Wednesday, March 25, 2015

PROPHETS DO NOT PREDICT... by Pastor Stephen Benton


Prophets prophesy.  Making predictions are not in the prophet’s repertoire.  The fact that they do not predict has nothing to do with the prophet’s ability to refrain from doing so.  God has programmed them to speak only the words given to him from God and the idea of making any kind of prediction regarding any of God’s affairs among men cannot even be entertained by the prophet of God.

 Making predictions is, at best, a risky affair.

God’s prophet cannot coexist with any religious denomination or organization.  All organized religion essentially structures its program based on their present knowledge of the scriptures.  The Pentecostals certainly did so.  At their birth in California around the turn of the 20th century, they discovered a line of truth in the book of Acts showing water baptism in Jesus’ name and speaking in other tongues as the sign of having received the gift of the Holy Ghost.  The base text for their doctrine is Acts 2:38.  By following that formula, souls officially become members of the Church.  Their knowledge no doubt came about as a revelation from the Holy Ghost.  Such is a worthy beginning.  The only problem is that they closed their ears from hearing any additional revelation from the same Spirit.  They did not realize that the word of God is a progressive message.  The very structure of God’s word does not stop at level one.  You can be sure that at some point in time, God will either exceed the current perception of man or contradict it altogether and He will do so through the mouth of one of His prophets.  The prophet associated with any religious organization will eventually contradict their organized structure because of a later revelation and he will be silenced or evicted.  The test of a true prophet lies in his commitment to speak the message given to him from God and suffer isolation or hold back the message and continue with the denomination.  The true prophet will speak God’s words as given and let the chips fall where they may.  There are no adherent risks associated with predictions.

 Satan’s communication system has always included prognosticators, fortunetellers, soothsayers, wizards and diviners.  At best, the dark side presents a broad way in issues concerning the future; their only limitation is their inability to prophesy.  The reason for such limitation is their leader, Satan.  He abode not in the truth and there is no truth in him.  His messengers reflect the shortcomings of their leader. 

A prediction is a glorified guess.  Any guess by man regarding God’s future agenda has a 100% chance of failure.  There are countless preachers declaring the Lord is coming soon, there are very few prophets declaring how soon or when.  That is a message given only by God and He is giving it to a Church who will not hear His voice.  The prophets prophesying His message are making no predictions.  Their only handicap is telling the Church ‘when’ things will happen while the Church responds with “no man knoweth.”

 The prophet of God does not estimate the time for the coming of the Lord Jesus, he knows because his information is from a very reliable source.  His source, God, claims the ability to declare the end of an event or series of events even before they begin.  By the way, his prophetic record of accomplishment is flawless.  Adding greater to great, He cannot lie.  His word is accurate and precise and the prophet declaring His message has no use of expressions such as 'I believe,' 'feel' or 'think.'  Prophets of God do not predict, they prophesy.  Their message comes from the highest source of truth; therefore, believing their message is not an option.

 The greatest of prophets, Jesus, that prophet spoken of by another prophet, Moses, in Deuteronomy 18:5, referred to Jesus as “that Prophet.”  The only time the title “prophet” is capitalized is when the title refers to Jesus.  When he spoke, the greatest injustice his audience could do to itself was not to believe him.  Jesus came with a double impact: a message and miracles.  His confidence allowed him to offer salvation to people who did not believe his message of admittance into the kingdom of heaven by merely believing his works. 
 He never made a single prediction:

Jesus made promises. His final promise to his body, his church is that he will return to receive them to himself in the air before the wrath of God is poured out on this world. He promised to raise those who have died in Christ first and change their corruptible bodies to incorruptible; and ten days later, he will change those who are alive and remain faithful to his word from mortal to immortality." (1 Corinthians 15: 51 -54)
As the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law, Jesus, himself, will appear in the air as he did on the day of his ascension into heaven. He will raise the dead on the "last day" of the month of Elul on the Jewish calendar which will be on the same day that he died, a Wednesday, and ten days later, on the Sabbath (Saturday) on Yom Kippur, to finally fulfill the Day of Atonement, he will rapture or "catch away" those who remain of his Church to meet him and his resurrected saints in the air.  The next year that those two significant Jewish events fall on those two significant days is 2017.

 Written by,

A prophet named Benton

(ADDENDUM:  The prophesied event did not happen on that day did it?  Why not? For the same reason the Children of Israel did not go into Canaan: Unbelief! The exact same reason the Kingdom did not come when the King went riding into Jerusalem on "palm Sunday" Unbelief!! This Church is now in the position to be vomited out of God's mouth as promised by Jesus in Revelation 3: 16)

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

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