Monday, October 24, 2016

GOD'S FINAL SECRET Introduction by Stephen Benton

GOD'S FINAL SECRET   Introduction
by Stephen Benton

"Surely the Lord God will do nothing but He revealeth His Secret to His servants the prophets." Amos 3:7


      I once heard someone say that the price of freedom is association with nuts.  After a few decades of proclaiming the word of God I feel qualified to add to that statement by saying the price of truth is association with unbelievers, imitators, spiritual mental midgets, liars and deceivers.  Let’s see, did I miss any?  I guess I can throw impostors into the mix.  If I think of any others I’ll add them at another time.

     In 1994, when God first introduced me to his last great revelation, the fact that ‘no man knows’ when the day of the rapture will occur was about to pass from its present reality of acceptable possibility into the realm of abject unbelief I had no idea of the degree of unbelief and ignorance permeating the body of believers known as the Church.  When I speak of the Church I am not including that enclave in Europe falsely masquerading itself as such.  That church system was in existence long before the real Church established by the only person who died and rose from the dead  and hence the only one qualified to establish the Church and anointed to be the head of a body of those who believe on him whom God the Father sent.  Those who have believed on the only begotten of the Father, Jesus Christ, declared by the apostle John to be full of grace and truth  make up what is called the True Church: called out ones, begotten of the word and filled with the Spirit known as the Holy Ghost.  I just want to make sure my readers know to which Church these words are addressed.

  To fulfill Jesus' command of "continue in my word" means to be the recipient of an unbroken string of messages emanating from the mouth of the Master.  To put it another way, it means attending meetings where Jesus is actually present and speaking.  Those places are very difficult to find and their numbers are diminishing as this Church age comes to a close.  The indictment by Jesus to this final church age is “if any man will hear my voice.”  I can tell you with confidence that approximately 90% of Christianity is made up of meeting places where his voice is not heard.  That’s the simple reason why hearing information about the details of the coming of the Lord is not known.  It is also the reason why so many so-called Christians firmly believe that no man knows or can know the day of the rapture of the church.  The unbelievers of both the date and reality take great pride in announcing that the word "rapture" is not even in the bible, as if they’ve discovered some great truth which in turn implies that the word which most accurately describes the event nullifies the event itself.  Rather than taking a staunch stand against a truth declared by their so-called master they would be better off preparing themselves for that ride in the other direction which will be their final destination.  "Rapture" may indeed be a bible-omitted man-made word but that does not dismiss the fact of the event taught first by Jesus, witnessed by angels and written by apostles.

      I have come across some recently who have read just enough of my information to dare put out the word that the date has passed.  The Reader should be made aware that I didn’t just jump on this bandwagon yesterday or last year.  I was given this message in 1994 and the Holy Ghost has been faithfully adding the details since that time with major components being added since 2010.  Extracting kibbles and bits from a well established truth without an understanding of the details supporting such a truth is not a wise move. In the words of a successful rapper defending his lyrics and music: “putting your ideas on a track I laid is like pulling my pin and I'm a grenade, I’m blowing up!”  This message cannot be imitated or partially approved.  It is a message given by God to his prophets and if you are not in that category stay out of the kitchen because the message is accompanied with a blast of heat from those who are preaching God's truth and without a God given heat shield such are not authentic messengers.  I loathe most those who don’t even believe in a rapture itself and dare communicate its truth with others who are in a deeper state of blindness than they!

     It looks like the Holy Ghost is about to take us down the prophetic experiences of
"that Prophet." (Deut.18:15)  This is going to be exciting as we shall see how Jesus constantly contradicted mainstream Judaism, today’s equivalent of the Church.  God’s word makes it clear that prophets will come in the closing days of the Church armed with a message from God that will clearly blast to hell the idea that we are not supposed to know the ‘when’ of the great events set forth in the scriptures such as the "last day", the "last trump," the "strong delusion," the "resurrection of the dead," the "voice of the archangel" and so on and so on.  The pretenders loudly parrot that the coming of the Lord is soon but no man knows how soon.  Well, if this is the "soon time" and if God does keep his word about the arrival of prophets in this "soon time" do you really think that these prophets will come announcing something already known by everyone who know nothing aside from the fact that it cannot be known?  If you understood that last sentence you’re not completely brain dead and maybe there is hope that you still have time to hear His voice.  I can promise that "That Prophet" is not saying anything that you already know and neither are His prophets who faithfully echo His message.

To read the full volume of God's Final Secret  by Pastor Stephen Benton, check out his book published September of 2017 on


Saturday, October 22, 2016

GOD'S FINAL SECRET Foreword by Stephen Benton


      I feel that the foreword for this work was inadvertently written when I wrote this letter in response to a fellow minister on the web who was engaged in a sincere and earnest debate with my wife about my sermons and articles on the web regarding the Rapture of the Church.  He felt that I was departing from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the saving of souls in order to sensationalize an event about which we had little or no information and in which we would be automatically included when it occurred:
My Dear Brother and Fellow Servant of the Lord Jesus,
             I have taken note of the conversations between you and my wife and I felt led by the Spirit to write to and give you a little insight into why we are on the net as well as some private details about my own calling and the message God has given to me. Our prime objective, no, that’s incorrect.  The only reason we are on the internet doing what we are doing is because our Master, Jesus, commanded that we do so.  In the word of God Jesus said:
            “My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and finish his work.
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
            And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.
And herein is that saying true, one soweth and another reapeth.
I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.”  John 4: 34-38
            That is our commandment and sole reason we are doing what we do.  I agree that the saving of souls is the order of the day, just as you do.  Here’s the difference!  In accomplishing that directive, God has given this prophet a message that has not included the text of John 3:16.  The message of the Spirit is and has been a progressive truth which is why Jesus ordered believers in John 8:31 to "continue" in his Word.  Continuing in his word would identify them as his disciples indeed!  The attached promise is “and ye shall know that truth and the truth shall make you free." 
            I never looked for a rapture message.  I believed that Jesus would return for his Church one day and that was fine with me.  When God first revealed this section of his word to me in 1994 I was astonished.  Once the Spirit revealed the date I thought that was the complete message.  Was I ever wrong!  Since that year, the Spirit of Jesus has been adding to the message: "precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little."  The Holy Spirit told me that he would say more to the Church in these last days than he has spoken during the entire Church Age.  I believed the Spirit as I always do but found such a statement to be astronomical in scope.  Yet, true to his word, he has done just that and has continually blown us away as he has progressively led us into more and more truth.  I once or twice attempted to recap a year of revelations and was unable to do so because the number was incredible.  

      Our assembly was formed in the Word and the Word of God has been our focus since we first began gathering together in 1987.  Most of our membership endures a drive averaging more than 100 miles round trip and they seldom miss.  The attendance at the mid week bible study is the same as the Sunday morning gathering.  I am not the speaker, Jesus is and He has a whole lot to say.  I was quoting the passage one Sunday regarding where two or three are gathered together in his name that he would be in the midst thereof.  At that moment the Spirit spoke in my ear with a question.  The question was “doing what?”  As always when the Spirit asks a question during the message I not only do not have any idea of the answer, but it is always a question that I never remotely even considered.  Fortunately, he never leaves me looking and feeling dumb for very long.  He always immediately gives the answer.  The answer to that question was “Speaking”.  He has done that on innumerable occasions.  I have received messages from the Lord and have experienced him changing the message as I stood speaking.  I have learned not to put a subject on the board because he constantly changes what I thought I was going to speak.  I have gone so far as to quit taking notes into the pulpit with me. 

         In my early days, I would be prepared to the max only to have the live Speaker, the Holy Ghost pre-empt something he had previously given to me at home.  Our service is live and un-rehearsed and He runs it and continues to make it the most exciting experience of my life.  And why shouldn’t it be?  The gospels are full of remarks of those who heard Jesus speak and they were mesmerized by his word.  That same Jesus is still speaking to his Church and is still dazzling us with his eloquence!
                         I have been hearing God’s voice and preaching and teaching what he has spoken all of my life.  If that had not been my experience in the past, this message and the response to it would have caused me to quit.  The lot of a true prophet is not being believed.  That’s the first response.  The second response of the unbelieving audience is murdering the prophet.  The prophets throughout history have had the highest mortality rate of any known profession.  Jesus labored in a field of unbelief and outright rejection by spiritual leaders of Judaism.  Those same leaders eventually engineered his death.  Jeremiah was given a prophecy about the captivity by Babylon.  It was so late in being fulfilled and he received so much hate about that message that he decided to quit preaching the message.  Check him out:

            “O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived: thou are stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me. 
             For since I spake, I cried out, I cried violence and spoil because the word of the LORD was made a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily.
           Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. " Jer. 20:7
          I feel like I know that man personally. And not only him but many other prophets as well.  God introduced me to them before he made known to me my calling.  I don’t go by the title "prophet" because the today's Church cannot handle that title.  The enemy has seduced the Church into believing that prophets do not exist today.  How many do you know? 
          I haven’t left the mission of saving souls.  In fact, the Holy Ghost has made it very clear to me that this message he is currently revealing will ultimately produce the greatest revival in the Church’s history and it will come at the end of the Church Age.  The Church waited ten days before its birth on the day of Pentecost.  It will undergo another, defined, ten day wait before it leaves this earth with the final day resulting in the salvation of millions.  I think it would be wise just to let the Spirit have his way and deliver his message and accomplish his will, which is saving souls.

     One last note before I close:  There is a short verse in I Thess. 5:19 that says,
       “Quench not the Spirit."  The following verse tells us exactly what is quenching the Spirit.  “Despise not prophesyings."  God is speaking through some called prophets and their message has been and will be met with despise.  God’s message always has and always will cut across the grain of ingrained beliefs.  What are we to do with a prophet like me who claims to have a message from God about the time of and events surrounding the rapture; a message straight from the words of Jesus and the Apostles?  “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”  You don’t expose the message of a false prophet with a list of yes and no questions.  Jesus fielded all of the questions of his day and they still didn’t believe.  I am under no obligation to answer any of your questions but, as a defender of the truth and by the commandment of the word, I am commanded to take the scriptures God gave in the revelation of this message and prove them to be true or false.  The exercise does not allow the introduction or insertion of other passages which you feel are contradictory but involves examining whether or not the scriptures given to me are rightly divided and correctly interpreted. 
     I took the time to share a little bit about me and my calling because I believe you are sincere about the business of saving souls and I pray that God uses you to your fullest capacity in accomplishing the task set before you and I trust you will do the same for me.  A response is not necessary or expected.  I have a great task to finish with a short time to do so which is why you won’t find me in the internet conversations.  Those who have been taught by me are fully capable.  Pray for them also, please.  God bless you!