“That Prophet” speaks from heaven to a prophet that speaks to Jesus’
He is given secrets and
revelations to a church that can’t hear because they don’t believe prophets exist
So instead of listening to
The High Priest/That Prophet speaking through his prophet they continue to be
engrossed in the law and the religious experience. (No WORD mind you)
Now law keeping is a job at
Religion is a duty
But salvation is free
The message from That Prophet
in 2014 was REST.
How do we rest?
Mix the word with faith.
Don’t complicate Gods rest by
looking at the problem
The cares of this world
interrupt our rest.
Mix the word with faith
Your works produce no rest
God’s ways and word produce
The Word is designed to take
you from rest to rest.
Laboring to rest equals
belief in God’s Word
Worry itself is unbelief
God’s ways reflect the
ultimate simplicity
God’s solution is not like
anything I would have thought of.
God is concerned about
present and eternal rest.
Just because you haven’t
heard it before doesn’t mean it’s not true
It’s too bad that the church
is going to miss so many messages.
If you kill the messenger you
can’t hear the message.
But I rest in the fact that
God speaks live through HIS Prophet.
January 19, 2015
read current revelations from Pastor Stephen Benton, check out his book published
September of 2017 on Amazon.com