitful.  The revelation of their search was given to the apostles, not to the prophets.  The Church was a new work entirely. Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy recorded the crucifixion of Christ, occurring at the end of the 69th week, and then moved right along into the final seven years. What Daniel’s prophecy did not include was the insertion of the Church between the 69th and 70th weeks.  Prophecy students and scholars refer to that period of time between the 69th and 70th weeks as a gap in time; a gap filled in with the Church age.  Had the prophecy of Daniel gone uninterrupted, the 70th week, consisting of the tribulation, the great, would have ended   before 39 a.d..  God knew that he would interrupt the prophecy of Daniel with the creation of the Church but he was silent on the issue.  The actual period of time for the saving of the Gentiles was another time and season that the Father kept secret.

I referred earlier to the “gap” theory.  It is an interruption in the flow of Daniels’s prophecy.  Jesus highlighted that gap when he read the scripture in the synagogue of his home town.  Luke 4:16-20 records the passage that Jesus read from the writings of Isaiah.  Comparing Luke’s text with Isaiah’s we see that Jesus stopped reading in the middle of the sentence, “to preach the acceptable year of the Lord...” Isaiah’s writing continued with “...and the day of the vengeance of our God.”  Jesus would not fulfill that portion of Isaiah until his second coming, therefore the gap in time.  That gap is filled with the birth of the Church and the “grafting in” of the Gentiles.

The description of the event on the day of Pentecost sounds like the noise of a very good time.  That’s exactly the way it is described in Deuteronomy:

“Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn.
And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the Lord thy God with a tribute of a free will offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give unto the Lord thy God, according as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee:
And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God, thou and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the Lord thy God hath chosen to place his name there.
And thou shalt remember that thou was a bondman in Egypt: and thou shalt observe and do these statutes.”   Deut. 16: 9-12

This is a time of celebration and rejoicing.  The grain harvest is complete.  The grace of God allowed them to bring him “a tribute of a freewill offering” from their own hand.  The offering would be in accordance with God’s blessings to them.

It was an event open to all and as such it fully typified what the Church of Jesus should be.  The Feast of Weeks allowed the family, the servants, the stranger, the cast-down and the cast-away to join in the celebration.  If there is a place where there should be no room for prejudice, bigotry, or racism, it should be in the Church.

When the Pentecostal revival erupted in Los Angeles in 1906, it burst upon the city without respect for color, race, creed, education or reputation.  Of course it wasn’t long, just about three years, before Satan caused divisions along color lines.  That division continues until this day and is one of the main reasons for the multitude of Pentecostal organizations in the world today.

Satan divided that movement initially using racism and then created further divisions by instigating doctrinal disputes that have nothing to do with basic salvation.  The Pentecostals, like those of every God-ordained revival that had preceded theirs, began to organize the Church by adding their own by-laws, minute books, regulations, and traditions.  History repeated itself in the Church for the seventh time and the revival died.  The organized Church today is teaching that a great revival is about to break out in the Church again before the Rapture---that’s true.  It will be a revival unprecedented in the history of the Church albeit a very short one timewise.  The last great revival occurred in 1906 which was also the beginning of the last and final Church period, the Laodicean Age.   I will comment more on that later in the book.`

On the day of the fulfillment of the Feast of Weeks the Holy Ghost came down from heaven and entered into the hearts of those present.  We have now been born from above and are the children of the free.  Egypt, the true type of the world, is no longer our home.  We should celebrate that fact every time we gather together.

S.H. Kellogg spoke of this day as “...the spiritual ingathering of the firstfruits of the world’s harvest, fifty days after the presentation of our Lord in resurrection, as the wave-sheaf of the firstfruits.”

The Feast of Weeks marked the presentation of a “new meat (meal) offering unto the Lord.” (Lev. 23:16) As Christ presented himself to God as a wave offering of the sheaf of firstfruits, Pentecost presents to God the firstfruits of Christ’s resurrection from the dead.

Israel was commanded to abstain from any servile work on that day.  This is significant because those of us who are presented to God in connection with Pentecost are set free from the works of the law.  On the day of Pentecost 3,000 souls were added to the Church.  This is in marked contrast to the day when the law was given from Mt. Sinai and 3,000 souls were destroyed (Ex.32:28.)  Here is an example that shows God’s use of numbers is not coincidental.  They are used to show the vast difference between Law and Grace.  The law could only condemn and kill.  Under grace, works do not make a person acceptable to God; he or she is admitted by faith in the blood of Jesus.  Grace is a gift of God and its first manifestation in the New Testament Church brought new life. 

“And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the first year, and one young bullock, and two rams: they shall be for a burnt offering unto the Lord...”
Lev. 23:18

For the first time, this celebration of the Feast of Weeks after the resurrection of Jesus Christ did not include the sacrifices listed above because Jesus himself had already fulfilled the purpose of each of those offerings.  Rather than presenting the blood of animals, we are now instructed to present our bodies to God as a living sacrifice.
(Ro. 12:1)

“Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering, and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings.”  Lev. 23: 19

Again, Jesus met all of those requirements.  The result of his offering of himself on the cross is remission of sin and peace with God.  It is no wonder that Paul opened and closed his epistles with the expression, “grace and peace be unto you.”  God can extend full grace to the Church because Christ fulfilled the purpose of the offering of goats and lambs.  We can live in a relationship of peace with God because Christ himself was sacrificed for our peace.  It must never be forgotten that the Church stands on the merits of a blood sacrifice presented as a burnt offering to God.

Jesus not only fulfilled the requirements of the animal sacrifices, he also fulfilled the wave loaves that were baked of fine flour.  He represents the best of that which is harvested from the earth.  His righteous refinement was actually enhanced after his resurrection.  Andrew Bonar states: “Even as Jesus, when raised from the tomb, was henceforth no more under the curse of sin, but was blessed in body, for his body was no longer numbered among transgressors; and blessed in all his inheritance, for all power was given to him in heaven and in earth.”

There is one important aspect of this Feast of Weeks that has a special fulfillment in the Church.  In connection with the loaves of fine flour we are told, “they shall be baken with leaven.” Throughout Leviticus leaven was prohibited in offerings made to God by fire but here we find a notable exception.  Though Jesus fulfilled all of the offerings and ingredients associated with this feast day, the final fulfillment of that day centered upon born-again believers.   We are not free from sin while we are in these bodies of flesh upon the earth.  Sin still dwells in our members.  Because of that fact, God graciously allowed leaven to be included in the offering on the day of Pentecost.  The leaven still has its same significance, evil and corruption.  But when Jesus comes to receive us to himself, he will then purge out every trace of leaven as he clothes us with our heavenly bodies.

A note about keeping the sabbath or worshipping on Saturday is in order here.  Christ is our Sabbath.  The church was not born on a Saturday but on Sunday.  Although Sunday is the first day of the week, with regards to the birth of the Church the day should not be looked upon as the first day, but the eighth day, the number representing new beginnings.  The Church was a brand new, distinct creation of God.  I was separated from Judaism in all aspects of time and place and for that reason God ordained a new day for its worshippers.  The handwriting of ordinances was blotted out, being nailed to the cross of Christ. Paul’s words regarding the keeping of days let us know that he that keeps a day keeps it as unto the Lord and he who doesn’t keep a day does so as unto the Lord.  Rather than strive about the keeping of days, let’s just celebrate on the day inaugurated for Pentecost.   

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Try The Spirits

THE SET TIMES OF THE LORD OR God's Calendar of Events (continued from 7.7.13)

The Passover lamb was to be selected on the tenth day of the month.  It was nourished until the fourteenth day when it would be killed in the evening or, better translated, between the evenings.  The Jews recognized two evenings, 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM.  The Mishnah allowed the killing of the lamb to take place anytime between the noon hour and 6:00 PM. 

Jesus fulfilled Passover in every detail but here again, we find Satan creeping in and he has altered the truth of the details of that precise fulfillment!  Around the world, Christianity celebrates Passion Week beginning on Palm Sunday when Jesus was supposed to have made his triumphant entry.  Good Friday memorializes the day of the crucifixion and Easter Sunday celebrates the Resurrection.  The scriptures, however, render all of those days as incorrect!  Satan saw an opportunity to mix the pagan doctrines of Babylon with the truth of scripture and seized the moment! 

In the year Jesus died, he entered into Jerusalem on Saturday, not Sunday.  Because of the short distance of his trip, he did not violate Sabbath rules regarding travel.  On that day, which was the tenth day of the month, the Jews as a nation unknowingly selected the Lamb of God when they spread palm leaves and garments in his path while crying Hosannah!  Thus, fulfilling the law on the exact day!

“And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosannah to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the in the name of the Lord;  Hosannah in the highest.”  Mr. 21:9

The meaning of their cry is “help or save now.”  It was the same cry that was uttered for seven days during the Feat of Tabernacles as they marched around the altar with palm branches.  Those who honored Jesus that day expected him to deliver their nation from the iron rule of the Roman Empire.

A word here about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem is in order.  It is often called a “triumphant” entry.  The entry was anything but triumphant.  Jesus entered riding on an ass, a king’s beast of peace.  Jesus had been rejected by the nation at large and in particular by its religious leaders for the past three and one-half years.  He was making one last offer of God’s peace to Israel which they could received only by believing on him as the Messiah.  He was not smiling, shaking hands and proclaiming victory as he entered.  He went into Jerusalem “lowly.” (Zec. 9: 9.)  He was depressed both in mind and spirit because his own people rejected his message of peace and salvation.  Jesus’ pain ran deep because his people possessed the oracles of God which contained the Messianic prophecies.  The leaders knew who he was and with that knowledge, rejected him.  Jesus entered into Jerusalem knowing that he would be crucified four days later, precisely as the law demanded!  Zechariah also, in the same scripture says: “...behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.”  That latter part of the scripture is never addressed.  What did he mean, did Jesus ride two beasts?  Yes, he did.  Knowing that he would be rejected by Israel, as he entered Jerusalem, Jesus got off of the full grown ass, leaving behind the old covenant of the law, and mounted the young beast, the colt representing the new covenant. The kingdom would now be made available to the gentiles, salvation by faith and the blood of Christ, the Church.

If we accept the traditional Palm Sunday as the day when the sacrificial lamb of God was selected, Jesus should have been killed four days later which would be Thursday.  To teach that Jesus died on Friday violates the four day ordinance.

According to God’s directions in the Law of Moses, the lamb was to be killed on the fourteenth day of the month.  Jesus fulfilled that detail by hanging on the cross four days later.  Four days from Saturday is Wednesday.  He was crucified not on Friday but on Wednesday.  Jesus said that he would be in the grave three days and three nights.  Understanding how meticulous God is about exact days, he did not mean a part of three different days, but three whole days and three whole nights or 72 hours.  Here, I acknowledge my father, Elder G. Grady Benton. His diligence in seeking and proclaiming the truth of the Wednesday crucifixion at a time when very few were proclaiming that scriptural truth has inspired me to delve into all of the feast days in search of their future fulfillment.

Mark 15:34 gives the time of Jesus’ death as after 3:00 PM in the afternoon.  He died leaving sufficient time for Nicodemus and Joseph to anoint, wrap and bury his body before the Sabbath of Passover.  Jesus fulfilled the law and died “between the evenings.” Being crucified and buried on Wednesday, the preparation day, Thursday at the same time would be one day; Friday at the same time, two days; Saturday at the same time, three days.  The resurrection occurred sometime after 3:00 PM and before 6:00 PM in the evening on Saturday.  When the women went to the tomb early in the morning of the first day of the week, their earliest opportunity, the angel announced: he is already risen.”  He did not get up that morning, he had been up since late Saturday evening.  The great earthquake early Sunday records the time of the moving of the stone, not the resurrection. (Mark 28:1&2)

The traditional Easter sunrise service did not commence with the resurrection of Jesus, it was observed a few thousand years earlier in Babylon.  In Satan’s attempt to merge Christianity with pagan Babylonianism, he introduced Easter sunrise service to the Church.  The name Easter is a variation of Ishtar, the Babylonian queen of heaven.  Jeremiah condemned Israel for offering cakes to her (Jer. 7:18.)  Legend has her son Tammuz being killed by a wild animal and miraculously resurrected.  The legend is a lie.  Ezekiel wrote about women weeping for Tammuz for forty days which is still celebrated by some religions as the Lenten season (Eze.8:14.) Tammuz’ father is said to be none other than Nimrod (Gen10:8) known throughout the Old Testament as the deity Baal or the sun god.  The Church would be wiser to observe a Saturday afternoon resurrection memorial service as opposed to a Sunday sunrise service.

We are told in 1 Corinthians 5:7 that “Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.”  Paul’s letter to the Hebrews admonished them to abandon the Old Testament sacrifices which could never take away sin and cleave to Jesus who offered himself up once as the passover lamb for the sins of the world.

Again, God is working from detailed plans.  The feast day of Passover was inaugurated to serve as a clock and calendar for these last days and all of the remaining feast days will likewise be fulfilled at their appointed times. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

KEEPING THE SABBATH...SHOULD WE? by Pastor Stephen Benton

A note about keeping the Sabbath or worshipping on Saturday is in order here.  Christ is our Sabbath.  The Church was not born on a Saturday but on Sunday.  Although Sunday is the first day of the week, with regards to the birth of the Church, the day should not be looked upon as the first day, but as the eighth day, the number representing New Beginnings.  The Church was a brand new, distinct creation of God.  It was separated from Judaism in all aspects of time and place and for that reason God ordained a new day for its worshippers.  
 The handwriting of ordinances was blotted out, being nailed to the cross of Christ. Paul’s words regarding the keeping of days lets us know that he that keeps a day, keeps it "as unto the Lord," and he who doesn’t keep a day, does so as unto the Lord.  Rather than strive about the keeping of days, let us just celebrate on the day inaugurated at Pentecost.   

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Don’t Fall for the Enemy’s Tactics!!

                                                  Don’t Fall for the Enemy’s Tactics!! 

 Hi Saints,
Have you been getting bad news, discouraging news or just getting frustrated with so many things not going the way you expected them to?  Has your attitude been, “Oh, no, what am I going to do? I wish I could just get away from all this?” Then you have fallen victim to the trap. Remember…God warned us to be aware of Satan’s devices.  If we talk to one another, we should recognize the pattern.  Not one individual or family here has been untouched by bad news, or news concerning you or a family member or good friend who has been stricken with an acute or life-threatening illness, or finances that have plummeted even lower than before, or a job that looked like it was yours but fell through, or arguments and misunderstandings within your own personal family circle; the list goes on and on..  Well, whether it makes you feel any better or not, you are not alone.
        It’s funny, I began writing this over two weeks ago and just last Wednesday, our Pastor told us that it’s time for us to “grow up” in the Lord.  He said it is time to stop letting ourselves be tossed about with every wind and stop getting discouraged so easily.  That’s the message.  Some of us are allowing ourselves to be taken down (if not out) by events that are occurring and we are not making the connection with the messages being given. It’s called, “not mixing the word with faith” in those who hear it!  How can you allow yourself to throw in the towel without even a good fight?  I mean a fight with your own flesh and your own mind. You have had your feelings hurt by someone and have decided to stop speaking to them in direct contradiction to the current messages on forgiveness!  You have looked right past compassion and mercy in spite of the message about the unmerciful servant in Matthew 22.  How can you afford to risk the mercy of the Lord toward you?  It goes right back to covetousness, saints.  I, me and my feelings are so important that I will take a chance on God overlooking my lack of mercy and forgiving me anyway.  After all, “I am me and God knows my heart!” I just don’t want to forgive them.” Sounds like you just made a U turn on the last street that we just left.
            Trust me, I know that it’s hard to do, I know that it’s the last thing you want to do.  However, God does not give us anything that we can’t do, only things that we have to deny ourselves to do…just like he did on his journey to the cross.  Take my advice, take up your cross, deny yourself, and continue your journey to the end. We are almost there.