Wednesday, June 15, 2016

THE POWER TO TREAD ON SERPENTS...! by Pastor Stephen Benton

THE DAILY WORD   written by Pastor Stephen Benton      11-20-2000
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,..."
Luke 10:18 &19

“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

We came across that passage in the message taken from 1Peter chapter 1:4 where our heavenly inheritance is discussed.  In the course of the message we learned that our inheritance is undefiled.  That’s when the Holy Ghost gave us insight into the significance of this passage and the reason for the swift disposal of Satan from heaven.  Because of his infinite and seemingly, out of control love for the Church, God the Father wasted no time dispatching the Adversary from the heavens in order to keep our inheritance undefiled!  Today, as I write, that passage now takes on a deeper meaning, because it goes before what is written in verse 19, the text for yesterday’s message, it serves as a stepping stone to understanding verse 19.

What Jesus is telling his disciples is that the leader of the serpents and scorpions, Satan, is already fallen.  Because of that fact, we have a power over his cohorts and “over all the power of the enemy.”

I made reference to the movie the Matrix Sunday as an example of how God’s word is continually unplugging us from this worldly matrix.  In the movie, the new member was perceived as being “the One.”  If you recall, he was taken to see the oracle and the oracle was not convinced that he was who or what Morpheus thought he was.  At the completion of his training, he soon came to understand that he indeed was the One and that his powers against the enemy were unlimited.

As Special Agents of Christ, we cannot be effective against the enemy until we fully understand who we are and what are our God given abilities.  Who are we?  We are born again creatures of God: Sons of God!  What has God given us according to the text?  The power (exousia) to tread on serpents and scorpions.

Jesus is not referring to the literal snakes and scorpions here.  And neither is he referring to merely a spiritual force.  Now, that is a jawbreaker of a statement unless one understands that just as God has a Kingdom, so does Satan.  And if God has real, literal troops in his army, so does Satan.  Jesus referred to Satan’s kingdom with the remarks that if Satan’s kingdom be divided, it cannot stand.  We have learned over the past few years that Satan does indeed have a kingdom and that Jesus’ words about It being divided are true.  Consequently we must understand that Satan’s kingdom will fall.

(Here I must confess that I get a unique thrill just writing those words through a medium like the Net, Satan’s most powerful tool for enslaving the souls of men.  Do you remember the class we had some time back showing us that in all internet addresses, the www is equivalent to 666?  Imagine how Satan and his minions must feel when they see this stuff being transmitted.  They never envisioned their “spider web” would be used as a tool to bring about their own downfall.)

Back to Satan’s kingdom:  He does have one.  He has forces that are ready to do battle against the Kingdom of God and at t his time in his long career, Satan actually believes he has both the resources and the power to take God’s kingdom out.

God has been showing us, since July, 1996, in the text taken from II Thessalonians chapter two that what we know as “aliens” are none other than Satan’s creation.  Someone might object by saying that Satan cannot create.  No, he can’t but he can meddle with creation.  That’s exactly what he promulgated in Genesis chapter six with the intermingling of the sons of God with the daughters of men. The result of that union was a hybrid race called “giants.”  The flood was sent to eliminate that seed from the face of the earth.  That was in the days of Noah.  Jesus prophesied letting us know that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the time of the coming of the son of man.  While that passage focuses on “eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,” Mt. 24:38, it includes with it the reality that we are living today among the seed of Satan.  Does Satan have a seed?  Yes!  According to Genesis 3:15 Satan definitely has his own seed upon the earth and his seed and the seed of the woman, which Christ (and his seed, us) are engaged in a deadly conflict.

God first published the story of the conflict between the two seeds, not in the bible, but wrote it using the stars themselves.  The constellation of Scorpio shows a picture of a scorpion.  Above the scorpion, the symbol for Satan, is a picture of a man, Ophiucus, holding a large snake, Serpens.  The tail, stinger of the Scorpion is lifted up toward the heel of the strong man. ‘…and he shall bruise thy heel.”

Those familiar with the different species of aliens will tell you that the most insidious branch of aliens are the Reptilians.  They are depicted in just about every sci-fi movie (about aliens) ever made.  The second branch is a group simply known as Insectoids. No wonder so many space-alien movies show creatures resembling insects, usually of the scorpion variety. 

If you think we’ve taken a trip to a place where no man has boldly gone before, all you have to do is read the book of Revelation chapter nine and there you will find a description of some locusts unlike any plant eating locust you will find on earth.  In that passage reference is made to scorpions.  The scorpions are said to have power.  They are positioned as being “on the earth.” If the reference is to a natural scorpion, then the expression “on the earth” is redundant at best.

There is a conflict coming and in the last time God will reveal who His true saints are and before we leave here we will fulfill the words of Jesus in Luke 10:19, a passage that cannot be verified as having happened during any period of Church history.

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Stephen Benton

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on

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