Saturday, June 29, 2013

“The Great Whore” by Pastor Stephen Benton

 “The Great Whore”

If that title doesn’t grab your attention, preaching to you may require some additional effort…  Consider this, the entire Church since the day of Pentecost in 31A.D. has anticipated the day of the coming of the Lord. Most of them have fallen asleep. You and I are those whom Paul wrote about when he penned the words, “we shall not all sleep…”
            I don’t know about you but when I consider the fact that we are the ones who will actually see Jesus appear in the air, I get chill bumps and my heart races. 
            A long time ago, Satan started an organized, false religion on the earth depicted in scripture as a Great Whore. This whore hails from Babylon. Let’s look at her beginnings.
            In Genesis chapter ten we are given an extensive list of genealogies of earth’s families after the flood.  The list is divided into three groups: “the isles of the Gentiles” (verse 5); “the families of the Canaanites” (verse 18); and ”the sons of Shem, after their families”(verse 31.) These three families are the offspring of Japheth, Ham, and Shem, the sons of Noah.  Since the flood the entire earth has always consisted of these three families.  For our current study we shall focus on the family of Ham, the head of the families of the Canaanites because Satan chose this line to establish his church.  Let’s pick up the story in verse eight.

“And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.”
The name Cush means chaos. The name Nimrod means let us rebel. That combination should give you an outline of the picture.  Let’s move on to verse 10.
“And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”
            The name Babel means confusion.  Nimrod was the first of those on the earth who waged war against other people.  This is the first time the word kingdom appears in the bible. He is the same man who decided to build a city and a tower whose top would reach heaven, commonly called the tower of Babel (Gen. 11.)  This tower was much more than a tall structure, it served as an observatory and a temple.  Astrology, the perverted form of astronomy, began in the kingdom of Babel.  The city is later identified in scripture as Babylon. While Nimrod was a key player in bringing false worship on the earth, the real power behind the throne was his wife Semiramis.  History says that she outlived her husband by 42 years and as the queen of Babylon, she perfected false religion on the earth.  For that reason the false system in Revelation is a woman.  She was the literal embodiment, a whore, and the spiritual pioneer of everything the Great Whore of Revelation would eventually become.
            Time will not allow me to go into all of the intricate details of the progressive formation of this whore. To make a long story short, her religion has continued down to this present day and she is shown in the Book of Revelation as having a spiritual and political influence in every nation under heaven.
            “For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her…”  Revelation 18:3
            Today, Lord willing, I will go into some of the details behind that verse and show you just how widespread and powerful this whore is. By the time I finish you should thoroughly understand why she is called Great.

            Saints, we are living in the days when all of the plans of God and Satan are coming to their final conclusion.  I said last Sunday that God has been around for a long time and so has Satan.  The scriptures allow us to look at their conflict during its final 6,000 years while occasionally giving us small glimpses into the dateless past and into the future.
            Satan and God have been dueling much longer than 6,000 years.  We know that this old earth has seen many inhabitants during its long existence.  I pointed out the age of the dinosaurs last Sunday and how science has shown that they all disappeared at once over 150 million years ago.  We have learned that Adam was not the first man to walk on the earth, he was only the first of a particular species of man called “Adam;” one made in the likeness of God and after His own image.  God has been around since forever and ever but in these last few millennia everything is coming to a head.  More specifically, the conclusion will come during the days of this generation.
            Satan is determined to undermine the plans of God and lately has intensified his efforts.  Were it not for the grace of God, we would have been taken out by Satan long ago.  When we get to heaven, then, and only then, will we be able to understand and appreciate the great salvation of
God. I can tell you this, the coming months will not be easy.  Satan is a step away from bringing his fallen angels down to this earth. He is about to show the earth his gods and he has one goal in mind, to wipe out every individual associated with the seed of Adam whether he be saved or unsaved.
            These messages that God has been sending our way are warnings of things to come.  The privilege of being the generation who will see the coming of the Lord is tagged with a high price.  Those who failed to understand the significance of the message announcing the time of the coming of the Lord are conducting business as usual, going about their merry way thinking that the Lord will suddenly appear one day and we will simply fly away.  That sort of scenario violates every type of deliverance found in the scriptures.
            Throughout history, whenever God delivered his people, the deliverance came with much tribulation, opposition, and in the face of insurmountable odds.  Those saints who have “shouted” their way through this earthly wilderness are on the threshold of a rude awakening.  Jesus and the apostles said too much about suffering and enduring persecution for it to not be a reality, more, a necessity.  The program of suffering and persecution is not the option that many have made it to be. Just take another look at the circumstances surrounding the deliverance of the children of Israel from the land of Egypt. There were some scary moments attached to their deliverance.  Get ready to pay and I’m not talking about tithes and offerings.  (but they too should be constant down this stretch run,)
            The damnable result of the blessing and prosperity message is that too many in the Church associate that state with being in the will of God. When the Lord states in Revelation
3: 19, regarding the Laodicean church age, representing this 7th and final age of His Church, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…" He denounces this church for saying they "are rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing."  Their prosperity has condemned them.
To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

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