Friday, July 22, 2016

1997" the Last Trump..." Chapter 1 by G. Stephen Benton

“ the last trump…”
G. Stephen Benton
edited by Shelley L. Benton

In these "last days" when the Church and tabloid newspapers alike are publishing fantastic and titillating stories about so called "end-time" events and prophecies, this work presents the facts.  This authoritative  volume unveils mysteries enfolded In the Old Testament which are now revealed to this last Church age In the New Testament.  No other book on the market today dealing with the rapture and last days events contains such overwhelming scriptural evidence for the day of the coming of the Lord. Anyone claiming to possess the Spirit of Truth will recognize this work as the voice of God speaking to those who have an ear to hear!  

Copyright 1995 G.S. Benton

Published by


In Appreciation

There are various types of hearers of God's word but every once in a while there emerges that rare individual who recognizes the truth when he or she hears it and then siezes the moment.  The core of this material was first taught at the Apostolic Faith Home Assembly Church in Los Angeles, California .  The pastor of that assembly, Bishop G. Grady Benton , heard a small segment of this message by my mouth while sitting in his kitchen and embraced the message.  

He then put his church and reputation on the line and opened his doors for the message to be presented to Los Angeles.  Many pastors were invited: not one attended. For his fearlessness and foresight in promoting the final message from God, I say thank you.

The following list of names are those who were present on the evening of September 27, 1995 and after hearing the message for the first time, gave a special offering to express their belief in it and their desire to see it taken to the ends of the earth prior to the return of Jesus. For your bravery and for your concrete expression of faith, may the Lord give you a special reward:

Ludie White, Leathel Dixon, Mr.& Mrs. Reynold Collins, Michael Gales, Jackie Cox Cooper, Mr.& Mrs. Hadnot, Mr.& Mrs. Markham, Edith W. Johnson, Mr.& Mrs. Banks, Mr.& Mrs. Guillory, Mr.& Mrs. Armstrong, Vercie Young, Georgia Jackson, Patricia King, Carrie Rosser, Mr.& Mrs. Lindsay, Leanna Morris, Mr.& Mrs. Ferree, Peggy Johnson, Mr.& Mrs. Cohall,
Mr.& Mrs. Benjamin, Mr.& Mrs. Timothy Polk, Mr.& Mrs, Quarles,
Mr.& Mrs. Cotton, Ernie Isley, Ronald Isley, Angela Winbush, Mr.& Mrs. Earl Foster, Mr.& Mrs. Willie Phillips, Ernestine Martin, Sister Howard, Tracie Camarillo, Bettye Benton,
Lillian West, Adrienne Walden, Mr.& Mrs. Tyrone Fitzpatrick, Norman & Lisa Spriggs,
Tommie Matthews, Angela Deaver Campbell.


       A Particular Day In Time                                                                                   i
       The Inspired Word of God                                                                           iii
      THE RAPTURE                                                                                                   1
Why Wouldn't God Tell Us?       1                                                                    How Satan is Telling us the Date                                                                            5
Does the Church Really Want to Know
the Date?                                                                                                                 8
"No Man Knoweth"                                                                                                 12
A "Knowing" Source of Confusion                                                                                           15
The Catching Away                                                                                                                    18
Paul's Perspective on the Rapture                                                                         20
Will the Church Leave Before the
Tribulation?                                                                                                       22 God's Message in Numbers                                                                                         24

THE FEAST DAYS OF ISRAEL: GOD'S PROPHETIC CALENDAR                               27
Passover: A Feast of Deliverance                                                                        29
The Feast of Unleavened Bread: God's
Guarantee of Salvation                                                                                        36
The Wave Offering: A Sure Promise of More to  Follow                                                         41
The Feast of Weeks: The Birth of the Church/
  the Beginning of the Last Days                                                                              44          Summary of the Feasts                                                                                          52
The Dawning of a New Era                                                                                    53


Seven: The Number of Completion                                                                           56
The Feast of Trumpets: A Sound of Mourning
and a Call to Repentance                                                                                     58
The Day of Atonement: Eternal Remission
  of Sin                                                                                                                           63
The Feast of Tabernacles: God Dwelling on
  Earth                                                                                                                 66
What About the Church?                                                                                     69

THE YEAR OF THE RAPTURE                                                                                        70
The Sabbath Year: Countdown
  to Jubile                                                                                                                   70
The Year of Jubile: The Signal
  to Return Home                                                                                                       74
God's 50-Year Cycle                                                                                                      76
A Restoration of Possessions                                                                                            84
We Shall All be Changed                                                                                         87

AFTER THE RAPTURE                                                                                                90
God's Reclamation of Israel                                                                     90
The Last Days                                                                                                                92
The Pouring Out of God's Spirit                                                                              94
The Tribulation Period                                                                                            95
The Antichrist: The Prince that Shall Come        96
The Army from Heaven                                                                                        101
The Ten-Nation Confederacy                                                                                           102

Signs in the Heavens: Announcements of                                                            105
Times and Judgements                                                                                          109
Comets: Messengers of God
The Bombardment of Jupiter: A Preview of                                                             113
Judgement to Come
A Message from Mars: War on Satan and His                                                     118
Armies    122
Halley's Comet: God's Cosmic Pendulum                                                            124
Hubble: Super Eye in the Sky                                                                                127

AIN'T  GOIN' THERE                                                                                               129
What Difference Does it Make when Rapture will Take Place?                              129
The Last Great Revival                                                                                               137
The Rapture: For Those who are Alive and
Remain                                                                                                                   140
The Church's Prayer                                                                                                   143
God's Eternal Desire: Dwelling Among His Sons                                                  145

EARTH LAST?                                                                                                          147
REFERENCES                                                                                                               155


The  hope  and  the  consummation of the  Christian faith  centers   on the day when  the  "last trump"  will sound, the  day of the  resurrection   of the  bodies  of those  who died believing  on him, the  day when  the  living believers  will be changed   from  mortal  to  immortal,  the  day when  we are physically  removed   from  this planet  to join  our  Lord  Jesus Christ  and  God  our  Father   in the  city of heaven.

The earliest  Christians  so anticipated that day that they  sold their  houses,  lands, and  possessions   and  lived as a community of believers,  having  all things  in common.  It has been over 1900 years since Jesus left this earth. He left with the promise that he would return one day and gather all believers to be with him forever.  Since the day Jesus left, the only time element expressed by the church regarding his return has been, "he's coming soon."  One  of the  many  scriptures that  indicates  that  Jesus will give us an advance  notice  of that  day of his appearing is found  in Hebrews 10:25.
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more as ye see the day approaching." Heb 10:25
The  writer  is admonishing  the  believers  to  intensify their  effort  to faithfully  gather  themselves together in worship.  "The day" he speaks of is the day when the entire body of Jesus Christ will be gathered together to meet the Lord in the air.  The word of God is specific.  Because God has admonished us to escalate our  efforts  to meet  together on this  earth and even more as we see “the day" approaching, then he must make that day known to us in order that we may actually count  the days until the  Rapture.  There  must  come  a point  in time  when the  coming of the Lord  moves  out of the realm  of  someday soon to a specific date  and  that  time  is now.  Amos 3:7 clearly states that the Lord may make  his plans  known to his prophets.  There's no way that the greatest day on God's calendar, the gathering together of his Church, will arrive unannounced.

Although the Church may be ignorant  of God's announcement   plans, you can be sure that  Satan  knows God's ways regarding  that  matter.  Because  of his knowledge,  Satan  has worked  a deceptive  masterpiece   on the  Church  by causing  it to believe  that  the day of its catching  away cannot  be known.   The Church's  adversary, Satan, has had  centuries  of fostering  that  lie in the  minds of believers  because,  knowing  God's ways, he knew that God  would eventually  announce  the day of his coming.   In anticipation   of that  day, Satan  has made  it his prime objective  to have the  Church  of Christ  conditioned   not  to accept  the possibility  of that  date  being  known and  to reject  any announcement of a specific date  once  it has been  revealed.

God has announced   the day of his coming and his announcement comes directly from his word.   He did not write any additional scriptures but instead he has removed the veil from the oldest scriptural writings, commonly called the books of Moses or the Pentateuch.  Specifically, the book that  holds  the  secrets  to understanding   the  time  of Christ's return  is the book  that  focuses  on the priests,  the book  of Leviticus .  It is only fitting that  those  who have been ordained  to be kings and priests  unto  God  should  find their  day of coronation  revealed  in Leviticus.   This book is a revelation of those key passages as well as a host of other scriptures relative to that great day.


"All scripture is given by inspiration of  God..."
II Ti. 3:16

All scripture is not  only inspired  by God  but any revelation  and  understanding of the  scriptures must come from  God.   Through my years  of study  I have  found  that truth does  not  come in one  giant  gulp but  it is delivered  in small  portions,  "here a  little,  there  a little." - (lsa.28:10) I am always amused at newborn believers who expect to acquire all knowledge of the scriptures in a couple of years.

Learning God's word and his ways is not a six-month course but a lifetime investment. I have  learned  after studying the Word for over thirty years that  there  is no such thing as knowing  it all.  If I live to be a million years old I will never plumb the depths of God's word.

I did not sit down one day and attempt to determine the date of the Rapture of the Church.  Anyone who delves into that subject with an eye towards a specific day is on a vain course unless their compass heading is directed by God.  My views on the subject used to reflect the Church's viewpoint, "no one knows the day."

My pursuit of this subject was involuntary.  I was taking  a study break  from  the  book  of Hebrews  and  picked up a novel  I had  started  several  months  before.   At about three o'clock in the morning God interrupted my novel with a scriptural revelation showing me that the Church had three and one-half years until his return.  That scriptural revelation ultimately led to the writing of this book.

When the prophet Daniel was in captivity in Babylon he discovered some writings that allowed him to determine the time of the end of their captivity:


"In the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem" (Dan.9:2.)

Once Daniel knew the total years of the captivity, he simply deducted the time they had been  in Babylon and determined  how much time was left.  The math associated with this revelation  is just as simple.  I have learned that while God's depth is immeasurable, he speaks with the utmost clarity and simplicity.

This book is a compilation  of the scriptures  God showed  me directly  from his written  word.   I believe God can and does speak in dreams and visions (when there is no way for them to obtain His written word) but I am a Word man; a bible-based minister.   If I believe God has spoken to me I must confirm the message in his own written word.  If it's not there, then God did not say it and I do not write or teach it.

Doing  exactly  what Daniel  did, making  use of the inspired  writings and  other  available  information,  I have performed  basic addition  and subtraction  to establish  the precise  day that  the Church will leave this earth.   Once I thoroughly  understood  the revelation  and checked  and double-checked   to confirm the accuracy of the supporting contents,  I did not  rush out and tell the world and  neither did I have  a desire  to do so.  The reasons for my reluctance were twofold.   One, I did not want to be classified with others who have set dates, even though their evidence proves that their message did not come from God.

My second  reason for being  silent  is because I did not expect the  professing Church to hear  the  message or believe  it.   Frankly, I did not want to deal with the hassle of proclaiming this  message from God to a Church who has lost its ear to hear what the Spirit has to say.


It was not until later that I received an explicit command from God to get this truth out by any means necessary.   God's revelation of the time of the appearing of Jesus is the issue that will separate the contenders from the pretenders in these final days before the Rapture.  I have  written  this book  because  that  is the  best  way to accomplish  the mission given to me.   I now fully expect to literally take this message to the streets before the Rapture occurs.   In fact, to my surprise, it is the sinner and not the saint who has responded most favorably to this message.
The scriptures are a living entity.   The  literal meaning  of any given text  will not  change,  but  the  angles and  intensity  of spiritual  light being  shed  on a passage  are constantly  changing.   That is especially true of prophetic scripture.  The very day itself allows prophecy to be  seen  in a different light as we move forward in time.

Because  we are  living in the  final years  of the  last days, most  of the  dark  passages  of prophecy  are  now shining  with a brilliance  never  before  seen.   As we move closer  to the  end  of the  last days the  few remaining prophecies  that  are  yet blurred  will continue  to come  into focus.

For  example,  the  book  of Revelation  speaks  of the "mark" of the  beast  and  that  no man  will be able to buy or sell unless  he has  the  mark - in his right hand  or in his forehead.  When  I was a teenager,   those  who taught  on that  topic  had  no  idea  of how the mark  would be placed  or identified.  In the  last  20 years  technology  has  given us barcodes  and  scanners  which in turn  have  allowed  us to better interpret the  possibility  of Revelation's   “mark.”   With  the development   of the  micro-chip,  a device  that  stores millions  of bits of information  on a surface  the  size of a fingernail,  we can  easily  comprehend  how  invisible markings  on the  skin or implants  just  under  the  skin can carry  an  entire  case  history  of an  individual.  


Scriptures that seemed muddy a few decades ago may now be seen clearly because  so much more information  is now available  to us.  Even Daniel did not understand   all of the prophecies he wrote about.   He was writing about things that went far beyond his day and they stretched his imagination to the limit.  God didn't explain all of them to him either:
"And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, 0 my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?  Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end."   Dan.12:8-9
When the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation, God  told John not to seal the book because  the time of the events was at hand.   Because Revelation, written centuries after Daniel, was not sealed, the seal that was once placed on Daniel's prophecy has also been broken.   Because  we are at the end of this age it is logical that  God will continue  to reveal  more  of his secrets  to those  who are fervently  searching  his word.

Furthermore,   God will actually reveal more of his plans to us because we are his friends.  Abraham was the only Old Testament character recognized as God's friend and as such he is the prototype of our friendship with God.  There is a general impression that Moses was called a friend of God but that is not  so.  God spoke with Moses face to face "as a man  speaketh  unto his friend" (Ex.33:11,)  but Moses  was never  called the friend  of God.  Three times Daniel is called  "greatly beloved" but never was he called  God's friend.   To the Church Jesus says the following:
"Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

Henceforth  I call you  not servants; for  the servant
knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you
friends; for  all things that I have heard of my Father
I have made known unto you. "  


Before destroying  Sodom and Gomorrah,  God told his friend Abraham  what he was about  to do because  God had promised  the land to Abraham  and also because Abraham's nephew was living there.
As believers, we are not only Jesus' friends, we are also the sons of God and Jesus is our older brother.  As our brother, he will not keep us in the dark regarding our Father's plans.
I'm sure that the Father has made known to the Son the day of the Rapture. When Jesus promised the Holy Ghost to his disciples he said the following:
"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come."

I am fully persuaded that God has shown this generation, those who will be alive at the time of the Rapture, when that day will be.  In these last days, God is still revealing His secrets to His prophets before he acts.  God has always conducted himself that way.  When the time comes for them to be revealed He does not keep secrets from his people.

This book will examine  the scriptures  that  reveal the  message  to the  Church  for the  time  of the  Rapture.  It will also look at  some  of the signs in the  heavens that  have been placed  there  for the  express  purpose  of confirming that our redemption is at hand.



The prophet Amos wrote an informative passage of scripture regarding God's  ways:

"Surely the Lord  God will do nothing, but that he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
Amos 3:7

I have witnessed a parade of televangelists, preachers, and notable prophecy teachers become  mute whenever   a specific date  for the  Rapture   of the  Church  is discussed.   The  Church  unanimously   agrees  that  we are living on the  threshold   of the  fulfillment  of the  greatest prophecies   ever  written;  that  we are  that  generation prophesied   by Jesus  who would  not  pass  away until  all of these  things be fulfilled.   Even unbelievers sense an atmosphere of great change, of a  "New Age", and a  "New World Order" on the horizon.

Most prophecy students agree that the great change coming upon this earth will be preceded   by an event called "The Rapture." The Rapture is the day when God's trumpet will sound  and  those who have died  in Christ shall be raised  from the  dead.   The believers who are alive at that time will be caught up with the resurrected believers to meet the Lord in the air.   The  believer  can readily  grasp the  magnitude of this event  because  his faith  is built  upon the  fact  that  Jesus  passed  through  his own grave wrappings and through solid rock  when  he  arose  from  the  dead.


Additionally, many agree that the Rapture will occur at least seven years before the  second  coming  of Christ. Yet, in spite of these beliefs, the Church does not believe that the date can be known.

Although I had no knowledge of the time of the Rapture,   I was disturbed by the Church's  ignorance on the subject.   In studying other notable  historic acts of God,  I realized  that  God  does  not  do anything involving man  until he first informs  those  who need  to know.  God  indicted Israel because they saw his works but  never  came  to know his ways.
(Ps. 95: 9&10)   He has an established pattern of informing his people before he acts.  Why then would God not tell us when He will return in the air to gather his Church to him?

God  told  Noah  that  he was going to destroy the earth by water  and that  man  had  120 years  until  he did it. The day of the flood was not a surprise  to Noah and his family, it surprised the unbelieving  world.  Noah knew exactly how long the time would be because  God  told him. From the world's view, the time was a countdown  to judgement;   from Noah's  perspective,  a countdown  to escape.   The Rapture marks a countdown  to the judgement for the  world and  a long awaited  escape  for the  Church.

Later  in history, when  God  gave his promise  to make Abraham a great nation, God confirmed  his word by telling Abraham  that his seed would be slaves in Egypt for 400 years.  He also said,   The time element announced  both Egypt's judgement and Israel's release.  

Later still, the prophet  Jonah was dispatched  to Ninevah to announce their judgement. Again, a time frame was given---40 days.  Jonah  continuously announced the number of days until the judgement. If they repented, and they did, their predicted judgement would become a message  of salvation.

When  Judah  went  into  captivity  in Babylon,  God told  them  that  they  would be there  for 70 years.   By telling them  how long the  captivity  would be, he was also telling them  exactly when  they  would  be delivered  out  of Babylon.

"For thus saith the Lord, that after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place."
After  the  children  of Israel  had  been  in Babylon  for about  68 years, during  the  first year  of Darius  the  Median king, Daniel  discovered  the  above  prophecy   written  by Jeremiah.  Daniel  did not  'just happen'  to find those  books at that  time,  God  orchestrated   their  discovery  so that Daniel  could  compute  the  year  of their  release.  When the year  of a deliverance   is near,  such as the  Rapture,   God makes  it known just  a few years  before  the  actual  event.

Too  often  during  the  early years  of my saved  life I heard  many  preach  the  Rapture   using  incorrect  scriptures. Passages  such as Jesus'  coming  as a  "thief in the night" were often  used.   I grew up thinking  that  the  Lord  intended   to surprise  us with the  idea  of catching  many  of us off guard.  Erroneous  truths  coupled  with my limited  knowledge  of the scriptures  left me  totally  confused  regarding  the  Rapture.   I certainly  wanted  Jesus  to come.   I wanted  to live in the  city of heaven  with him forever  but  at the  same  time  I was afraid  of that  day because  he might  come  and  catch  me with my works undone  (whatever   those  works might be.)  Of one thing  I was certain,  God  did not  want  us to know when he  would  return.  

I assumed  that  God  felt that  if we knew when Jesus was coming  that  we would  sin freely and  then at the  last minute,  repent.  Yet  the examples  I showed  earlier  proved just  the  opposite.    Those who were saved did not get saved at the last minute.  

Nineveh did not wait until the 39th day of Jonah's  preaching  to call a fast.  Noah was already righteous and continued  to live that  way for the next  120 years.   In those cases, the fact  that  they knew their allotted time  enabled  them  to persevere  to the saving of their  souls.  Why wouldn't our knowing the day create  the same attitude?

The Church has known about  the promise of the Rapture since the apostle  Paul mentioned it in his letter  to the saints in Thessalonica  around A.D. 54. (I Thes.4:15-17)
Paul, having laid the foundation of that truth, as a "wise master builder" (1 Cor.3:10) has left the foundation  ready for another  to build upon in these last days.  It is consistent with God's ways to let us in on the final details in the same way as he informed Paul that the Rapture would take place on the day of the blowing of the last trump.

Daniel was given several  great  prophecies  during his exile in Babylon, one of which is the famous  "Seventy weeks" prophecy  that  covers major events  during  a 490 year period.   Jesus' death on the cross occurred  at the  end  of the 483rd year of that  prophecy.   There is one remaining "week" or seven year period  yet to be fulfilled.  The day of the Rapture will be the last major  event  before  that  seven year period  begins, thus ending  what prophecy  teachers have  often  referred  to as  "the gap, " a period  of interrupted time between  the 69th and 70th week.

Because  the Rapture is one of the most prominent days on God's prophetic calendar,  and because  God  has always acted  on a precise  schedule,  we should expect  him to continue  his pattern  and reveal  when it will occur.



Satan is telling us that  the  date  of the Rapture  can be  known.   He's doing that by publicizing incorrect   dates. In 1992 a group of Christians in Korea were  looking  for the  Rapture   in October   of that  year.   Their expectations were advertised worldwide.   When it didn't  happen  the entire  world  knew  that  it didn't.

Those  Koreans  had  made  the  kind  of plans  folks would  make  who did  not  expect  to see this earth  again. They  quit  their  jobs,  gave away their  homes  and  their possessions  and  went  out  to meet  Jesus.   Because  it didn't happen then,  the  entire  world had  one more  reason  to consider  the  whole  affair  a giant  hoax.  

Satan  is a liar and a master deceiver.  When Jesus spoke on the signs of the  last  days he  repeatedly  said,  "take heed that no man deceive you."  Satan  is aware  of many  of God's plans  because  he  was made  privy to them  before  he fell.  In the  12th chapter of the book of Revelation  when Satan  is cast down to the  earth,  he  will come  down knowing  exactly how much  time he  has  left to deceive  and  destroy.

"Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.  Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. "

The  word  rendered  knoweth means to know something  based  on factual  information   and  not  a mere  gut instinct.   In order to deceive the world, Satan has been and will continue to  spotlight  false  rapture   dates.   It is precisely because  there  have  been  so many  erroneous   predictions about  the  time of the  Rapture  that the  Church  refuses  to entertain   the  subject.   Satan,  knowing  that  God  would eventually  announce  the  date,  prepared   the  Church  to reject  that  announcement by continuously  promoting  false dates.

Now, at the very time when  God  is revealing  the time of the event, the  Church  is convinced  that  the  date  of the  appearing of its Savior cannot  be known.

Today's Church  is not  merely  reluctant  to pin down a particular   time  for the  Rapture,   it is afraid to do so. Throughout   the  Church's history  there  have been  a plethora  of failed  rapture  predictions.  No one wants  to be wrong about  something  they predict,  especially  the  Church. The Church  is in darkness  about  the time  of the  Rapture because  Satan wants  it to be, not because  God wills it.

During the  1980's a popular   recording  artist,  Prince, released  a hit record  entitled 1999  that  has since become  a classic.  The message of the song implies that  the world will end  at the  end  of 1999.  We shall see later that the year 1999 is very significant,  but Satan's portrayal  of it as the end of time  is as much  a lie as the Korean's  1992 date.

Satan is telling his world about  the  Rapture but, true to form, he is doing it by lying.  If he publicizes enough  false Raptures  he will deceive  the  world into believing  that  the  entire  concept  is a lie.*  More  critical, however, he will shake the faith  of many believers!
Because Satan is advertising false Rapture dates, he must know the real date.  It would be in his character  as a final deceptive ploy to allow a date very close to the correct  date  to be given by a known  false prophet,  i.e. a psychic or Nostradamus  type to attempt  to convince  the Church  that  even the  correct  date  is false.   Satan will never reveal the true date because there is no truth in him.

The turn of every century has always created  an atmosphere of expectancy.  It is also marked by a significant increase of religious voices announcing judgement and the end of the world.  By delivering a doomsday  message  to the world each time  a century  comes to a close, Satan  has caused  the world to believe  that  any messenger  of God preaching  an impending  judgement is just another  gainsayer prophesying  doom.

*Satan has since changed his tactics.  He will now use the rapture to take souls with his demons. This is explained in the update of this book written in 2014:  THE LAST TRUMP: GOD’S SECRET
Although prophecies  of doom at the tum of a century  have consistently  failed, there  is some truth  to their  time element. The turn of this century and only this century will find the human  race entering  into the final seven years of Daniel's prophecy  which will be a period  of unprecedented misery for mankind. In fact, Daniel's  prophecy  as well as the Revelation  given to John will have already begun before  this 20th century closes.*
*this delay of this prophecy is explained in THE LAST TRUMP: GOD’S SECRET.



That  is a fair question.  We are living in the close of the last Church Age identified in the Book of Revelation as the Laodicean Church. It has pronounced  itself "blessed" and does not know that it is "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and  blind, and naked"  (Rev.3:17)  The  visible  Church of today  has  lost  sight of its purpose on the  earth.  Rather than pursue  its mission  of saving people  out of the world, it is trying to change and  improve the  world by exerting its influence  in it!

A sure way of measuring  the Church's attitude regarding  the Rapture  is to take  a look at Israel's religion, Judaism, at the time  of Christ's first appearance on the earth.   And that  is what we shall do. The birth of Christ was pre-announced in the Old Testament  writings.  The irony of the so-called  "Christmas story" is that  the news of the birth of the King of the Jews came from  "wise men" (king-makers)  from the East and not from the leaders  of Judaism:

"...Where is he that is born King of the Jews?  For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." Mt.2:2

Those wise men did not travel for two years based on a hunch--they  knew.  They were supported  by a message written in the stars.  No doubt Daniel  may have been the source of much of their  knowledge.   The Church faithfully preaches  about  their experience  once a year but otherwise has ignored  the signs in the heavens. The wise men knew enough  about  those  signs to go to King Herod's  court and confidently  ask for the king of the Jews.  Not one priest, scribe, or elder of the religious  arm of Israel  was looking for the Messiah.


Many  Christians  talk  about  the  Rapture   but  they are  not  really  looking  for his  appearing.
The  star  led  the  wise men  to Jesus  even  though God  had  hidden  him from  his enemies. Contrary   to most Christmas  nativity  scenes,  the  wise men  were  not  at the manger  that  night  with the  shepherds   when  Christ  was born.  They went to a house  and found  a young child, not a newborn  baby.  (Mt.2:11)

It was the message of the outsiders that prompted Herod to gather the chief priests and scribes together demanding of them where Christ would be born. That should have embarrassed every Pharisee, Sadducee, and the entire priesthood  of Judah.  Though  they  possessed   the prophetic  scriptures,  they  did  not  have  a clue as to when Messiah  would  come  because  they  were  not  looking  for him.   All they  had  to do was consult  the  prophecies of Daniel's  Seventy  weeks  and  they  could  have  at  least determined  the  approximate  time  of the  birth  of their Messiah. If any  of them  did know, they were not announcing the  news.

During  his ministry  in Galilee  Jesus  continually attacked  the  traditions  and  practices   of the  Jewish  leaders. Three  days before  his crucifixion  he  drove  the moneychangers  out  and  took  control  of the  Temple.  During those  three  days Jesus  denounced  every major  religious sect  from  the  Pharisees  to the  Sadducees.  At that time he spoke a parable aimed  at the  evil motives  of the  religious leaders.   It is found  in the 12th chapter of the  gospel  of
"And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard."  Mk.12:2

The vineyard had  been let out  to the  husbandmen: (Israel 's  religious  leaders)   with the understanding that it was not their possession.


When the owner was ready to receive the fruit of his vineyard, he first sent a servant. They caught the servant, beat  him, and sent him away empty.  The owner then sent another  servant.   They stoned that servant, wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled.
"And again he sent another; and him they killed, and many others; beating some and killing some."  Mk.12:5

These servants represent the prophets.  They came declaring that  it was time for the fruit of the vineyard  to be relinquished  into the hands  of the owner.  The religious leaders had no intention of relinquishing their power. Today, there are some pastors who are reluctant,  if
not adamant against releasing  their temporary  authority over the flock.

I have experienced  firsthand  the  rebellious nature of the  last  days' Church  concerning  the  truth  of God's word.   It goes  through  all of the  motions  and  quotes scriptures  about  being  in the  will of God,  but  its heart  is far  from God.  Jesus continually  preached  the  necessity  of hearing what the Spirit has  to  say to the  Church.   The  majority  of today's  visible Church  would  not  recognize  the  voice  of the Spirit  of God  if He  screamed   in their  ears!   Jesus continued   his parable:

"Having yet therefore one son, his well  beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, they will reverence my son.

But those husbandmen said among themselves, this is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.

And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard "  Verses.6-8

When the scene played out to its conclusion they killed the Son of God in their attempt  to keep  control  of the vineyard.  When they crucified  Jesus,  they did it with full knowledge  that  he was the Messiah.
"And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared  the people: for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way."  Vs.12

They had lost sight of the fact that  they were mere caretakers,  temporary  servants  of the  owner.   They had grown accustomed to their place in society and they liked the power  they  wielded.   They coveted the greetings  in the marketplace  and  loved being  called  “Master.”   Messiah's coming did not mesh with their plans.   Judah's history is being repeated   by the  Church in these  last days.

Once  again  it is time  for the  Son to come  and collect  the  fruit  of his vineyard.   In this case, he is coming for his Church.   But does his professing  Church  really want him to come  now?   The answer  is no!   Today's Church is just beginning  to get the  respect  and power  it has been looking  for in this world.  It is now a major force  in Congress.   Because of its wealth  and power,  it is now receiving  recognition  by state and  city governments.
Because  it is "rich and increased with goods, and has need of nothing, " (Rev.3:17) it has lost its desire to make  its rendezvous  with the Lord.  The Church has ignored the words of Jesus when he said "love not the world."  Instead, it has taken  a firm grip in the world and  is actively trying to make  the  world better.   The Church did not  receive  such instructions from Jesus  either by word or example.

How  can a Church  so entangled  with this society and  world order  yearn  for an escape  from it?   Having  laid up treasures on the earth,  why would the prospect  of being "caught up"  with their  Savior be viewed  as desirable?



Incorrect  interpretation of scripture  is the root  of the Church's problem  in believing  that  the day of the Rapture  can be known.  I am not speaking of a vast collection of scriptures, only a few passages  in the New Testament.  

Erroneous,  regurgitated  traditions  have taken  their toll on God's truth.   Jesus  commanded us to  "search the scriptures." Jn.5:39.  Additionally,  he ordered  his ministers  to "study" the word and he directed  every convert  to "learn of me." Mt. 11:29   His  commandments have  been  ignored  by most  of his followers.   The average preacher is too  busy with peripheral  matters  to give adequate time to studying the word.  The average  believer is content to go to church once a week and listen to whatever  the preacher  has to say.  If something is said that they do not agree  with,  it is dismissed as irrelevant.  It  is a rare  individual  who studies the  delivered  information to see whether or not  it is true.

One of the greatest  errors  of scripture interpretation is the statement by Jesus that  "no man knoweth the day or the hour"  when  the Lord  shall come.  That statement  has for too long and too often been  applied to the Rapture.   As we take a close look at it and other similar passages  purported  to pertain  to the Rapture,  we shall see that  they do not!  The following statement is found in both Matthew  and Mark.  Except for the slightest variation, the passages  are identical  because  Mark's gospel was written first and Matthew  used the same passage  in writing his gospel.

"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father... " Mk.13:32


Both Mark, Chapter 13 and Matthew,  Chapter 24 are prophetic texts.  Both chapters  open with Jesus answering his disciples' questions.  The disciples are making inquiries from the perspective of Israelites  and the answers Jesus gives are restricted  to the nation  of Israel  only.  Furthermore,  the Rapture topic was not even known until Paul received  the revelation  at least 20 years after this conversation took place!  Also, just ten days before the Church was born, the disciples were still asking questions about  the restoration of Israel so it is impossible that any of the questions or answers in either chapter can have reference  to  the Rapture.
One might reason that there  are many signs in these chapters  that are being fulfilled during this Church Age.  That is true but they are not being fulfilled with reference  to the Church.  There are times given in the scriptures to surmise the time of the  Rapture;  but  there  are no signs for  the event itself.  Knowing  that  the  Rapture will precede  the signs of the  last days recorded   in Matthew and Mark,  we should  be  even more  diligent  in our  efforts  to know the  day.  

The  key to understanding  the time element of both passages is found  in verse  29 of Matthew's  text  and  verse 24  of  Mark's:

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days... "  Mt. 24:29  
"But in those days, after that tribulation..."  Mk.13:24

The time is "after the tribulation."  In both texts, after the above verses, Jesus gives a broad outline of things to come.   Included  in that  time  period  is the one thousand year millennium;  the release of Satan for a short season; the second  resurrection;  and the great White Throne Judgement.  The  last  item  he  mentions  in that  series  is the passing away of the heaven and earth.  


The statement,   "of that day and hour knoweth  no man," must refer  to  the statement immediately  preceding  it which is: "Heaven and earth shall pass away." What  no man  can know  is the day of the passing away of heaven and earth.  Jesus  made  that statement in answering  their last question  of when the end of the world would take place.   Jesus  did not tell them when it would be, he spoke only about  what would happen. That  day is known only to the  Father  and  it has not and no doubt will not be revealed.

Notice also that  the word  "knoweth" is translated from  "eido" in the Greek.   It means  to know something  as a result  of examination or study.  Jesus  is saying that the day and hour  of the passing away of heaven and  earth cannot be obtained through  study.



There  are actually six Greek  words translated "knoweth, knew, knowest, know, etc; in our English version of the scriptures.   How they are used  is essential  in understanding   what may or may not be known.  For example,  one of the Greek  words translated   "knoweth" is found in Acts 15:8.

"And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us."

The Greek  word, kardiognostes means,  "a heart knower:-which knoweth the hearts."  God  is the  only one who knows the hearts  of men and, for that  reason,  he has taken the definition  for himself.   In the study at hand  we are concerned  with only two Greek  words translated  as know, knoweth, and knowest.  We have already  noted  one of those words,  "eido."
The second word is “ginosko.”  This type of knowledge is usually defined as experiential.      An accurate but simple understanding  of this type of knowledge would be common sense knowledge.  It is knowledge that does not require study or an in-depth comprehension  of the facts supporting it.

As usual, the context  itself often  interprets  the meaning  behind  the usage of a word.  Look at the following verse and notice how the context interprets  which definition  of the word knoweth is being expressed.

"And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?" Jn. 7:15
It is apparent  that  the meaning  of the word knoweth as used here is restricted  to knowledge  obtained  through study.


 A good  concordance   will confirm  the  word  as “eido.” With  these  definitions,   let's look  at  a key  passage   that  has caused  confusion  regarding  knowing the  time  of the Rapture.

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. (Verse 42)

But know this, that if the goodman  of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.  (Verse 43)

Therefore be ye also ready: for  in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”   Mt.24:42-44

Because  this passage  is in the prophetic  chapter  of Matthew,  it, too, is given to the  Jews and  has  its place during  the  tribulation  period.   The  first know in verse 42 is “eido,” knowledge  acquired  through  learning.   The word know in verse 43 is “ginosko” or experiential   knowledge.   The  word known is “eido.”

Translated,  Jesus  is saying that  we cannot  learn what hour  the  Lord  will come  (second  coming).   But  we should  naturally know that  if the goodman  had factual information about  his house  being  broken  into, he would have  watched.

I have heard  countless  sermons  admonishing   me to be in a constant  state  of watchfulness  and  readiness because  the  Lord  could  come  at any time  to rapture  his Church  out  of the  earth.   I will continue  to watch  and be ready  but  I now know  (eido) that  the  Lord  cannot and  will not come  for his Church  at just  any time.   God  has  a definite, set time for the  Rapture   as we shall see  later.

Throughout   the  passage  Jesus' coming  is likened  to a thief.   He  is coming  to steal  something.   When  Jesus comes  in the  clouds to take  the  Church  out  of this earth, he is not  coming  as a thief  in the  night.   He  doesn't  have to steal the Church  because  he already  owns it!
When  he comes the second  time he will come as a thief because  at that  time he will wrest the kingdoms  of this earth  out of the hands of men and Satan.  At his second coming, because  he will come to recover  this world's kingdoms, he will do it by stealth.



Part of the confusion surrounding  the time of the Rapture  stems from the fact that the term "Rapture" is not in the Bible.  It is a generic term that means  to catch away.

The Greek  word “harphazo” is translated   "caught away." It means, "to seize (in various applications):--catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force)."  It appears five times in the New Testament.

The first time  “harphazo” occurs is in the Book  of Acts when Philip baptized  the Ethiopian  eunuch.
"And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip... "  Acts 8:39

Philip was caught  away by the force of the  Spirit. He simply disappeared   from sight and  reappeared in the city of Azotus, probably  dripping  wet from the baptism. One  would never  have to convince  Philip or the Ethiopian that  the Rapture   is a real  event.

The second  and third  appearance   of the word is in II Corinthians.

"I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)
How that he was caught up to paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. "  II Cor.l2: 2&3

Here  Paul speaks  of his experience  of being raptured  to the third  heaven.   Like Philip, he was taken  by force from one place  to another.  Paul did not induce himself  into  a holy


trance or into  an out of body experience.  He  did not  plan  this excursion  but  was caught up to paradise   by the  power  and  will of God.

The fourth appearance of “harphazo” is in I Thessalonians:

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord." I Th.4:17

This verse  pertains   to the  Rapture   itself.   It is not by accident  that  God  used  the  same  expression  here  that he used  in recording  Philip's and  Paul's experiences.  In all four places,  the  event  is one  in which the  participant   is physically  removed from one place  to another;   in one place at one moment and in the next moment,  somewhere else.

The final  appearance   of  "harphazo" is in the  Book of Revelation.
"And she brought forth  a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne." Rev.12:5

This  "man child" of Revelation is the  144,000 Jews who are  sealed  prior  to the  start  of the  Tribulation.   They will go about  preaching  the gospel of the kingdom and  will fulfill Matthew  24: 14.   At the  end  of their  period  of prophesying,  they  will be  raptured   to heaven.  The  rapture of the 144,000 is one of several  "catching away's" of believers.   All are  catalogued  as being  a part of the  "first resurrection."   (Rev .20:6)


Paul wrote more  about  the Rapture  than  any other New Testament writer.  The  15th chapter  of I Corinthians and I Thessalonians  chapter  four give the most  information on this event.   Let's look at the Thessalonian  passage  first:

"But I  would not have you  to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. "
I Th.4:13-15
"...we which are alive and remain shall not prevent them which are asleep." The word translated  prevent means precede. Those who are alive at the time  of the Rapture will not go before  those  who have died.  Also, those  who are dead  in Christ will precede  those  of us who are alive because,  within that  moment,  described  as a twinkling of an eye, their  souls must be united  with their  changed bodies.   The living will not have to be resurrected,  all God has to do is change  our bodies  and snatch us up.

Paul is writing to comfort  the Thessalonians, especially those  whose saved loved ones had died.  We who are saved and have lost other  believers  to death,  should not grieve in the same way the world grieves when they lose someone.  Those who die in Christ  are described  as being asleep.  Their  bodies are asleep  but their souls are conscious and in the presence  of the Lord.


The Christian  faith stands on the fact that  Jesus died  and rose again from the grave.  When  the early apostles  preached   Christ,  they  preached   his death  and resurrection   as an  historic  fact.   The  resurrection   of Christ from  the  dead  is the  one  ingredient   that  distinguishes   the Christian  message   from  every  other  message.

Verse  14 tells us that  if we believe  Jesus  rose  from the  dead,  then  we should  also believe  that  we too  will be raised  from  the  dead.   The  latter  portion  of that  verse, "God will bring with him, " has  caused   some  difficulty because   the  Rapture  is a  "catching away" not  a “bringing with."  Combining  this  information  with I Corinthians 15,  we are  told  that  the  resurrected  bodies shall be changed.  What God   "brings with him"  are the souls of those  who had died.   He has been  in the possession of their souls since the  moment they  departed   from their earthly  bodies when their bodies died.

"...and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed
For this corruptible must put  on incorruption, and this mortal must put  on immortality."
I Cor.15: 52-54



One  cannot  address  the  Rapture   without  addressing the  segment  of the  Church  who believe  that  it will go through  the  Tribulation  period.  After much study and meditation   I have  concluded  that  those  who believe  that the  Church  will go through  the  Tribulation   have  an incomplete   understanding   of salvation  itself.

Jesus  died  for our  sins.  Both  pre-tribulationists and post-tribulationists  agree  with that  fact.   The wrath of God that should have fallen on man fell instead  on his son,
Jesus  Christ.   Isaiah  wrote  about  the  benefits  of the  death of Jesus:

"Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did e teem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted
But he was wounded (or our transgressions, he was bruised (Qr our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed" Isa.53:4&5

Jesus paid it all with respect  to the wrath of God falling on us.  The great tribulation  is a period  when the wrath of God  is poured  out on this sinful earth.   It will be a time unlike any other ever witnessed  in man's history. Coupled  with God's wrath will be the rampage of Anti christ and his armies.  Because  of the limited odds of surviving during that era, God will seal 144,000 Jewish prophets  to protect  them from the demons, the Antichrist, and his own wrath. (Rev. 7:3&4)

Now consider  this: Why would  God  deliver  us from his wrath  through  the  cross of Christ  and  then  pour  it out on us during  the  Tribulation? Also, if God  has to take
time to seal his servants who will be preaching the gospel during  that  time,  what about those  who do not  receive  that seal?   They  would  surely be destroyed!

The   144,000 are sealed  in order  to preserve  them  during that  time;  we are sealed  with the  Holy  Ghost  in order  to leave  here  before that  time.

God's deliverance   of Lot  from  Sodom  is a type  of the  Church  being  removed   from the  earth  before the Tribulation.   The  Angel  of the  Lord  took  Lot by the  hand and  led him  and  his family out of the  city before it received God's  wrath.   The  angel's  orders  from  God  were  to  destroy the  city after Lot  was removed   out  of it.

Abraham  had tried praying  for the  cities  of Sodom and Gomorrah but found that  it was too late.  He finally conceded  that  it was time for the wrath of God to be executed.   Anyone who thinks that this society is worth saving or is able to be saved does not realize that  its cup of iniquity has come to a full.  This world now reflects the society of Sodom long ago.  It is intelligent, prosperous, tolerant,  and Godless.   Paul's epistle to Timothy  is a
perfect  description of man  in these  last days.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous  times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,  unthankful,  unholy,
Without natural affection,  trucebreakers,false accusers, incontinent, fierce,  despisers of those that are good.
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof."       II Tim.3:1-5

Because  these  attributes are overflowing, judgement can only follow.  The  sure judgement of God  will not be poured  out  on those  who are called by his name, they will be raptured before that great, terrible day of the Lord comes on this sinful earth.



"As He is perfect,  so His works and His words also must be perfect.   And when we see numbers used not by chance but  by design; not as haphazard,  but with significance; then we see not merely so many works and words, but  the Living God  working  and  speaking."
E.W. Bullinger
Numbers  play an integral  role in God's handiwork. God created  numbers  and has been using them to either proclaim  or accent  his word since antiquity.   One of the greatest  arguments  for God's authorship  of the scriptures  is the way that he uses numbers  to express the message  of the written word.  Quite frequently  the numbers  themselves are  the  message.   Man  simply does  not  possess  the  intellect required  to arrange  and  present  the  cohesive  message  that has  been  ingeniously  incorporated   through  numbers   in God's   word.
To know  God's  word  apart  from  its numerical design  is equivalent  to watching  black  and  white  television without sound  as opposed to color television with sound.  Each  number  has  its own special  significance  and  meaning and  wherever  it appears  its meaning  will be consistent.  Whenever  any number  makes  its first appearance  in the scriptures,  careful  observance of its use will provide  the  key to understanding  how it will be used  from that  point  on.  The number of times that  certain  words appear contribute  as much  to the  translation   as the  words themselves.  An  interesting study  is to  identify  words that appear  only once  in the  scriptures.  Those  words  are always special.   Because God is One,  whenever he uses  a word only one time,  that word usually imparts  a special message.

When  contemplating   God's use  of numbers  it is also important that  we pay  attention  to the  things  that are repeated in God's word.  For example,  there should be no doubt  in any believer's mind that  the most  important element  in the believer's  life is the Word  of God.  Throughout  the scriptures God continually  repeats  that fact.  The most  repeated   verse in the bible is "He that hath ears to hear let him hear."  That verse appears  in the New Testament  in two sets of eights:  eight times  in the gospels and eight times in the Book of Revelation.  The number eight  represents  "new beginnings"  in God's word.   The
interpretation of the number  eight regarding  this verse is that  there  can only be a new creature  or a new beginning in Christ  if one continually  hears  God's Word.     
God also speaks through numbers  in his creative works.   In studying the heavens  the  numbers  themselves determine  what  can be  identified as a sign.   When we discuss signs in the  heavens,  those signs are actually revealed in the  numbers.  If we act  as a detective examining  evidence,  we can  see  that  some  common denominators continually surface.  After we have examined enough evidence,  we can begin to come to some conclusions  as to "who done  it."  So it is in looking at the evidence  for the time of his coming.  Certain  numbers
begin to appear over and over again.  Their recurrence  is not a coincidence.   As we begin to understand  God's use of numbers,  that  fact will become  more  apparent.

Satan  understands  God's use of numbers  better than  anyone and  for that  reason  he  has made  it his priority to  invade  this  territory also.   Satan has  introduced numerology  to  the  world  in place  of  God's pure use  of numbers.   Numerology  is the  study  of the  occult
significance  of numbers.   As usual,  Satan has been so successful  in  delivering  the  design  of  numbers into  the hands  of  astrologers,  soothsayers,  magicians,  fortune tellers, witches  and  wizards (psychics) that many in the Church are unaware that numbers are God’s domain.
many  are quick  to hang  the  numerologist  label  on any preacher  or teacher  of the Word  who uses the  added  interpretation   of numbers.

In the next chapter  and particularly  the chapter  on signs in the heavens,  we will see how God employs numbers  to communicate   his truth.


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