Saturday, June 29, 2013

“The Great Whore” by Pastor Stephen Benton

 “The Great Whore”

If that title doesn’t grab your attention, preaching to you may require some additional effort…  Consider this, the entire Church since the day of Pentecost in 31A.D. has anticipated the day of the coming of the Lord. Most of them have fallen asleep. You and I are those whom Paul wrote about when he penned the words, “we shall not all sleep…”
            I don’t know about you but when I consider the fact that we are the ones who will actually see Jesus appear in the air, I get chill bumps and my heart races. 
            A long time ago, Satan started an organized, false religion on the earth depicted in scripture as a Great Whore. This whore hails from Babylon. Let’s look at her beginnings.
            In Genesis chapter ten we are given an extensive list of genealogies of earth’s families after the flood.  The list is divided into three groups: “the isles of the Gentiles” (verse 5); “the families of the Canaanites” (verse 18); and ”the sons of Shem, after their families”(verse 31.) These three families are the offspring of Japheth, Ham, and Shem, the sons of Noah.  Since the flood the entire earth has always consisted of these three families.  For our current study we shall focus on the family of Ham, the head of the families of the Canaanites because Satan chose this line to establish his church.  Let’s pick up the story in verse eight.

“And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.”
The name Cush means chaos. The name Nimrod means let us rebel. That combination should give you an outline of the picture.  Let’s move on to verse 10.
“And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”
            The name Babel means confusion.  Nimrod was the first of those on the earth who waged war against other people.  This is the first time the word kingdom appears in the bible. He is the same man who decided to build a city and a tower whose top would reach heaven, commonly called the tower of Babel (Gen. 11.)  This tower was much more than a tall structure, it served as an observatory and a temple.  Astrology, the perverted form of astronomy, began in the kingdom of Babel.  The city is later identified in scripture as Babylon. While Nimrod was a key player in bringing false worship on the earth, the real power behind the throne was his wife Semiramis.  History says that she outlived her husband by 42 years and as the queen of Babylon, she perfected false religion on the earth.  For that reason the false system in Revelation is a woman.  She was the literal embodiment, a whore, and the spiritual pioneer of everything the Great Whore of Revelation would eventually become.
            Time will not allow me to go into all of the intricate details of the progressive formation of this whore. To make a long story short, her religion has continued down to this present day and she is shown in the Book of Revelation as having a spiritual and political influence in every nation under heaven.
            “For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her…”  Revelation 18:3
            Today, Lord willing, I will go into some of the details behind that verse and show you just how widespread and powerful this whore is. By the time I finish you should thoroughly understand why she is called Great.

            Saints, we are living in the days when all of the plans of God and Satan are coming to their final conclusion.  I said last Sunday that God has been around for a long time and so has Satan.  The scriptures allow us to look at their conflict during its final 6,000 years while occasionally giving us small glimpses into the dateless past and into the future.
            Satan and God have been dueling much longer than 6,000 years.  We know that this old earth has seen many inhabitants during its long existence.  I pointed out the age of the dinosaurs last Sunday and how science has shown that they all disappeared at once over 150 million years ago.  We have learned that Adam was not the first man to walk on the earth, he was only the first of a particular species of man called “Adam;” one made in the likeness of God and after His own image.  God has been around since forever and ever but in these last few millennia everything is coming to a head.  More specifically, the conclusion will come during the days of this generation.
            Satan is determined to undermine the plans of God and lately has intensified his efforts.  Were it not for the grace of God, we would have been taken out by Satan long ago.  When we get to heaven, then, and only then, will we be able to understand and appreciate the great salvation of
God. I can tell you this, the coming months will not be easy.  Satan is a step away from bringing his fallen angels down to this earth. He is about to show the earth his gods and he has one goal in mind, to wipe out every individual associated with the seed of Adam whether he be saved or unsaved.
            These messages that God has been sending our way are warnings of things to come.  The privilege of being the generation who will see the coming of the Lord is tagged with a high price.  Those who failed to understand the significance of the message announcing the time of the coming of the Lord are conducting business as usual, going about their merry way thinking that the Lord will suddenly appear one day and we will simply fly away.  That sort of scenario violates every type of deliverance found in the scriptures.
            Throughout history, whenever God delivered his people, the deliverance came with much tribulation, opposition, and in the face of insurmountable odds.  Those saints who have “shouted” their way through this earthly wilderness are on the threshold of a rude awakening.  Jesus and the apostles said too much about suffering and enduring persecution for it to not be a reality, more, a necessity.  The program of suffering and persecution is not the option that many have made it to be. Just take another look at the circumstances surrounding the deliverance of the children of Israel from the land of Egypt. There were some scary moments attached to their deliverance.  Get ready to pay and I’m not talking about tithes and offerings.  (but they too should be constant down this stretch run,)
            The damnable result of the blessing and prosperity message is that too many in the Church associate that state with being in the will of God. When the Lord states in Revelation
3: 19, regarding the Laodicean church age, representing this 7th and final age of His Church, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…" He denounces this church for saying they "are rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing."  Their prosperity has condemned them.
To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

“The Son of the Virgin”

“The Son of the Virgin”
  Pastor Stephen Benton                                                  

I have made it my business in teaching about salvation that the fullness of salvation stands and or falls on the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Paul, in the 15th chapter of  I Corinthians makes that truth abundantly clear.  But there is another aspect of the Christian faith that is just as vital, if not more, than the fact of the death and resurrection of Christ and that component is the reality of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.  Without the virgin birth, there could not have been a resurrection out from among the dead.  As the Holy Ghost pointed out to us so graphically in the bible study, it was Jesus' descent into the lower parts of the earth, commonly called Hades, that establishes our hope in the promise of eternal life. 

Jesus was the first and only man to enter into the depths of the earth who did not arrive there as a prisoner of sin.  He made it clear that no man could take his life, that is, kill or murder him as the actions of the Jews and Romans made it seem to appear; Jesus voluntarily laid down his life and did so with the testimony that he had to power to take his life back again and literally come back from the dead.  No other religious leader even intimated such an incredulous claim.  In fact, every other major and minor founder of various religions are still in their graves and anyone following anyone other than Jesus can be sure they will die in their sins.  That is what Jesus told the Jews.  The fullness of that statement means that going to heaven to be with God and live an everlasting life cannot be accomplished if Jesus Christ of Nazareth is not the sole object of faith in God.  The smorgasbord of religions available on this planet are being brought to you and sponsored by the god of this world, Satan.  You see, he is in the soul stealing business with the accompanying guarantee of eternal, active death.  In case I am not coming across clearly, I am trying to let you know that God is impossible to reach without going through the medium Jesus Christ.
By way of reviewing what God has pointed out to us many times, Jesus did not come offering the world another way.  Unlike other founders of faiths, Jesus did not come offering a way that worked for him, recommending such

a way to potential followers.  He placed himself head and shoulders above everyone of all time when he declared himself to be "The Way."  That is quite an audacious statement to make if he is not.  And if he is, he is saying that anyone proclaiming another way is a liar and an imposter.  There cannot be two "The" ways.  But He didn't stop there:  He went on to say that he has The Truth and The Life.  He also said he was The Light of The World in addition to being The Good Shepherd and The Door to God.  I don't know of anyone else who would or could have even thought up such titles for themselves.  No wonder the man called Jesus could make the statement:

            "Except you believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."

Oh, I forgot that one:  The I Am.  He slipped that one in on the Jews when they contended with him regarding his deity.  He did a little name dropping by letting them know that he knew Abraham personally.  In fact, that way he said it gave the impression that he was already on the scene when Abraham hit the set.  Yeah!  He said:
"Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad."

Being carnal, that statement went right over their heads and ears.  They came back with a remark denoting their spiritual deadness telling Jesus that he was not yet fifty years old and therefore could not have known Abraham.  Hey, if Jesus had been a thousand years old, that would not have been enough years in age to have been contemporary with Abraham.  I often wondered about that fifty year old statement.  I believe they were alluding to the fact that Abraham's journey with God began when he was fifty years old.  So, in that sense their comment carried a few drops in the bucket but, otherwise, were weak and lame expressions.  Jesus put the discourse in perspective when he said:    
"Before Abraham was, I Am.”
            When his friend Lazarus died, Jesus comforted Martha with the fact that her brother would live again.  Martha was already schooled in that truth and told Jesus that she knew Lazarus would rise again in the resurrection at the last day.  Jesus took her a little “Deeper in the school of wisdom” by informing her that the resurrection at the last day was a formal event when all of the dead in Christ would hear the voice of the Archangel and rise up. But there was nothing written that said Jesus could not make special arrangements if he was so inclined if it meant the glorification of the Father.  He told Mary that he was The Resurrection.  He then went on to prove his point by calling Lazarus out of his sleep and telling those present to cut the burial wrappings from his body, something that The Resurrection did not require when he came forth from the dead.  He simply passed through his swaddling apparel, leaving them still wrapped in the tomb as proof of  his resurrection and deity.

Now I realize that I gave a subject for this article and it had something to do with the Son of the Virgin.  I got carried away but make no mistake that without being born of a woman, a woman who was a virgin, Jesus could not have been any of those wonderful titles.  Now if I continue to expand this writing to include the evidence that he really was born of a virgin, I would have to include about ten more pages and frankly, I haven't  prepared myself for tomorrow yet so I'm just going to end this message and. Lord willing, I will preach on the evidence of the star named Spica and the sign of Virgo.

 Now as you know, we do not celebrate Christmas.  We do not do so as an act of being high and mighty.  We stopped doing so after being a celebrating church for better than a decade when one year God took us to his Word and told us not to do as the heathen do in commemorating the season.(Jer.10:1-6) 

The birth of Jesus was the God Event.  It was the time of fulfilled prophecy in the delivering of the promised Messiah.  It was a night when heaven came down to earth with a heavenly host singing and praising God.  It was a night when lowly shepherds were visited by angels with tidings of great joy.  It was a night when the story first written in stars became reality and the Seed of the Woman made his earthly debut and began the process of saving us from our sins.  All of those things are worthy of meditation and educating those who are observing them today out of season.  They might find it even more fascinating to know that Jesus was really born on the Feast of Trumpets to atone for the sins of mankind. Remember to be “wise as serpents but harmless as doves.”

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

Friday, June 28, 2013


by Pastor Stephen Benton

 I feel led by the Spirit to write to and give you a little insight into why we are on the net as well as some private details about my own calling and the message God has given to me.

Our prime objective….. no, that’s incorrect.  The only reason we are on the internet doing what we are doing is because our master, Jesus, commanded that we do so.  In the word of God ,Jesus said:

“My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and finish his work.
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.
And herein is that saying true, One soweth and another reapeth.
I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.”  John 4: 34-38

          That is our commandment and sole reason we are doing what we do.  We agree that the saving of souls is the order of the day. Here is the difference! In accomplishing that directive, God has given this prophet a message that has not included the text of John. The message of the Spirit is and always has been a progressive truth which is why Jesus ordered believers in John to continue in his word.  Continuing in his word would identify them as his disciples, "indeed." The attached promise is “and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

          I never looked for a rapture message. I believed that Jesus would return for his church one day and that was fine with me.  When God first revealed this section of his word to me in 1994 I was astonished! Once the Spirit revealed the day, I thought that was the complete message.  Was I ever wrong! Since that year, the Spirit of Jesus has been adding to the message, "precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little."  The Spirit told me that he would say more to the church in these last days than he has spoken during the entire church age. I believed the Spirit as I always do but found such a statement to be astronomical in scope. Yet, true to his word, he has done just that and has continually blown us away as he has progressively led us into more and more truth. I once or twice attempted to recap a year of revelations and was unable to do so because the number was incredible. Our assembly was formed in the word and the word of God has been our focus since we first began gathering together in 1988.  Most of the members make a drive averaging 100 miles round trip and they very seldom miss. The attendance at the mid week bible study is the same as the morning gathering.  I am not the speaker, God is and he has a whole lot to say. I was quoting the passage one regarding where two or three are gathered together in his name that he would be in the midst thereof. At that moment the Spirit spoke in my ear with a question. The question was “doing what?” As always when the Spirit asks a question during the message I do not have any idea of the answer, it is always a question that I never remotely considered. Fortunately, he never leaves me looking or feeling dumb very long.  He always immediately gives the answer.  The answer to that question was “Speaking”. The Holy Ghost has done that an innumerable number of times. I have received messages from the Lord and experienced Him changing the message as I stood speaking. I have learned not to write a subject on the board because the Lord constantly changes what I thought I was going to speak about.  I have gone so far as to quit taking my notes into the pulpit. In my early days, I would be prepared to the final note, only to have the live Speaker preempt something he had previously given to me at home.  The service is live and unrehearsed and the Lord runs it. This has been and continues to be the most exciting experience of my life!  And why shouldn't it be?  The gospels are full of remarks of those who heard Jesus speak and they were mesmerized by his word.  That same Jesus is still speaking to his church and he is still dazzling us with his eloquence!

          I have been hearing God’s voice and preaching and teaching what he has spoken all of my life.  If that had not been my experience in the past, this message and the response to it would have caused me to quit.  The lot of a true prophet is not being believed.  That is the first response.  The second response of the unbelieving audience is to murder the prophet.  Prophets throughout history have had the highest mortality rate of any known profession.  Jesus labored in a field of unbelief and outright rejection by spiritual leaders of Judaism.  Those same leaders eventually engineered his death.  Jeremiah was given a prophecy about the captivity by Babylon.  It was so late in being fulfilled and he received so much hate from the message that he decided to quit preaching the message.  Check him out!

“O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived: thou are stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me. 
For since I spake, I cried out, I cried violence and spoil because the word of the LORD was made a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily.
Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay."  Jer. 20:7-9

I feel like I know that man personally and not only him but many other prophets as well. God introduced me to them before he made known to me my calling.  I don’t go by the title ‘prophet’ because the church can’t handle that.The enemy has seduced the church into believing that prophets do not exist today.  How many do you know? 

          I have not left the mission of saving souls.  In fact, the Holy Ghost has made it very clear to me that this message he is currently revealing will ultimately produce the greatest revival in the church’s history and it will come at the end of the Church Age.  The Church waited ten days before it was born on the day of Pentecost. It will undergo another, defined, ten day wait before it leaves this earth with the final Day resulting in the salvation of millions. I think it would be wise just to let the Spirit have his way and deliver his message and accomplish His will which is saving souls.

One last note before I close. There is a short verse in I Thess. that says, “Quench not the Spirit.  The following verse tells us exactly what is quenching the Spirit. “Despise not prophesyings."  God is speaking through some called prophets and their message has been and will be met with despise.  God’s message always has and always will cut across the grain of ingrained beliefs. What are we to do with a prophet like me who claims to have a message from God about the time of and events surrounding the rapture; a message straight from the words of Jesus and the apostles?

 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”  You cannot expose the message of a false prophet with a list of yes and no questions. Jesus fielded all of the questions of his day and yet they still didn't believe.  I am under no obligation to answer any questions but, as a defender of the truth and by the commandment of the Word I am commanded to take the scriptures God gave in the revelation of this message and prove them to be true or false. The exercise does not allow the introduction or insertion of other passages which some feel are contradictory but involves examining whether or not the scriptures given to me are rightly divided and correctly interpreted. 

I have a great task to finish with a short time to do so which is why you won’t find me in conversations on this page. Those who have been taught by me are fully capable of addressing any questions. Pray that we all continue in the Word and come to the knowledge of the Truth! God bless all who love his appearing!

God's SIMPLE Salvation

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A More Sure Word Of Prophecy

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

"Kudos to Satan"

                                  A “Word” from the Pastor… Stephen Benton
                                                          "Kudos to Satan"

Let's give it up for the successful achievement of the Adversary, the Dragon, Satan, that ole Serpent, the Devil. 
This morning, I don't know if I was in the body or out of the body, in the Spirit or merely in Stephen.  I do know I was in bed and I believe I was in the middle of a radio interview being questioned about Jesus.  It was during that interview that I realized how successful Satan has been in either confusing or hiding vital issues concerning Jesus, especially where the ministry and deity of Jesus is concerned. 

The Apostle Paul wrote of some who would come preaching "another Jesus and or another gospel:"

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."  Gal. 1:8

"For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."
                                                                        I Cor. 11:4

Paul's prophecy has come to pass.  The fulfillment of his prophecy is at least twofold in scope.  First, there is a Jesus being preached whose primary purpose in the church is material blessing and prosperity.  The Jesus of the gospels never preached such a message.  In fact, Jesus preached the opposite where material issues are concerned.  Jesus promised a cross, the badge of suffering, a message that has mysteriously disappeared from mainstream Christian pulpits. 

"If any man be my disciple let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." The name-it claim-it vein of preaching has taken front and center stage.  I am constantly amazed as I listen to preachers and teachers take an innocuous text (where blessing and prosperity is concerned) and before the message has run its course, somewhere, somehow, the track of the message finds a way to switch to the Blessing & Prosperity line.

Sometimes I hear so much of a particular message such as the blessing and prosperity message, that I am moved to take another look at the scriptures to
make sure, as Paul said, I had not run in vain.  Looking at the prayer requests of Paul, however,  I find that he never prayed for the material prosperity of the saints, but his prayers centered on his converts growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To the Romans:
" For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established."  Ro. 1:11 the Corinthians:

"That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge."  I Cor 1:5 the Colossians..

"For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;"   Col. 1:9

I could go on but I think those verses are sufficient to get the point across.  True blessings and prosperity are spiritual and not carnal. 

The second phase of the twofold scope concerns the ministry and identity of Jesus.  Let me explain.  One can preach about Jesus and never come close to the intended purpose of why the biblical stories about Jesus were written.  Again, I blame the Adversary.  Much of the preaching about Jesus is focused on the 'what', 'where', 'why', 'how', and 'when' of Jesus' ministry and while such preaching may be entertaining (aren't all of Satan's programs?) they fall far short of truly revealing the scriptural Jesus.  How?  They miss the 'Who' of Jesus. 

When Jesus went to trial, both before the Jews and Pontius Pilate, the issue of his case had nothing to do with any criminal acts, the key question asked by both Caiphas and Pilate were directed at the identity of Jesus.  Specifically, "Art thou the Christ?"  When Jesus finally condescended to respond to their question with a "thou sayest" answer, the Council accused him of blasphemy and delivered him over to Pilate. When Pilate wrote the official crucifixion accusation that was affixed to the cross of Christ he wrote: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."  That notation infuriated the Jews and they demanded to have it changed, a change that Pilate would not grant.  Pilate came to the knowledge that the man in his court was indeed, a King whose Father was actually responsible for the power Pilate held.  The sad note and final blow of the Enemy was that in spite of Pilate's conviction regarding Jesus, he still sent him away to be crucified.  I have read some apocryphal books about the life of Pilate after the trial.  The overall impression I gathered was that Pilate's life was never the same.  And so it is with anyone who has had a close encounter with the God/Man, Jesus.  No one who heard Jesus or saw his works left his presence with a neutral attitude. 

I invite you today to perform your own trial of Jesus.  You, too will come to the same conclusion Pilate came to when he said, "I find no fault in him."  But don't make the mistake Pilate made, let Jesus live---in you.

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Essence of the Lie

The Essence of the Lie   by Pastor Stephen Benton

(reprint of  The Weekly Word article  September.15.1996)

Friday, September 13, marked the feast day of Rosh Hashanna, the Jewish New Year's Day.  On God's calendar that day is called the Feast of Trumpets.  It is the first day of the Seventh month.  I could not stop thinking that next year on the same day, we will be looking forward to the blowing of the last trump on the tenth day of the seventh month.  The apostle John told us to comfort one another with those words; words of the eminent arrival of the Lord.  Until that day, we have some major truths to uncover in God's word.

*[We know today, in 2013, that God delayed the blowing of the last trump to announce that 69th jubilee year, as the Holy Ghost showed us from his word, in 2 Pet. 3:9, because he is "…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."  We do know, however, that the day shall not change, He will appear for his Church on the only Feast Day upon which He can return, the Day of Atonement, the 10th day of the 7th month on the Sabbath day, the holy day upon which the Lord works his works. As the Lord says in Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."]

I am continuing with the prophecy in II Thessalonians chapter 2 regarding God sending a strong delusion to those who did not receive the love of the truth.  God will not send the lie but he will send the delusion.  The delusion will not be a lie but it will cause the Church to believe the lie that will accompany it. God allows it to be perpetrated upon the Church for the express purpose of damning this present Church age, an age plagued with deafness to God's word.

Last Sunday we looked at the true meaning of a liar in the scriptures.  It should be clear from that message that God's definition of a liar exceeds man's limited use of the word.  We realized that all of Satan's children are liars because their father Satan himself is a liar.  He did not abide in the truth and when he speaks he speaks nothing but lies. That statement should give you a clear idea of what this worldly system is all about.  It is a system of complex deception and lies because Satan is the god of this world.

Additionally, we learned that anyone who denies God the Father is a liar.  Why?  Because God has provided an abundance of evidence of his eternal power and Godhead through the revelation of the creation itself. To see the intricacies and vastness of this creation and then question the existence of God automatically identifies an individual as a liar.

Naturally, anyone who denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is listed as a liar.

Now don't lose sight of the primary message which is: in the last days, prior to the Rapture, this earth will be officially introduced to another life form, commonly called aliens.  These aliens are twofold.  One, they are the offspring of demon angels.  Two, they are the demon angels themselves.  They will come to the earth with a deceptive message, a message that God has called a strong delusion and they will deceive many.

Question:  Will they deceive any of those who are in the faith?  Answer::  Most definitely.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devil:" I Tim. 4:1

Now the fact that God himself declared that their delusion will be strong, this soon coming event has placed me at Defcon One.  That's a military term, an abbreviation for Defensive Condition.  Number one is the highest level of alertness.  War becomes absolute at level one.

Also, remember that God's word told us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together and moreso as we see the day approaching.  Those are not idle words from God.  Once he announced the day of the gathering together of the Church, he would then commence giving messages solely for the purpose of keeping his chosen from believing the delusion to come.  Those who do not heed Gods admonition will depart from the faith before the Lord comes or God word is not true.  To those of you who don't believe that such a thing could ever happen to you, remember that Peter told Jesus that he would never deny him.  He said those words to him after Jesus told Peter that he would. Peter was outraged and thought Jesus had given him an idle message.

I instructed you to read 1 John in order to gain an understanding of the lie that would be presented by the aliens.  Some of you remarked that you could not see anything in that book that had a connection with the aliens.  I didn't expect that you would but I wanted you to be familiar with the text just the same.  If nothing else, you should gain an appreciation for the preacher God has given you because he will reveal to me what he won't reveal to you which is why God said don't miss hearing his word.  If you think about it, none of you saw the correlation of Leviticus 25 to the Rapture until God allowed me to show it to you.  Now, let me show you what John, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, is saying.

Note his opening words: 
"That which was from the beginning…the Word of life."

John is identifying Jesus' existence as eternal and the source of all life.  The lie to come will open by refuting that truth.

"(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.)" vs.2

There John includes a parenthetical statement for further emphasis.  Now let's note John's next parenthetical statement, again, parenthesized for emphasis:  It is found in the gospel of St. John.
"And the word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)…" 1:14

Now note the opening of St. John's gospel.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God," What is John's point?  That there is no source of Word apart from and outside of God!  God indeed is the Word and any other source of Word is a lie.
The alien message will undermine God's eternal existence, the eternal existence of Jesus his Son, and it will refute God's Word as the source of creation and life.

Understanding the magnitude of the lie to come, we can now have a deeper appreciation for God's own opening remarks to the entire bible.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  Gen1:1

The emphasis should be placed on the word of God.

Now, again, there are those who think that they have no problem with that truth and that some of these current messages are irrelevant. Let me serve notice to you again that God called their message a "strong delusion."  Without knowing the details of their message I can tell you that it will be carefully and extensively documented and it will carry undisputable scientific evidence of its validity marking the first day of the seventh month.

Now let's move ahead in I John to Chapter 2 verse 18.

"Little children, it is the last time; and as he have heard that anti-christ shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."

Why do I preach about the anti-christ if the Church will be gone before he is revealed?  Because of the connection between the anti-christ, the demons, and the lie.  The latter two will be revealed before the Church is gone.

            "Who is a liar but he that denieth that jesus is the Christ? . He is anti-christ, that denieth the Father and the Son.
            Whosoever denieth the Son , the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also.
            Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning…
These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you."

Now go back to Paul's in I Timothy 4:1.  the lie issued forth by the seducing spirits which shall cause some to depart from the faith, will be a lie of denial of Jesus being the Christ, and a denunciation of the Father (source of creation) and the Son (redeemer of mankind.)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

He that Believeth!

He that Believeth!  by Pastor Stephen Benton
(reprint from the Weekly Word of the HOGN, February, 2001)

The joy of pastoring does not come in the annual appreciation service but it comes from seeing a positive result in the lives of those to whom you minister God's Word.  I would dare say that in either case those people to whom I refer did not see their spiritual growth, but I sure did.  That is why I have said too many times that you and I cannot add one quarter inch to our spiritual stature but we are growing just the same.  This kind of growth cannot be preached about as a "do and don't" message.  The law of God has been written in our hearts and it is a vast law, all encompassing , far exceeding the 613 ordinances of the former Law.  the Law of the Spirit cannot be acted out by anyone.  That Law is Life itself and will manifest itself in the one who possesses it.

As a congregation, we should have a working understanding of the believing aspect of salvation.  We have been down that road of truth many times.  But the Holy Ghost gave more light just the other day.

God is in the business of saving sinners.  Personally, I believe the verse that says, "is anything too hard for the Lord?"  should apply to the saving of sinners.  God is dealing with a species that cannot get things right except for a very short duration.  During this process, whatever it is that God must get from man, it is not man's performance.  As in any situation involving many people, some will excel but none of them will ever get it thoroughly right for the rest of their life on earth.  God made His law the standard for the attainment of Righteousness and for 1520 years, no one has got it right.  Although God already knew the results of such a test, he performed it in order to get the subjects themselves to understand that they couldn't perform their way to heaven; meeting his Standard for Righteousness.  So even if God wanted man's assistance in the salvation process, his hands would be tied because it has been proven that this sinful creature cannot do good consistently or in some cases…not at all.  So how does God go about saving this creature?  He makes salvation as easy as it can possibly be! He sets the bar at a level where the entire human race can qualify without respect to anything of advantage or disadvantage.  he made "believing" the qualifying ingredient.  Believing is not a spiritual act.  it does not need the assistance of prayer and fasting in order to operate.  Believing is a component God built into man expressly for the purpose of saving or damning him.  And I must express how nice it was to write though the law section and not to keep inserting "willful sin" disclaimers.

God assisted man's belief mechanism by providing a Creation as the signature of His existence.  The starry universe says that something or someone is beyond the concept of man in the areas of power, wisdom, and knowledge.  The creator is of such magnificence that he must be worshipped because obviously he made me also.  The unbeliever must take "willful ignorance blvd," There are no other ignore-God exits that will provide an adequate explanation of the universe.
Man has spent billions of dollars looking for the evidence of the origin of creation.  Man has put forth a theory, the big bang.  it is preposterous.  But if you buy into it, you must ultimately ask the question, what caused the bang to bang?  They must always be included in the list, the energy that causes the bang.  But bangs are erratic.  A bang is difficult to control.  A bang defies the orderliness of billions of galaxies, each filled with billions of stars, all moving on what appears to be a prescribed course.  The Creation says someone has been around for a very long time, longer than his or her best telescopes can peer in sheer terms of light years.
This man who can believe has the addition of certain combinations of stars called the constellations.  no one quite knows how the symbols and names of these constellations and the stars within them originated.  And yet, the symbols and the names are virtually the same throughout the earth.  God spoke in divers manners and his diversity and creative powers caused Him to write a message across the heavens using stars as the medium. The message could be seen from anywhere on the face of the earth.  Yet they cannot be read from any other location in the universe.

Finally, this God authors a book.  He inspires over 40 writers writing over 4000 years to write his message.  The theme in His Book is exactly the same as the story written in the stars.  He opened his book, not with what appeared poetic, but with a grand statement of a Truth that would be contested vehemently.  That same truth, God is the Creator, will be the focal point in a future attempt to take over the Earth by those who do not have the ownership rights!  "The Earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof."  The Lie will unravel the faith of most members, no matter what faith they are associated with.  The Lie will be allowed and assisted by God, himself.  It will be given to those who never received the "Love of the Truth." the only truth that will save them.  It will be given to the professionally saved membership of this last Church Age, the Laodicean.  The Lie will announce another creator and the Lie will be supported with overwhelming evidence.  A Falling Away from the true faith will be the result of publishing the Lie.  Persecution will be meted out to those who do not believe the LIE!

The Belief System:

The belief system is a wonderful gift given to man by God.  It is also the only system Satan can use to accomplish his goals.  With respect to God, God will accept into the fold of salvation anyone who believes that Jesus the Christ of Nazareth is indeed the Son of God and died for the sins of the world and was resurrected from the dead by the power of God.  An individual could be visited by God while attending the local tavern and hears about that truth and believes it in heart, that person is saved right then on the spot!  But that is only the beginning of the trip.  Jesus said, "learn of me."  He also said that his "indeed" disciples would continue in the Word. And those who would continue in the Word through all of the troubles and persecution that the word brings and has brought into their lives, they were given the guarantee of Knowing the truth about all things and this would make them free from all deception and error. That passage is the greatest blessing and prosperity verse in the entire bible but goes unnoticed by the blessing and prosperity preachers.  That omission alone qualifies a false prophet, no matter how many people "come up" by believing his message.  The truth isn't "out there": It's right here.

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Clarification for such an URGENT MESSAGE!!!



 I apologize for  my attitude but it is so frustrating to try and bring believers to a deeper level of truth in God's word!  I am exhausted when I get off my computer because I want so badly for all of us to hear what God is saying to his Church today.  The enemy has been 99.9% successful in bending and twisting God's truth that I can hardly believe it.  He has convinced the entire Church that no man can know the day of the rapture by distorting the scripture just like he did with Eve and tried with Jesus when he attempted to get him to throw himself off a mountain using His own word! These preachers have forgotten that we serve a God who sets times and seasons.  His power rests only with his ability to keep his foretold times and appointments.  We believe God because he has always told what he is going to do and when he is going to do it. The contest with Satan is showing him that God always does what he says on time!  Think back:  Noah: 120 years; Lot, Moses, in the 4th generation; Jeremiah's captivity discovered by Daniel: 70 years; Jesus: "Cut off" at the end of the 69th week; there are more, check them out!  The Old Testament feast days mean: "set times"  God set the sun, moon and stars on appointed courses to rule "time."  He is so obsessed with times that he wrote 2 books: Numbers and Chronicles.  He goes out of his way to tell who was ruling and which course of priests were serving to assure us of the time.  Set times are God's claim to fame, if they were not important, how could he show his absolute power?  You and I can make promises and hope that we can keep them when the time comes.  God makes promises and makes them happen at "his" appointed time.  All we are asking believers to do is think about the God that they "think" they know and study his characteristics.  The children of Israel wandered for 40 years in the wilderness for seeing God's works but not coming to know his "ways."  He was grieved with them because of that and "took his promise off the shelf."  (Heb.3:11)We have caused the Lord to delay his promise because of our "unbelief" just like them. 

1.  Matt 24:3: "...tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"  Jesus answered those questions by taking them to the beginning of the 70th week, when he turns back to the Jews and begins the Great Tribulation.  He did not mention an appearing in the air for them as Paul revealed in 1 Cor. 15:51.  That was a revelation for Paul to the Church. The whole of chapter 24 addresses what will happen during the Great Tribulation and right before Jesus returns to finish the wrath and set up His Kingdom.
2. Christ is expected to appear in the air for his Church on the Day of Atonement this year.  If he does not, then we wait for him until the next year that the Day of Atonement or "Yoma, " falls on the Sabbath.. We are quite familiar with the tarry trial. We believe that God keeps his promises. This will follow the prophecy of Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

He has tarried because it is not his will "that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (II Pet 3:9) The final act that the Church must perform is to repent.  The Day of Atonement has not yet been fulfilled and it is the day that Jesus can 'present to himself a Church that is "without spot or wrinkle."

3.  What is more important to our Lord and Savior is for his people to have a Love for the truth because without it, we will be spued out of his mouth.  What a great way for Satan to deceive the church by saying the Lord is coming "soon?"  He cannot keep his word because he is a liar and there is "No truth in him."  If the Church thinks that the Lord can appear on any random day at any time, then it leaves us wide open for any deception that he can work to round up Christians and kill them.  Remember, Jesus said, "many shall come in my name, saying "I am Christ" and shall deceive many."  Go not therefore after them."  If we could go after them and not be deceived, why would the Lord have warned us not to?

I hope this clarifies where we are coming from and why we feel it is such an urgent message.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Last Trump

The Last Trump (part 1)
by Pastor Stephen Benton

Let’s face it, there is no way anyone can seriously address the issue of the rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ and ignore the issue of the last trump?  Now before we go into a scriptural exegesis on the subject let’s start with the obvious.  Seeing as how there is a "last trump" as stated in I Corinthians 15, there then of necessity must be a first trump.  With that in mind, it would be reasonable to say that the last trump is the last of a series, whether that series consists of two trump soundings or as many as 50.  Those examples may have sounded like a hypothetical situation but in reality, that is exactly what the last trump is: a sounding of a first trump followed by the sounding of the last trump.  In those two cases, the first trump will sound to signal the rising of the dead and their change from corruptible to incorruption while the last trump will sound to announce the change from mortal to immortality and catching away of those who are alive and remain on the earth.

If you have your thinking cap on it will probably move you to ask the question, why didn’t Paul say that in his writings to the Corinthians and Thessalonians?  The answer will surprise you, but maybe not.  The reason Paul didn’t write what I just wrote to you is because Paul didn’t know.  Now, before you yell "anathema" at me, just finish the article and let The Holy Spirit bring glad tidings of great joy your way.

(Because various components are necessary for a thorough and complete exposition of the The Last Trump, I will complete the balance of this article using sub-topics such as the following: Holy Men of God Speak as They are Moved by the Holy Ghost.)

Holy Men of God Speak as They are Moved by the Holy Ghost

Although I changed the tense of a couple of words in the above topic you should still be able to recognize their scriptural source.  They were written by the Apostle Peter and are found in II Peter 1:21.  He begins that context by writing about the fact that they, the apostles, were eyewitnesses of the majesty of Jesus (v16).  The eye witness is the highest order of witness as a testimony in a court of law.  Along with being eyewitnesses of the glory of Jesus, they were also ear witnesses.  In verses 17 and 18 Peter relates two significant events in the life of Jesus during which they were present.  The first is the baptism of Jesus by John in Jordan.  At that event the voice of God the Father from the excellent glory of heaven saying “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  The second time Peter heard this voice was when he was with Jesus, along with James and John in the mount of Transfiguration.  During that event they had the very unexpected surprise of seeing and hearing Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah concerning his approaching death.  Peter’s fear moved him to suggest making three tabernacles, one for each person but at that moment a cloud pulled up, that is what frightened Peter! Moses and Elijah stepped into the cloud and as the cloud pulled away a voice spoke out of the cloud with similar words that were spoken at the baptism: “This is my beloved Son: hear ye him.”  The voice of Moses (the Law,) was being phased out and the voice of Elijah, the future restoration was yet, well… the future. 
Jesus is the current messenger from God.  Then Peter takes this issue to another level with these words:
“We have also a more sure word of prophecy: whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.”

Peter is declaring that the prophetical word took precedence over and above what they had seen and heard as eyewitnesses.  That’s what you could very well call the game changer.  I believe that my faith would have been flawless had I been around in the time of Jesus and witnessed the wonderful miracles done by the Master but Peter says we living in this time have something more sure than the signs and wonders, we have the prophetical word, spoken by the Spirit of Jesus himself, the Holy Ghost.  Now let’s take the next step in Peter’s writing.

“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”

How often do you hear the statement “it's a matter of interpretation” or “that’s your interpretation”.  It’s a convenient excuse for dismissing doctrines with which we do not agree.  But understand, Peter is not talking about the reader of the word, but the writers themselves.  Their writings were not the work of their own, private surmisings,

“For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

Now let’s go backward in the writings of Peter to his first epistle, chapter one.

“Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:

Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.”

Those verses explain why the scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, written by over 40 different writers, many who never met one another and in many cases had no access to the writings of the others, comes across as a document written as the voice of One.  A case in point is the writings of the prophet Daniel.  Daniel wrote an advanced history of four successive kingdoms who would exert rule over Israel.  After he finished writing about the days of the Anti-christ (12:7) notice the words of his question:

“And I heard, but I understood not:  (no scripture of private interpretation) then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?”

God’s response:  “And he said, go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”

Now here comes the real kicker!  Peter was writing about the Old Testament prophets writing about things that were not revealed to them but rather revealed to the Apostles and those who would preach the gospel about which they unknowingly wrote.  Peter had no idea that he too, as well as the rest of the apostles, would write under the movement or inspiration of the Holy Ghost, things they themselves did not fully understand that would later be revealed to prophets in the time of the end of the Church age.  From the Apostolic writings the prophets would lay foundational truths about topics such as the full meaning of things like the last trump and the set times of the Lord first written about by Moses, and the interval of time between the resurrection of the dead and the rapture of  those who are alive and remain, and identify exactly what the strong delusion will be and what will be the lie to follow.  God said “And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.”  Isa. 45:3   Jesus added to those words by saying, “...for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed and hid, that shall not be known.”  Matt. 10:26  I might also add how in
 I Peter 1:11 the prophets searched diligently, searching what or what manner of time the Holy Ghost signified.  Call it whatever you choose, they were looking for a time or date as well as how God would pull off the wonders they wrote about.  Solomon said “It is glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” 

Consider this truth also, the Word of God is not the product of a single utterance but the law of witness declared that truth must be established out of the mouth of two or three witnesses.  With that in mind, consider that the Apostle Paul was the only writer to write about the last trump and the dead rising first.  If he is the only witness to such an event, his witness in invalid.  God, to be true to his own law of witnesses, must raise up prophets in these final days to corroborate what was written by Paul.  Also consider this, Paul showed a mystery in I Corinthians 15, a mystery that he did not elaborate on at all.  If the change he speaks of takes place at the last trump, then when is that? When will it blow?  It is a secret that God must reveal to his prophets in these last days.  No man knoweth (relating to the Rapture?)  Bah! Humbug!  The Holy Ghost was given to show us things to come.  If God took the time to show his friend Abraham what he was about to do to Sodom and the cities of the plain, how much moreso will he show us, his friends, the day of the last trump. 

One final note on this segment, there are those who demand to hear what saith the Lord and not the spoutings of a man.  I don’t mind bursting your bubble with the fact that your scriptures were written by men moved by the Spirit.  Every writing and utterance to which we have access came via the pen or mouth of a Spirit-inspired man.  What is needed are men who have their ears tuned to the mouth of God; men who have the courage to go against the grain by declaring that the day can and will be known; men bold and obedient enough to declare upon the rooftops what has been spoken in their ear.  There were only twelve apostles appointed by Jesus.  The chance of running into one during their days was slim and none.  There are just a few prophets in this time, among seven billion people in this world and the chance of running into one is even less likely, especially in a world where the enemy has caused God’s people to think prophets don’t even exist.  I have good news for those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying: they do exist.  I know because I am one.  And just as Jesus endured the contradiction of sinners against himself, thinking they knew more about His Father than he knew, I have no problem enduring the contradiction of "know it alls" who know little or nothing about the Living, Speaking God.

(this is continued in God's Final Secret, chapter 4.