Friday, July 22, 2016

1997" the Last Trump..." Chapter 2 by G. Stephen Benton



"Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts. " Lev.23:2

God  gave the Israelites  specific feast  days called "the feasts  of the LORD...these are my feasts. " From  his statement   we can understand   that  Israel  had  nothing  to do with selecting  these  feast  days.  They are times  designated by God  to be observed  by Israel.

With  each  feast  God  gave precise  instructions  as to how and when it would be observed.  Although these feast days were celebrated by Israel, their true  significance  and importance  transcends  the  entire  Old Testament period.  All of the  Old Testament feasts  point to Jesus.   Jesus  said, "think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. " Matt.5:17

Writings  in the  Psalms  tell us that  God  was not content  with sacrifices  of animals  but was looking forward to a more  perfect  sacrifice  who would fulfill the  law's requirements   in every detail.   Jesus  would be that  perfect sacrifice.

"Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.
Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it
is written of me,
I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is within my heart."  Ps. 40:6-8


The first feast, Passover,  was not  fulfilled until  53 days before  the Church  was born.   Although  the  children  of Israel  killed a Passover  lamb each year the feast  was celebrated,  Jesus himself  fulfilled the feast by becoming  the true  lamb of God  and died  on the cross for the  sins of the world.

Before  us are four feast  days:  Passover,  Unleavened Bread,  Sheaf Waving, and the Feast  of Weeks.   As we look at these  feasts  we shall see that  all of them  were fulfilled in
every detail.   All of these  feasts  are associated   with the first month of Israel's sacred  year.   Although  the  feast  of Weeks takes  place  in the third  month,  it is actually  an extension  of the Waving  of the Sheaf.

This segment  of the book  is crucial to our study because  by examining  God's attention   to detail  in fulfilling the earlier  feasts, we shall gain a deeper  understanding   and
appreciation of how the feasts  of the seventh  sacred  month will be fulfilled in the future.



On  the  night  Israel  left  Egypt, God  instituted   the Feast  of the  Passover  or Pesach.   It  commemorate the night  the  death  angel  passed  through  the  land  of Egypt killing the  firstborn  in every household   where  there  was no blood  splattered   on the  doorpost. Every  house  where  the angel  found  the  blood  was  "passed over."

God gave Moses explicit instructions  regarding  the observance  of the day.  In so doing, God  also changed  the order  of the months  of the year with respect  to his people, Israel.   This is a key element  in determining  the year of the Rapture.  We cannot  properly  understand God's times unless we are governed  by his calendar which is also the Hebrew  calendar.

"And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year
to you. "

Another passage in Exodus lets us know what month it was.

"This day ye came out in the month Abib."

As a result of this ordinance  the Hebrew  calendar is now reckoned  two ways: the civil year and the sacred year.  On the civil calendar,  Nisan is the seventh  month.
Because  the Hebrew  calendar  is based  on the movement  of the moon, their month  of Nisan will appear at various times  on our Gregorian calendar.  It answers most closely to the Gregorian  month  of April but it may also cover portions  of March or May.


"Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, in the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb... " Ex.12:3

God, working from detailed plans that were laid in eternity past, has designated a particular day for their New Testament  fulfillment.   The day of fulfillment  cannot  be
just  any day; no more  that  one can buy an airline ticket  for any flight on any airline leaving on just  any day.

"Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, wasfour hundred and thirty years." Ex.12:41

A common  misconception is that the children of Israel  were slaves in Egypt for 430 years.  The text does not say that.   The 430 year period  encompasses  the entire length of the sojourning  years and takes  us back to when Abraham  first entered  Canaan.

Abraham  was 75 years  old when he entered Canaan. (Gen.12:4).  He  died  when he was  175 (Gen.25:7), therefore, he lived in Canaan  for 100 years.  Isaac lived his entire life in Canaan and died when he was 180 years old. (Gen.35:28)  If we subtract  the years that  Abraham  and Isaac lived together in Canaan,  75 years, the combined  time of Abraham and Isaac's years in Canaan  total  205 years.  Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob was born
(Gen.25:26).  Subtracting  60 years from Isaac's 180 years, Jacob  lived in Canaan  with Isaac for 120 years.  Jacob  went to Egypt when he was 130 years old (Gen.46:9) which
means  he lived in Canaan without  Isaac for ten years. Adding  the 10 years to 205,  the total  years that  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob  spent  in Canaan  were 215 years, exactly half of the 430 years of their time of sojourning.  Consequently, the children of Israel could not have been


slaves in Egypt longer than  215 years, actually less, depending  upon when the new Pharaoh  enslaved  them.

Looking at a passage in Exodus 12:40 we can determine  the exact day that  Abraham  entered  Canaan.

"And it came to pass at the end of the four  hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from Egypt."

Because  we are told that  the children of Israel came  out of Egypt  "even the selfsame day" after  the completion of the 430 year period, we know that Abraham began his sojourn in Canaan on the fifteenth  day of Nisan (Gen.12:4-5).

God's faithfulness  to time and his absolute  control over events on this earth  are the threads  that  weave faith in his word.   These facts  let us know  that  nothing  is written
on his calendar  by chance and that  every act of God  is carefully orchestrated.  If God kept his commitments  to Israel  on their exact day you can be sure that  he will not delay his promise  to snatch the Church out of this earth!

The Passover  feast as well as all of the other  major feast days in the Old Testament  are mere  shadows and types of things to come.  We know that  a shadow is cast by something  tangible.  Passover  was not instituted  by God merely  as a celebration  of Israel's deliverance,  its ultimate fulfillment  lies in the loving act of Jesus as the Lamb of God whose shed blood would set an entire world free from the bondage of sin.  The true fulfillment  of Passover  came 1,523 years later to the very day!  Let's go back to Exodus 12 and pick up another  detail to see just how fully Jesus fulfilled the ordinance  of Passover.

"Speak ye  unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, in the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers,  a lamb for an house. " Ex.l2:3


"And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth  day of the same month: and the whole congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening."  Ex.l2:6

The Passover  lamb was to be selected  on the tenth day of the month.   It was nourished  until the fourteenth day when it would be killed in the evening or, better translated,  between the evenings.  The Jews recognized  two evenings, 3:00 P.M. and  6:00 P.M.   The Mishnah allowed the killing of the lamb to take place anytime between the noon hour and  6:00P.M.

Jesus  fulfilled the Passover in every detail  but  here again we find Satan creeping  in and altering the truth of the details of that  precise fulfillment.   Around the world, Christianity   celebrates Passion Week beginning on Palm Sunday when Jesus  was supposed  to have made  his triumphant entry.   Good  Friday memorializes the  day of the crucifixion and  Easter  Sunday  celebrates the resurrection.  The scriptures, however, render all of those days  as  incorrect.  Satan saw an opportunity to mix the pagan doctrines of Babylon with the truth of scripture  and seized  the  moment!

In the year Jesus died, he entered into Jerusalem on Saturday, not Sunday.  Because  of the short distance  of his trip, he did not violate Sabbath day rules regarding travel.  On that day, which was the tenth day of the month, the Jews as a nation unknowingly selected  the Lamb of God when they spread palm leaves and garments in his path while crying Hosannah,  thus fulfilling the law on the exact day!

"And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosannah to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord;  Hosannah in the highest.”   Mt.21:9


The  meaning   of their  cry is  "help or save now."  It was the  same  cry that  was uttered   for seven  days during the  Feast  of Tabernacles   as they  marched   around  the  altar with palm  branches. Those  who honored  Jesus  that day expected him  to deliver  their  nation  from  the  iron  rule  of the  Roman   Empire.

A word here  about  Jesus' triumphant  entry into Jerusalem  is in order.   It is often  called a "triumphant" entry.  The entry was anything  but triumphant.  Jesus entered riding on an ass, a king's beast  of peace.   Jesus had been  rejected  by the nation at large and in particular by its religious leaders  for the past three  and one-half  years.  He was making  one last offer of God's peace  to Israel which they could receive only by believing on him as the Messiah.  He was not smiling, shaking hands and proclaiming  victory as he entered.   He went  into Jerusalem  "lowly." (Zec.9:9)  He was depressed  in his mind and spirit because his own people rejected  his message  of peace  and salvation.   Jesus' pain ran deep because  his people  possessed  the oracles of God which contained the Messianic prophecies. The leaders  knew who he was and with that knowledge, rejected him.  Jesus entered  into Jerusalem  knowing that he would be crucified  four days later,  precisely as the law demanded!

If we accept  the traditional  Palm Sunday as the day when the sacrificial lamb of God was selected, Jesus should have been killed four days later which would be Thursday. To teach  that Jesus died on Friday violates the four day ordinance.

According  to God's directions  in the Law of Moses, the  lamb  was to be killed  on the  fourteenth day of the month.    Jesus  fulfilled  that  detail  by hanging  on the  cross four  days  later.   Four days from Saturday is Wednesday.  He  was  crucified  not on Friday but  on  Wednesday.

Jesus said that  he would be in the grave three  days and  three  nights.   Understanding    


how meticulous God  is about  exact  days, he  did not  mean  a part  of three  different days, but  three  whole days  and  three whole nights  or 72 hours.   Here I acknowledge my father  Bishop  G. Grady Benton.  His  diligence  in seeking  and  proclaiming  the  truth of the  Wednesday crucifixion  at  a time  when  very few were proclaiming that  scriptural  truth has  inspired  me  to delve into  all of the  feast  days in search  of their  future fulfillment.

Mark 15:34 gives the time  of Jesus' death  as after 3:00 p.m. in the  afternoon. He died leaving sufficient time for Nicodemus  and Joseph of Arimathea to anoint, wrap and bury his body before  the Sabbath of Passover.  Jesus fulfilled the law and died  "between the evenings."  Being crucified and buried  on Wednesday, the preparation day, Thursday at the same time would be one day; Friday at the same time, two days; Saturday at the same time, three  days.  The resurrection  occurred sometime  after  3:00 p.m. and before 6:00 p.m. in the evening  on Saturday.   When  the women went to the tomb  early in the morning  of the first day of the week, their earliest  opportunity,  the angel announced that  he is already risen.  He did not get up that morning, he had  been  up since late Saturday evening.  The great earthquake  early Sunday records the time of the moving of the stone, not the resurrection   (Matt. 28: 1&2).

The  traditional  Easter  sunrise service did not commence with the  resurrection of Jesus,  it was observed  a few thousand years  earlier  in Babylon.   In Satan's attempt to merge Christianity with pagan Babylonianism,  he introduced Easter sunrise service to the  Church.    The name  Easter is a variation of Ishtar,  the  Babylonian queen of heaven.    Jeremiah   condemned Israel  for offering  cakes to her  (Jer. 7:18).  Legend  has  her  son Tammuz  being  killed by a wild animal  and  miraculously  resurrected.   The  legend is a lie.   Ezekiel wrote  about women weeping for Tammuz for forty days which  is still celebrated  by some religions  as


the Lenten  season  (Eze.8:14).   Tammuz'  father  is said to be none  other  than  Nimrod  (Gen.10:8) known throughout  the Old Testament  as the deity Baal or the sun god.  The Church  would be wiser to observe a Saturday  afternoon resurrection  memorial  service as opposed  to a Sunday sunrise service.   

We are told  in I Corinthians 5:7 that  "Christ our passover  is sacrificed for us."  Paul's letter  to the  Hebrews admonished  them to abandon  the Old Testament  sacrifices which could never take away sin and cleave to Jesus who offered  himself up once as the passover  lamb for the sins  of the world.

Again,  God  is working  from  detailed   plans.   The feast  day of Passover  was inaugurated   to serve  as a clock and  calendar   for these  last days and  all of the  remaining feast  days will likewise be  fulfilled  at  their  appointed times.



Immediately   following the  Passover meal,  the  Feast of Unleavened  Bread  commenced  on the fifteenth day of the month and lasted until the twenty-first  day.  Israel  left Egypt on the  fifteenth  day.  The  scope  of this book  will not allow me to go into all of the  wonderful  details  associated with this feast  such as the  daily sacrifices and their
contents, all of which displayed the character of Christ.  A personal study of those details will result in a deep settled confidence in God's saving ability.

This feast  is an extension of Passover because Israel ate unleavened bread and the  lamb on the evening of the 14th.  The  lamb atoned  for their  sins and eating  the unleavened   bread  brought  the  worshipper  into  a realm  of fellowship  and  communion  with God.   The  last part  of the Passover  meal  consisted  of bitter  herbs.   Allow me to focus on the  bitter  herbs  for a moment   before  considering  the significance  of the  bread.

The bitter  herbs  are  said to represent the  bitterness of Israel's  slavery  in Egypt.   That  is correct but  it also encompasses  more  than  that.   We have  already  looked  at how the 430 year prophecy  to Abraham  took  in the sojourning  of Abraham,  Isaac  and  Jacob  before  Israel  grew to nation  status.   When  Pharaoh  met  Jacob  he asked  him how old he was.  Jacob  told  Pharaoh   that  his days were ''few" (130 years old) and  ''full of evil."  Jacob had endured  a hard  life and his life is a fair representation of the  sojourn of the true  Church  on this  earth.

There  is very little preaching   today  about  the suffering aspect of discipleship.  I believe the suffering message  diminished  with the onset of the current  blessing message.   Jesus preached  a way of suffering.  He said, "If any man  be my disciple, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow  me."  Lk. 9:23   The badge  of discipleship  is a cross, an


emblem of suffering.   That element  is noticeably missing in this Church age.  Paul spoke of knowing Christ in the  ''fellowship of his sufferings." Phil. 3:10.   The bitter  herbs  were the last part of the meal to be consumed  before  leaving Egypt because  they represent  not so much what had already happened  but that which was to come.

Regarding   the  bread,  leaven  is always depicted  in scripture  as a type  of sin, corruption,   or evil.  Jesus  warned his disciples  to beware of the  leaven  of the  Pharisees, referring  to the  corruptive  ingredient  in their  doctrine.    In one  of the  parables  of the  kingdom,  a woman  is shown hiding leaven in three measures  of meal  (Matt. 13:33).   That parable  does  not  teach  the  all pervading  influence  of the gospel  as some  teach,  but  rather  the  all-pervasive corruption that  results  when just  a little bit of false doctrine   is added  to the  Truth.

Naturally,  unleavened bread  represents  the  absence of sin. God commanded Moses to instruct the children of Israel  to eat unleavened  bread during the meal.

"And they shall eat the flesh  in that night, roast with fire,  and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs shall they eat it." Ex. 12:8

Salvation  and  sin cannot coexist.   This presents   a problem  because  man  is sinful by nature.  To meet  his standards  of righteousness,  God  eliminated  sin by establishing  the  Feast  of Unleavened Bread.  This sinless state has nothing whatsoever to do with the  ability of the worshipper,  it is the  result  of faith in God's  word.   Anyone who, by faith,  ate unleavened   bread for seven days would be  reckoned  sinless, even  though  in reality  they  were  not.   As in the sacrifice of Abel,  God  testified  of the gift he brought  but  he  said  nothing about  any  works of righteousness Abel  himself  performed  (Heb.11:4).   So it  is with those who ate  unleavened bread,  they  were  counted  as sinless because  they  ate the  bread,


not  because  of anything having  to do with their  own performance of righteousness.  God  actually  forced Israel into a sinless  state  by depriving them  of the  opportunity to leaven  their  bread:

"And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth  out of Egypt, for  it was not leavened; because they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for  themselves any victuals."   Ex.12:39

Given  the  time,  Israel  would have  leavened  their bread.   They  ignored  Moses'  commandment to put all leaven out  of their  houses  that  night.   It was not  a lack of leaven  that  kept  them  from leavening  their  bread,  they lacked  the  opportunity to use the  leaven  they  had.   The flesh is in constant  violation  of the  law of God.  Unleavened bread was just  as nourishing  as leavened  bread but its taste  did not  appeal  to the  flesh's appetite.

The gospel  aspect  of the  leaven  incident  should teach us that our sinless condition is accomplished only by the  execution of God's power to override  our natural  bent toward  sin.  We are not former  sinners who were saved by grace,  we are present sinners being saved by grace and grace alone.  Given  the  opportunity,  the flesh will revert to leaven every time.

New  Testament salvation is a salvation  guaranteed by God  himself.   God  incorporated  a fail-safe mechanism into  the  plan of salvation and he will have  a sinless church in spite of itself.   Like Israel  that  night, the  Church  has righteousness   bestowed  upon  it because  its founder  Jesus Christ  is sinless.  As Paul  wrote,  ''your life is hid in Christ with God." Col. 3:3

The Feast  of Unleavened  Bread continued for seven days.   When we looked at the  feast of Passover we were able to detail each segment and how each was fulfilled by Christ on their  particular  day.   The seven days of the  Feast  of Unleavened  Bread do not  provide


us with a day by day New Testament  fulfillment.   If it did, it would imply that  Christ was sin-free  for seven  days and  only after his death on the  cross.  We  know  that  is absurd.   Jesus lived his entire  life free  from  sin.  That's  why he  alone could  stand  in as a substitute  for sinners.   Therefore,  the seven day period  of Unleavened  Bread represents a complete period of time and it was fulfilled by Jesus living a complete lifetime of sinless perfection.

Because Jesus is the head  of all things to the Church, including its state of sinlessness, all seven ages of the Church may enjoy the blessing in Christ of being counted  free from sin. Jesus said,
"Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Ma.16:18)   
We know that not everyone in the professing  Church  belongs  to Christ  because long ago Satan sowed tares  among  the  true  seed  (Matt.13:25).  Yet, Jesus stated that his Church cannot  be destroyed by the forces of Satan and neither will it succumb  to the  effects  of sin.  Though  the  Church has sin within its professing ranks, it has been recognized by God as being unleavened throughout  its history and will continue to be so during its few remaining  months  on earth.

Unfortunately, many believers expect to be raptured to heaven based  upon  their  ability to live sin-free.   That idea is based on the  following scripture:

"That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."  Eph.5:27
For many  years  I have  heard  it preached   that  a believer  must  live a life that  is spotless,  wrinkle-free,  and without  blemish.   That  should  certainly  be  every believer's objective  but  God's  word  clearly demonstrates  that Jesus had  to die for the sins of the world because  of


the  very fact that man could not accomplish  that  feat.  To those who think they can, God gave his law in order  to prevent  them from bragging about  their self-righteousness. The law of God pronounced  the entire  world guilty before  God (Ro.3:19).  The flesh is inherently  sinful and cannot  clean itself up.  What  the above verse is saying is that  he will present  to himself  a glorious  church.

While on this earth in this flesh every member  of the Church  is full of spots, wrinkles  and  blemishes.   After  it is raptured and later presented  to Christ  in heaven,  then  it will truly be without  spot, wrinkle, or blemish  forever.   God will accomplish  that by himself.  Again and again throughout God's word he states  how his own arm brought  salvation.
If Amazing Grace will be sung in heaven,  then  we will be able to sing it with the complete  understanding  that nothing  but grace saved us.



"And the Lord spake unto Moses saying,
Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, when ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:
And he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it."  Lev.23:9-11

This passage  introduces  us to the  Wave  Offering  or the  Sheaf  of Firstfruits.    The text  tells us that  this  offering would  not  begin until  they  had  entered   the  land  of Canaan and  experienced   their  first harvest.    Like  the  other  special times  in the  Old  Testament,   this  one  too, has  its fulfillment in Christ  Jesus.   I omitted   verses  12-14 not  because  they
are not important  but, again, because  they are not the focal point  of this book.

The  firstfruits of the harvest  were  presented  to the priest  and then  waved  before  the  Lord.   By giving God  the firstfruits  of their  harvest  they  were  acknowledging  that everything  given to them  came  from  God  and  that  all subsequent  fruit  was dedicated  to him.   They  were  also telling  God  that  there  would be more  to come  when  the full harvest  was reaped. In the  resurrection  chapter  of I Corinthians  we are told that  Christ is the  ''firstfruits of them that slept. "

"But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept."
I Cor.15:20

In this case, Jesus is the first of those  who rose from the grave.   After his resurrection he made  several appearances on the first day of the week.   The appearance to Mary  Magdalene


near  the  tomb  gives us some  insight  as to when Jesus  literally  fulfilled  the  Old  Testament   type  of the  wave  offering.

"Jesus saith unto her, touch me not: for I am not yet ascended to my Father." Jn.20:17

Jesus wasn't simply forbidding Mary to touch him, he stopped her from clinging to him.  She was thrilled to see Jesus alive and she wanted to hold onto him and not let him out of her sight.   Jesus told her that he had not ascended to his father.  What was the purpose of that ascension?   It was to present himself as a sheaf of wave offering to God representing  the firstfruits of those who would later be resurrected. Jesus ascended into heaven to the Father on that very day.   Why on that day?  Because the Law commanded that it be presented on the morrow after the Sabbath.  The date was the 18th of Nisan, the first day of the week.

Satan understood the  full significance  of this offering  and  the ramifications  of its fulfillment by Jesus.   Because  of that,  Satan  and  all of his associates in the heavens  attempted   to prevent  Jesus  from accomplishing that  goal.   They  were  not  successful  as we are told in Colossians:

"And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. " Col. 2:15

These  are  the  same principalities  and powers  spoken of in Ephesians  6:12.   Jesus literally  stripped  from  himself those demon principalities  and  powers  that  sought  to  grab hold  of him  to prevent  him  from  completing   this  final phase  of redemption. They tried  to arrest  him in the heavens just like the prince of Persia detained  Gabriel when  he  went  through


their  domain  with a message  to Daniel.    The  Church  would  have  lost all benefits  of the death  and  resurrection   of Christ  if he had  not “waved” himself  as an  offering  of firstfruits  before  God.

The  significance  of the  Wave  Offering  is further emphasized   when  Jesus  related  his death  to that  of a corn of wheat  falling into  the  ground:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth  much fruit." Jn.12:24

Jesus  was that  corn  of wheat.   Joseph Seiss brings out  this  same  truth in his book, The  Gospel  In the  Stars.   In the constellation of Virgo, the  brightest  star  is not  in the virgin herself  but  it is in the  Spica, the  corn of wheat  that  the virgin is holding.   The  message   in the  constellation of Virgo elevates  the Son above the mother just as the scriptures  do.  That corn of wheat had to die in order that it might bring forth much fruit.

It was necessary  for Jesus to die because  without his death  our  spiritual  birth  could  not  happen. Through  his death  much  fruit  is harvested.   By appearing  in the presence   of God  as an offering of firstfruits,  Jesus solidified  the  future  resurrection  of all who had died  or would die in the  faith.   If he had  not  performed  that offering,  our  hope  of both  the  resurrection  and the Rapture  would be compromised.   Because  he did die, we
can be sure that  we too  will be caught  up to meet  the  Lord in the  air whether  we are  alive or dead  at the  time  of the "catching away."



"And ye shall count unto you from  the morrow after the sabbath, from  the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete;

Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty  days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord.

Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour;  they shall be baken with leaven; they are the firstfruits  unto the Lord."  Lev.23:15-17

Again, when  God  ordained   this  feast  in Israel,  he was looking  ahead  to the  day of its fulfillment.   The Church  was brought  into  existence  on the  first occurrence of that  feast  day after  the  resurrection. The Greek  name for this day is called Pentecost which means fifty.  This feast occurred fifty days after the waving of the sheaf of firstfruits.  It should be clear by now that God was working from  a detailed   blueprint   that  has been  and  will continue to be followed.

Too often  I hear  comments  suggesting  that  God waits until  circumstances and  conditions  on earth  are  set before  implementing   his plans.   That  idea  is incorrect.   The expression  "in the fullness  of time" has  to  do with  God's calendar and  not  earthly  conditions.

Some  of God's plans  have  their  fulfillment exclusively in the  Church,  and  some  are  reserved solely for Israel.   As noted,  the  fulfillment  of the  Feast of Weeks focuses  on the  Church.   Although  the  original  membership of the  Church  consisted  entirely  of Jews, the  Church  was a new and  separate  entity  altogether,  distinct  from the  nation of Israel.   Prophecy  students  come  to erroneous conclusions  when they attempt  to combine


the promises made  to the Church  with those made  to Israel.

The scriptures  are detailed  in giving us the New Testament  time this feast day was fulfilled:

"To whom he also shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God."   Acts 1:3

God instructed  Moses  to number  seven sabbaths from the day of the waving of firstfruits plus an additional day; the total being fifty days.  Jesus ascended  into heaven on the fortieth  day.  The apostles  and disciples were commanded  to wait in Jerusalem  until they received  the promise  of the Father which was the Holy Ghost.

"...but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.
For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence."
Acts 2:4&5

The wait in Jerusalem  lasted  ten days.

"And when the day of Pentecost was fully  come, they were all with one accord in one place,
And suddenly there came a sound from  heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled  with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. " Acts 2:1-4


The Church  was born.  The Feast  of Weeks  was fulfilled  "when the day of Pentecost  was fully  come. "  There are no variables  in the fulfillment  of the feast days.  I realize I am bordering  on redundancy  in repeating  that  fact but it is essential  that  it be understood  because  so many are under the impression that the day of the Rapture is a variable day. We shall see that  its date too, is as fixed as all of the other  feast day fulfillments.

When Jesus commanded  the apostles  to wait in Jerusalem,  they asked him if he would restore  the kingdom to Israel  when the  ''promise of the Father" came.   The answer Jesus gave at this time has been  taken  by many to mean  that  we cannot  know the time of the Rapture.

" is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. " Acts 2:7

It is incongruous  for God  to put  lights in the heavens  for signs;  to give written prophecies  stating specific times;  to establish  the calendar  of feast days and then tell his followers that  they cannot  know the times or the seasons of his return!

Jesus' answer to his apostles  is a response  to their question  about  the time of the restoration  of the kingdom of Israel and that is all.  Had  they listened  carefully to the answer of a previous  question  they asked, they would not have asked the question  now before  us.  Before  his death Jesus told them  that the Temple  was going to be destroyed. "There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."  Since that had not  happened yet, it should have been  clear to the apostles  that  Israel's restoration  as a kingdom  would not be for quite a while.  If Jesus, at that time, had told them  that  Israel would not be restored  as a nation  for almost 2000 years, it would have devastated  them.   When he referred  to the  "times and seasons," plural,  Jesus was telling them  that  there  are some


times  and  seasons  of which they  would  not  be told.   We already  looked  at  one  of those  events:  the  passing  away of the  heavens   and  the  earth.

When  it  suited  God's  purpose,   he  would  again restore  Israel  but  he  chose  to  restrict  the  knowledge  of that time  and  season  to himself.   In 1948 when  Israel  was restored  as a nation again,  the  date  became very significant in marking  off the  times of last days events.

Also, the formation of the Church is one of those times  and seasons that the Father  did not reveal to any of the prophets.   It was a new work entirely,  the  revelation of a mystery.  Daniel's prophecy  recorded  the crucifixion of Christ (Dan. 9:26) and then moved  right along into the final seven years.  Had  the prophecy  of Daniel  gone uninterrupted,  the future  thousand year millennium  would have ended  one thousand  years ago.  God knew that  he would interrupt  the prophecy  of Daniel  with the creation  of the Church but he was silent on the issue.  The actual  period  of time for the saving of the Gentiles  was another  time and season that the Father  kept  secret.
I referred  earlier to the "gap" theory.  It is an interruption  in the flow of Daniel's prophecy.  Jesus was aware of that gap when he read the scripture in the synagogue of his home town. Luke 4:16-20 records the passage that Jesus read from the writings of Isaiah. Comparing Luke's text with Isaiah's we see that Jesus stopped reading in the middle of the sentence, "to preach the acceptable year of the Lord .. " (Isa. 61:2)  Isaiah's writing continued with "...and the day of the vengeance of our God. "  Jesus would not fulfill that portion of Isaiah until his second coming, therefore the gap in time.  That gap is filled with the birth of the Church and the ''grafting in" of the Gentiles.  

The description  of the event  on the day of Pentecost  sounds like the noise  of a very good time.   That's exactly the way it is described  in Deuteronomy:


"Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put  the sickle to the corn.
And thou shalt keep the feast  of weeks unto the Lord thy God with a tribute of a freewill  offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give unto the Lord thy God, according as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee:
And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God, thou and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless,  and the widow, that are among you, in the place  which the Lord thy God hath chosen to place  his name there.
And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt: and thou shalt observe and do these statutes. "
Deut. 16:9-12

This is a time  of celebration  and  rejoicing.   The grain harvest  is complete.   The  grace  of God  allowed  them to bring  him  "a tribute  of a freewill  offering"  from  their own hand.   The  offering  would  be  in accordance   with  God's  blessings  to  them.

It was an event  open to all and as such it fully typified what the Church of Jesus should be.  The Feast  of Weeks  allowed the family, the servants, the stranger, the cast-down  and the cast-away to join in the celebration. If there  is a place where there  should be no room  for prejudice,  bigotry, or racism, it should be in the Church.

When  the  Pentecostal  revival erupted  in Los Angeles  in 1906,  it burst  upon  the  city without  respect for color, race,  creed,  education  or reputation. Of  course  it wasn't  long, just  about  three  years,  before  Satan  caused divisions  along  color  lines.   That  division  continues until this day and is one of the  main  reasons for the multitude of Pentecostal   organizations in the  world today.

Satan  divided  that  movement initially using  racism and then created  further


divisions by instigating doctrinal disputes  that have nothing  to do with basic salvation.  The Pentecostals,  like those of every God-ordained revival that had preceded  theirs, began to organize  the Church by adding their own by-laws, minute  books, regulations,  and traditions. History repeated  itself in the Church for the seventh time and the revival died.  The organized  Church today is teaching  that a great revival is about to break out in the Church again before  the Rapture--they are  in error.  The last great revival already  happened  in 1906. I'll comment  more on that  later in the book.

On the  day of the  fulfillment  of the  Feast  of Weeks the Holy  Ghost came down from  heaven  and  entered  into the hearts  of those  present.   We have now been born  from above  and  are  the  children  of the  free.   Egypt, the  true type  of the  world, is no  longer  our home.   We  should celebrate   that  fact  every time  we gather  together.

S.H. Kellogg spoke of this day as "...the spiritual ingathering of the firstfruits of the world's harvest, fifty days after the presentation of our Lord in resurrection, as the wave-sheaf of the firstfruits."

The Feast  of Weeks marked  the presentation of a "new meat (meal) offering unto the Lord (Lev.23:16)."   As Christ presented  himself to God as a wave offering of the sheaf of firstfruits, Pentecost  presents  to God the firstfruits of Christ's resurrection  from the dead.

Israel  was commanded  to  abstain  from  any servile work on that  day.   This is significant because  those  of us who are  presented  to God  in connection  with Pentecost are set free from the  works of the  law.   On  the  day  of  Pentecost 3,000 souls were added  to the Church.   This is in marked  contrast  to the day when the law was given from Mt. Sinai and 3,000 souls were destroyed  (Ex.32:28).  Here is an example  that shows God's use of numbers  is not coincidental.   They are used to show the vast difference between  Law and Grace.  The law could only condemn  and kill.   Under  grace, works do not make  a person  


acceptable to God; he or she is admitted  by the blood  of Jesus.  Grace is a gift of God and its first manifestation  in the New Testament  Church brought  new life.

"And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the first year, and one young  bullock, and two rams: they shall before  a burnt offering  unto the Lord..."     

For the first time, this celebration  of the Feast  of Weeks  after  the resurrection  of Christ did not include the sacrifices listed above because  Jesus himself had already fulfilled the purpose  of each of those offerings.  Rather than presenting  the blood of animals, we are now
instructed  to present  our bodies to God as a living sacrifice (Ro.12:1).

"Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering, and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings."                                Lev.23:19

Again, Jesus  met  all of those  requirements.   The result  of his offering  of himself  on the  cross  is remission  of sin and  peace  with God.   It  is no wonder  that  Paul  opened and  closed  his epistles  with the  expression,   "grace and peace be unto you."  God can extend  full grace to the Church because  Christ fulfilled the purpose  of the offering of goats and lambs.  We can live in a relationship  of peace with God because  Christ himself Was sacrificed for our peace .  It must  never be forgotten  that  the Church stands on the merits  of a blood sacrifice presented  as a burnt offering to God.

Jesus  not  only fulfilled  the  requirements of the animal  sacrifices,  he  also fulfilled  the  wave loaves  that  were baked  of fine  flour.   He  represents   the  best  of that  which  is


harvested from the earth.  His righteous refinement  was actually enhanced after his resurrection. Andrew Bonar states:  "Even as Jesus, when raised from the tomb, was henceforth no more under the curse of sin, but was blessed in body, for his body was no longer weary...' and blessed in company, for no longer was he numbered among transgressors; and blessed in all his inheritance, for all power was given to him in heaven and in earth."

There  is one  important   aspect  of this Feast  of Weeks  that  has  a special  fulfillment  in the  Church.   In connection   with the  loaves  of fine flour we are told,  "they shall be baken with leaven."  Throughout Leviticus  leaven was prohibited  in offerings  made  to God  by fire but  here we find  a notable  exception.    Though  Jesus  fulfilled  all of the  offerings  and  ingredients   associated  with this  feast  day, the  final fulfillment of  that  day centered  upon  born-again believers.   We  are  not  free  from  sin while we are  in these bodies  of flesh upon  the  earth.   Sin still dwells in our members. Because  of that  fact, God  graciously  allowed leaven  to be included  in the  offering  on the  day of Pentecost.   The  leaven  still has  its same  significance,  evil and  corruption.   But  when Jesus  comes  to receive  us to himself,  he will then  purge  out  every trace  of leaven  as he clothes  us with our  heavenly  bodies.



The four feasts  that  we have examined  all occurred in the  beginning of the  sacred  year.   Passover  was celebrated  in the  first month on the  fourteenth day.   On the fifteenth  day of the same  month  was the Feast  of Unleavened  Bread,  lasting until the 21st day of the month.  In the  same  month,  the  Feast  of Firstfruits  and  its associated  Wave Offering  was on the day following the Sabbath  after  Passover.   The Feast  of Weeks,  actually  the completion  of the  Feast  of the  Firstfruits,  was fifty days after  the  waving of the  sheaf  of Firstfruits.

All of these  feast  days were fulfilled at the  end of the  period  of Law or at the  beginning of the  Church  Age, depending  on how one wishes to view it.

Likewise, we shall see that the feasts  of the  seventh month  will be fulfilled either at the end of the Church Age or during the 70th week of Daniel's  prophecy.    They include the  Feast  of Trumpets,  the  Day of Atonement   and  the Feast  of Tabernacles.   We will also look at the  significance of the  Sabbath  Year and the Jubile Year.   Both  of those years  are  essential in determining  the day of the Rapture.



God's creation  of the Church  officially marked  the end of Judaism  and the Old Testament  economy  of salvation.  As you may know, the various sects of Judaism continued  with their worship after God started  the Church on the day of Pentecost.  In fact, Judaism,  in various forms, continues  to this present  day even though  it is no longer recognized  by God.  God made  that point  clear when he allowed the Temple  at Jerusalem  to be destroyed  in A.D. 70 according  to Jesus' prophecy.   Its destruction  served as official word from God that the Old Testament  priestly and sacrificial system had been suspended.

Jesus returned  to heaven  in A.D. 31 and the temple was destroyed  39 years later  in A.D. 70.  The 39 year interval between  the two events is notable. The factors  of 39 are 3 x 13. Three  represents  divine manifestation.  The number  13 always represents  rebellion.   In essence, although  Israel rejected  the offering of the kingdom, God gave the nation  an additional  39 years to reconsider.

Understand  that  the  Old  Testament   prophesied   that Christ  would  come  with miracles.    But  after  his departure the  apostles  continued  showing  signs, wonders  and  working miracles.    After  the  temple  was destroyed,   God's  official program  of miracles  ceased  also.   Even  though  God  still works miracles  today,  they  are  not  his official program.
Satan  has  moved  into  that  territory  also, duplicating  most of God's  signs, wonders,  and  miracles.    Jannes   and Jambres,  mentioned  in I Timothy 3:8 could  not  duplicate all of the  miracles  in Egypt  but  given time,  Satan  could have.   He  was unable  to bring  down  fire at the  showdown on Mt. Carmel  but  he  has  since acquired  that  ability  and will display  that  feat through  the  Antichrist.

As the  time  of the Tribulation  approaches,   the Temple  will be rebuilt  and  the  priestly  and  sacrificial  systems  will be reinstated. I have  always been  perplexed   by


the  reestablishment  of the  priesthood  and  sacrifices  during the Tribulation but one must realize that both systems are unfinished   business  as far  as Israel is concerned.

Throughout   the  book  of Hebrews  Paul  warns the Jewish  converts  against  going back under  a system that  is no longer  recognized  by God  and  to hold  fast their profession   of Jesus  Christ  their  Savior.

The handwriting  of the  Jew's rejection  of the  gospel was already  on the  wall when Jesus  gave the  parable  of the Sower.   The Jews had  been  closing their  eyes and  ears  to their  Messiah's  message  throughout  his ministry exactly as Isaiah  had  prophesied. (Isa 1:2-7) The reason  that  they  missed  the Messiah  was not  because  they  could not  hear  him or see his works, they  missed  him because  they  would not  hear  or see.   They deliberately made  themselves  deaf  and  blind to the  Messiah.   The  reason  Jesus  began  speaking  in parables was to keep  them  deaf and  blind.

"Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

And in them is fulfilled  the prophecy  of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and should be converted, and I should heal them."                             
                                                                                                  Matt.13: 13-15

Around  A.D. 63 the  Apostle  Paul  officially announced  the  end  of the  offering  of salvation  to national Israel.   When  Paul made  that  announcement he  referred  to the  same  prophecy  in Isaiah  that  Jesus  used  to condemn the Jews.  These  are Paul's words:


"...Well spake the Holy  Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers,

Saying, go unto this people,  and say, hearing ye shall
hear and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see and not perceive;

For the heart of this people  is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles, and that they will hear it. "
Acts 28:25-28

After  Paul's pronouncement, God  turned  fully to the  Gentiles  and  began saving them  en masse.  Still, the Church  has  had  a sprinkling  of Jews within  its ranks  since the  day of Pentecost   and  will continue  to attract  some believing  Jews until  it is raptured.


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