The Last Warning of the Spirit by Wm. M. Branham Remarks by Shelley Benton
My husband, Stephen Benton, pastor and last days' prophet, believed William Branham to have been a last days' prophet to the Church, as do I. Branham wrote about the 7 church ages and their significance in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ. His message was by revelation of the Holy Spirit. He also prophesied about future events in the Church. He published his book, An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages in 1960. He died in 1965. One issue that we both had with Pastor Branham's teaching was his belief that the Church was the bride of Christ. Pastor Benton inquired of the Lord about Pastor Branham's belief in that doctrine. The Lord simply told him that He had not given that revelation to him. Anyone who studies scripture understands that Israel is the bride and the Church is Jesus' body (Col 1:18; Ro 12:5; 1Cor. 12:27; Eph. 4:12; 5:23; 1 Cor.12:14, just to name a few). Israel was God's wife as was illustrated by allegory in the book of Hosea. Hosea 2:1-2 gives a clear cut picture of God's relationship with Israel as His wife. His promise to betroth her again in the end times is clearly stated. God cannot have two wives: both Israel and the Church. That would violate His law, which he cannot do. If you're not convinced of that fact, search the scriptures and see if you find any scripture that refers to the Church as a woman. Or, better yet, read Stephen Benton's article on this blogger: "The Church is not the Bride."
Pastor Branham wrote a captivating final statement in his book, The Laodicean Church Age that is so anointed in these final days that I feel compelled to post it here.
The Last Warning of the Spirit (excerpt from THE LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE by William M. Branham
"Revelation 3:22, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."
This is the LAST warning. There will not be another. The throne room has been set up. The twelve foundations have been laid. The streets of gold have been paved. The gates of gigantic pearls are raised and hinged. Like a pyramid she stands so fair and glorious. The heavenly beings who have prepared her watch breathlessly, for she glistens and shines with a glory that is unearthly. Every facet of her beauty tells a story of amazing grace and Jesus' love. She is a city prepared for a prepared people. She awaits only for her inhabitants, and soon they will throng her street with joy. Yes, it is the last call. The Spirit will not speak in another age. The ages are over.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. The Spirit has spoken. The setting sun is about to fade into eternity for the church ages. Then it will be all over. Then it will be too late to come. But if somewhere in this series God has dealt with you by His Spirit, may you even now turn to Him in repentance and give your life to Him that by His Spirit He may give you eternal life.
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