Tuesday, February 27, 2018

THE EVIL DAY (Part 2) by Stephen Benton


THE EVIL DAY (Part 2)     by Stephen Benton

The story of a flood in Noah's day is a true story and has been documented by many geologists.  Before the flood came, God told his prophet, Noah, about the coming judgement and gave him a 120 year warning.  Noah was 480 years old when he received the message and he preached that message until the 600th year of his life.  At that time, true to his spoken word, the flood came and an entire world was drowned.  I often tell you to put flesh and blood on these old testament stories in order that you might more effectively lift them from the flat pages of scripture into a three dimensional, true to life experience.  

Imagine the ridicule Noah faced as he warned the world about a judgment to come, a judgment of rain.  You know the story. It had never rained upon the earth in those days.  We are told in Genesis that a mist came upon the earth every night and watered the earth.  Now, here comes this old man telling everyone that God was about to send a deluge of water upon the earth and that he was instructed to build a large boat for the purpose of saving life.  I have emphasized many times that Noah's message was a "sign-less" message.  Not one drop of water fell from  heaven during the 120 years.  Those who would be saved from the judgment to come would be saved by believing Noah's message and entering the Ark.  Only eight souls took advantage of God's salvation.

 I am sure that there were those in that time who believed that God was too kind and loving to destroy an entire creation of human and animal life.  They should have known better.  Adam handed down a message to them of the destruction of a previous civilization prior to his creation.  Genesis opens in chapter one telling us that the earth "was without form and void." It was not created that way.  Something happened to the original earth that caused God to judge it.  There are remnants of such a judgment still existing on the earth.  Places such as the Grand Canyon.  That mile-deep fissure in the earth is essentially a wasteland.  The point I am making is that God has destroyed life en masse on several different occasions.  Paleontologists tell us that the dinosaurs were wiped out all at once about 165 million years ago.  I can tell you that their demise was not accidental but a deliberate act of God.  Today we have far greater evidence of both a worldwide cataclysm prior to Noah's day as well as concrete evidence that the flood of Noah did, indeed, take place.  Yet there are those who ignorantly believe that God will not destroy an entire creation if it deserves destruction.  Now, let's get back to the "flesh and blood" aspect of Noah's story.

It did not take Noah 120 years to build a boat.  He and his sons were ship builders by trade.  The job was finished in about five years.  What is significant is that when Noah began building the boat he did not build it with unlimited human living capacity.  We are told in Hebrews 11:7 that he "PREPARED AN ARK FOR THE SAVING OF HIS HOUSE; BY THE WHICH HE CONDEMNED THE WORLD."  At least five years before the flood Noah's message had reached its capacity as far as those who would believe it was concerned.  I don't know where these last days' prophets get the idea that the final days of the Church will be days of unprecedented growth.  Noah's "church" did not grow to eight members, it shrunk to eight.  Abraham prayed for 50 righteous people in the cities of the plain but couldn't find ten!

The passage in Matthew tells us that this world will not heed the warning from God but will go on in an attitude of "knowing not" until the events begin to unfold.  In Noah's day, even though God did not give any signs of the validity of Noah's message, just prior to the flood there were some events that occurred that should have alerted the world to the fact that Noah's message was true.  Noah was instructed to save two animals of every kind in order that they might reproduce after the flood.  Noah did not go out and conduct a round-up.  We are told that the animals "went unto Noah."  That should have alerted the unbelieving world that something out of the ordinary was happening.  To watch a parade of animals go into the ark and never come out again for a week should have caused the more intelligent animal, man, to do the same.

Before the events of God begin to unfold, there will be some earth shattering events.  The soon coming disasters will cause many to believe that the wrath of God has been set in motion but it will be a deception.  That is why Paul admonished us in 2 Thessalonians not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled as if the day of Christ is at hand because Christ will not be the author of the terrible events that are soon to come.  However, Satan is going to cause the world to believe that God is the agent and in so doing, he will present himself as an angel of light offering salvation.  Many will fall for the trick and be eternally lost.  You can be sure that we will be visited by "aliens" before the Church is caught away from this earth. 

They will come declaring a great lie claiming that they are our gods and that they engineered our DNA.  Their lie will be so factual and so convincing that it will cause some believers to leave their faith.  They will arrive just prior to or just after this earth is in the process of dreadful changes that will destroy millions of people.  Their lie will be compelling because the people did not love God's truth.

It's time to wake up!!   

by Stephen Benton  September 20, 1998

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on Amazon.com


Monday, February 26, 2018

THE EVIL DAY by Stephen Benton


THE EVIL DAY (part 1)  by Stephen Benton

Good Morning and welcome to The House of Good News, still the BIGGEST little Church in Los Angeles.  Let us praise and thank God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and give a warm welcome to the return of the Weekly Word, one of very few church bulletins that is actually dedicated to teaching the word of God and not a mere social calendar common to so many churches today.  In this pastor's biased opinion, it is the greatest church bulletin in the entire world!

It is said that the Lord works in mysterious ways.  That is one of those non-scriptural phrases, which is to say that it is not in the bible.  In this case though, the saying is true.  Wait a minute.  I can't resist the opportunity to comment on God's ways.  They may be mysterious but God expects us to know his ways.  As you know, his chief indictment against the congregation of Israel was that they saw his works or miracles but never came to know his ways. (Hebrews 3:9-10)  As your pastor, I don't intend for us to make the same mistake.
Although I have not missed a single service this year, or the last several years, I feel like I have been away for about as long as the bulletin has been absent. I'm back! During my absence I was privileged to get a look at this world from another angle.  I observed many things and I can sum it all up with the use of the following scripture:

            "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark.    
            And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the son of man be."  Matthew 24: 38 & 39

Notice the words, "...and knew not."  The world is about to be turned upside down and inside out and its occupants are oblivious to the impending doom.  I have taken time in the bible classes to read headline news of catastrophes around the world; events and situations that are never reported on the nightly news.  We the people of these United States have been blessed but that is going to change drastically.

The New World Order is essentially on line, being headed up via the United nations.  It is simply awaiting its charismatic, half-human, half-alien, superman leader--Antichrist.  He will do far more than merely broker peace between Israel and the Arabs, he will be the peace negotiator between the citizens of Earth and the demonic, "alien" inhabitants of this universe.  If you followed the TV series X-Files, their slogan was "The Truth is Out There."  That's true but the truth in that case is the stronghold of the Lie.  The series Millennium uses the slogan, "The Time is Now."  Their phrase used to be, "The Time is Near."  The previous phrase is taken right from the scriptures in Luke 21:8.  The movie, Independence Day has run more frequently on HBO than any movie in its vast lineup.  "They" are trying to tell us something.

Our current president as well as his predecessors have been quietly and progressively signing executive orders in preparation for the New World Order and Antichrist's takeover.  Former president, George Bush was the first American president to actually use the expression: New World Order.  Former president, Ronald Reagan was the first American president to make mention of the possibility of "an outside force" being the catalyst for bringing all of the nations of the earth together as a united force against a common enemy.  His Star Wars Defense Program was not intended for use against any earthly invasion but against an alien force.  In the meanwhile our government's official stance is that UFOs and related subjects officially do not exist.

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has been posing as Santa Claus while its real purpose goes undetected: the power to legally possess the property and most of the rights of every American citizen should necessity dictate. The "consumer" or "eater" element of the world's population is being systematically eradicated via ethnic cleansing exercises.  The very wars and conflicts from which these bloody slaughters come are themselves instigated and organized by elite powers.  In our nation a pseudo war on drugs is being fought with the sole intention of imprisoning an undesirable element of the population.  Namely, Blacks and Hispanics.  Welfare was introduced as an aid to impoverished citizens with the intention of removing it after several generations.  The removal of Welfare assistance would necessarily result in increased criminal activity which would subsequently allow more imprisonment.  It's working.  It is a sophisticated form of genocide.  There is something inherently wrong when the Black population makes up 13% of the national population but 95% of the prison population.

The North America Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, was not about free trade.  Any idiot can see that such a policy will remove lucrative jobs from our nation, putting Americans out of work while factories move to the labor cheap areas of Mexico.  That bill was just another step toward a One World Government when all wages and monetary systems will be under one head.  That's why the World Bank was established initially.  Conveniences such as ATM machines have hastened the day of Antichrist's arrival.  Bank of America has introduced the "Iris scan" which will eliminate the need for the ATM card and its pin number.  The next logical step is the implementation of "the mark" in the right hand of forehead as prophesied in the book of Revelation.  The miniscule chip makes that scenario a reality.

If you observe the stock market, even on the most casual basis, you know how the entire world's markets are inextricable linked together.  The plight of the Asian Market coupled with Japan's financial woes has put pressure on all of the world's major markets.  The Dow Jones listings are riding a high crest  which must inevitably crash.  If the world is to see a one world government, if Antichrist is able to implement a system restricting the ability to buy or sell without the mark of the beast, the world's financial system must collapse.

The current presidential administration is pushing for a national identification card being promulgated under the guise of a "health card" which every citizen will be required to carry.  Anything promoted by the government that appears to benefit its citizens should be looked upon with caution. We are at the end of an Age.  The Evil Day (Ephesians 6:13) is at the door and the world's inhabitants are going about their merry way without a clue that the coming of the Lord is very close, the rule of Satan's empire is imminent and the Day of the wrath of God is near.     
                                                                                                                                         Written in the THE WEEKLY WORD OF THE HOUSE OF GOOD NEWS 
by Stephen Benton  September 20, 1998

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on Amazon.com

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Is the Church Today Looking for the Kingdom of Heaven? by Stephen Benton


Is the Church Today Looking for the Kingdom of Heaven?                        by Stephen Benton 

          Good Morning and welcome to the House of Good News, One location where the truth is still going forth but only for those who have an ear to hear the voice of God and who recognize it when they hear it...
            As you know, God takes great delight in changing my prepared message...which is fine with me.  There are other occasions where my Boss chooses to keep me in the dark until early Sunday morning, usually before 10:20 AM comes around.  That's about the time my cue song is sung which means, ready or not, it's time to preach.

            To meet the requirements of pastoring, in most churches, one must complete their  training in an accredited seminary.  Someone referred to such establishments as "cemeteries."  That is not too far from true.  God has pointed out to us that this world belongs to Satan.  That includes all centers of so-called higher learning.  Most seminaries were started by spiritual men with a vision to properly equip those who are called into the ministry but it did not take Satan very long to enter into those halls and insert a measurable amount of leaven.   He did the same thing to the Church which is what the parable of the woman with the leaven signifies.  The text says she "hid" the leaven in the meal which is a surreptitious act.  During this last Church Age, the Laodicean Age, a new program has emerged: the Christian School. Mind you, all Christian Schools are opened and continue by meeting the requirements of this worldly system over which Satan is the god.

            When you attend this small assembly twice a week where God gives his message to a selected group of called-out ones, you are letting Satan and his minions know that you do not belong to this worldly system, that your allegiance is to another god, the God who created this earth.  With that understanding, perhaps you can better understand why you are buffeted even in your very desire and attempt to get here.  You should also have a better understanding of why you must pray for me as I give Satan and his kingdom hell twice a week.  Our combined actions condone the judgment of hell on Satan and those occupants of this world who are against us.

            Jesus promised that where two or three are gathered together in his name that he would also attend that service and we would hear from him.  I know that to be true.  But I also know that it is essential that you be here also because a full house allows for a greater anointing with a much higher energy level. Your overall presence energizes me in ways that cannot be done when the house has enough gaps to shoot a cannon through. Whether you know it or not, this is one of the few churches that carries a 90% plus attendance rate in bible class.  So continue to be faithful in assembling yourselves together until the day comes when we will no longer be allowed to do so...

             The Lord gave us a message a few weeks ago.  I titled that message, "Don't Look Back."  It was the Lord's message all the way because I could not have preached such a complex message that covered so many bases.  I want to revisit one of those bases right now so let's turn there.
            "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, the Kingdom of God cometh not with observation."  Luke 17:20

            Dake has an interesting note on the word observation.  The Greek word is parateresis which is "hostile watching."  Dake says: "it occurs only here, but the verb paratereo, is used in an evil sense of watching with hostility in Mark 3:2; Luke6:7; 14:1; 20:20; and Acts 9:24."  Check those references out.
            Dake further comments on the phrase "within you." The word within is from the Greek word, entos which is "in the midst, that is, the King of the Kingdom of Heaven which is the earthly aspect of the universal kingdom of God is in the midst of you now, but you will not recognize him."  Just for the record, to those who prefer the statement to mean that the kingdom of heaven is within the individual, and that no one can  judge whether or not someone is in the kingdom because it is within, let me say to you that if the kingdom of God is within you, there should be some external evidence of the same.  You should at least be able to give a detailed description of the life and teaching of your self-professed King.  This is the age of the Christian who believes in Jesus but has no idea of what he taught, did and rejected or who he is!  That person is going to be surprised in the near future when they hear Jesus say, "depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you."  Many people have met Jesus--few have stayed around him long enough to really know him or as the scripture says, to learn of him.(Matthew 11:29)  Salvation is promised to those who endure until the end.

            The coming of the Kingdom for the Jew is equivalent to the Church looking for the day of the Rapture.  These ungodly Pharisees wanted to know when, and that when could only be answered with a specific date. The true followers should have been just as inquiring as the Pharisees.  The Pharisees asked with the idea of how much time they had before they were forced to kill Jesus.  The true followers ask the question because our souls long to be in the presence of the Lord.  We have come to realize that here we have no continuing city but we seek a city, one that is eternal in the heavens, whose builder and maker is God

            In the 24th chapter of Matthew we find another group asking about the arrival of particular events.
            "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"  Matthew 24:3
                These questions were asked by the Lord's disciples.  Their question refers to the same kingdom asked about by the Pharisees but their motive is entirely different because it is void of hostility.  Let me point out the fact that these men are not asking about anything having to do with the Rapture of the Church.  At the time of this assemblage the Church had not yet been revealed.  They were Jews asking about events concerning Israel and Israel only.

            With these two patterns set before us, wouldn't it only be natural for those of us living in the close of the last days to inquire about the time of the coming of the Lord for his Church?  I have stated several times now that even the world expects something significant to occur in the year 2000.  There are many pastors and preachers in the Church who feel within their souls (an unreliable chronograph) that the Lord will come in the year 2000.  Well, if they really believe that, I ask, when do they think they should start proclaiming that message?  Jesus, John, and the twelve apostles preached the Kingdom message for over three and one-half years.  I was given a revelation about the coming of the Lord three and one-half years before the revealed date.  Why aren't they proclaiming this message? 
           First, because it is not a popular message. (The Lord used me, an unknown, unpopular preacher, to make sure that this message was set in that mold.} Second, because they really don't want the Lord to come.  Let's face it saints, today's spiritual leaders have their own agendas and the Rapture eclipses their plans.  Is this a new phenomenon?  No!  The exact pattern was around during the days of Jesus' ministry when he proclaimed the Kingdom message.  The priests talked about the coming Messiah and his kingdom but their hearts were diametrically opposed to what they said.  Jesus knew their hypocrisy and spoke a parable against them.  You can take the time to read the entire parable but here I will highlight only one verse:

            "But those husbandmen said among themselves, this is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours."  Mark 12:7

            I will be the first to admit that this preaching business can provide a lucrative inheritance but, if done sincerely, it can also keep you at a poverty level.  I preached out of Lamentations recently and was surprised to see that Jeremiah, the writer, made the statement, "I forgat prosperity." Lam 3:17.  Like the religious leaders in Jesus' time, today's pastors have forgotten that they are merely temporary caretakers of God's treasure, the Church.  Too many have grown accustomed to receiving greetings in the market place, being called the "Reverend,"  "Doctor," "Bishop," "Apostle," and living the good life!  The message of the coming of the Lord will end their career.  Because they can no longer kill the Son, they now kill the prophets who preach his message.  May the Lord judge between me and them.  As long as the Lord says so, I will continue to preach his message even if I am the only one doing so.  

            Many thought that October 11, Yom Kippur, 1997 was wrong and the Lord would come on September 30 of that year.  In that great message titled, "What Happened?" God preached to us on October 19th of that year, He told us that it would no longer be on a major feast day after the date was rejected by the Church.  The word of God told us that we "have need of patience"
Hebrew 10:36.
 I can tell you that our patience has not yet been tried but it will be very soon.  The bottom line is that we walk by faith and not by sight, "for the just by faith shall live." Hab.2:4
[ Our patience was tried indeed when the Lord removed His candlestick after allowing him to preach the rapture message to this Church for an additional 20 years after the Lord told him that he "was not slack concerning his promise but long-suffering,  not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."  God gave five more opportunities for the Church to repent and believe The Day.  The last window for the rapture to occur being Saturday, September 30, 2017. Because the Church rejected the message again, God has delayed his coming once more.  This time his promise to the prophet back in 1997 kicks in for the last time.  He will not come on a known feast day, His promise has been removed: "Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it." Heb.1:1]*
            Faith comes by hearing the word of God.  I know a few people who think they have faith and actually believe that they will endure the coming LIE and STRONG DELUSION even though they haven't attended a meeting of believers in years.  We made Deeper, Deeper our theme song and God has recognized that request by giving us more and more truth every time we meet.  Personally, I believe I'll run on and see what the end will be. How about you?

[]*update by Shelley Benton, editor
Written in the Weekly Word of The House of Good News  by Stephen Benton                       November, 1998

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book, God's Final Secret, published September of 2017 on Amazon.com
