Thursday, May 12, 2016

Gideon’s Battle: Fighting while Fainting

By Stephen Benton
Key Verse: “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.  Proverbs 10:24

            As usual, we often have to define a word or two so that we do not have a misunderstanding of the subject matter.  When we speak of ‘fainting,’ a picture comes into our minds of someone passing out because of illness or trauma, or excitement.  That is not the meaning of the word as it is used in our subject in the above text.
            Actually the old and new testaments utilize 15 different words that are translated as ‘faint.’  In the verse above, the meaning is: to slacken, abate, cease.  Once the use of the term is understood, the meaning of the verse is self-explanatory.  What good is strength if it goes when it is needed the most?
            We have been looking at Gideon and his 300 man army and their conquest of the armies of the Midianites, Amalekites, and children of the east.  Let’s go back to Judges chaper eight and look at another meaning of the word faint.

            “And Gideon came to Jordan, and passed over, he, and the three hundred men that were with him, faint, yet pursuing them.” Vs.4

This verse gives us some insight into what we can expect while fighting the enemy.  In the course of the battle we will become faint.  The word faint as it is used here means: languid; thirsty; weary.  You can add the word hunger to the list.  That’s the condition Gideon’s army was in.  What is noteworthy is the fact that they continued their pursuit of the enemy.  That’s what God expects us to do also.  There is no room for the weekend warrior or the good-conditions fighter.  Satan is counting on you fainting because that will be his only hope of escaping from you.  Naturally, one of the ploys of the adversary is to simply wear you out!
Now, note verses five through nine:  Gideon asked for some bread from these people to feed his men.  Understand, his victory over the kings of Midian would also benefit the men of Succoth and Penuel but they said no.  That lets us know that we should not be surprised when those who are in a position to assist us in our conflict will refuse to do so.  After God gave Gideon the victory, he returned to the men of those areas and slew them.  Like I said in the bulletin, “we are taking no prisoners!”

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on

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