Sunday, January 28, 2018



DECEIVING AND BEING DECEIVED                                                               by Stephen Benton
        Good morning and welcome to The House Of Good News.    Don't let the name of our church deceive you into thinking that everything uttered here is good news. We are currently in the thick of a study that's full of bad news, depending on whose side you are on: God's or Satan's. If you're on God's side, the bad news will not affect you. If you are not on God's side, you're on the verge of being  "set up" big time.  Satan is about to unleash a masterful lie and you and a vast percentage of the professing Church will fall victims to the lie. God identified the deception as a "Strong delusion." I  believe God's word without question and if  God says it will be a strong delusion, this smug-attitude Church world better take heed.  Remember, God is going to ultimately spit this Church  out of his mouth.    As the Head of the body of the Church, this Church Age has nauseated Christ, made him sick to his stomach, and he's going to puke it up.
          There's a passage in Hosea 4:5 which reads:

        "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:"
          God's people are not destroyed for lack of emotion.    They are not destroyed for a lack of zeal, but they are guilty of having zeal but not according to knowledge.   We have been called to be a kingdom of priests unto God.  Many are going to be surprised when they are rejected at the time of the rapture but they shouldn't be.  Personally,  I have had my fill of hearing saints spout off about spiritual matters based on their own concepts.   They constantly reveal their ignorance about God's word and I'm learning not to even bother to dispute with them anymore.  My feeling now is, if they want to be stupid, let 'em go to hell and burn.
                 The trademark of  being on God's side is that you will have a love for  the truth of God 's word. That love for the truth of God's word is impossible unless you also have the Spirit of God dwelling in you;  a Spirit that God has promised to give to all who believe on the name of his Son, Jesus Christ.  And just  for the record, there's not one scripture in the bible that says God has to give a particular sign as evidence of  being filled with the Spirit.  (My "lack of knowledge, know- it-all" Pentecostal friends will stop reading at this point and say "he's off" and they won't bother to even check me out.)  It does mention "signs that will follow those who believe."  (Mark 16)  But it does not list any of those signs as a mandatory experience for salvation.  The Pentecostals simply took one of those signs, arbitrarily, and made it essential for salvation.  The Church has been preaching that faith is unseen but when it comes to the salvation of an individual, the Church,  like Israel in the wilderness,  puts God on trial and proves him by requiring him to show them a sign.  Again, God's people  are destroyed for lack of knowledge.   
                 God destroyed Israel in the wilderness for that same action after they did it for forty years. This last Church Age is now 90 years old and since the Holy Ghost fell on Azusa St. in Los, Angeles in 1906, P entecostals have continually demanded a sign from God every time someone believes.    Sorry, there's no scripture to substantiate that doctrine and those who read this and disagree with what I wrote about speaking in tongues as proof of the Holy Ghost, my sincere Pentecostal brothers should come forward in spiritual confrontation and enquire where I'm getting this false doctrine from.    Then in love, they should attempt to reconcile me to the truth.    During my 19 years of teaching God's word in California, not a single critic of mine has obeyed the scriptures in that area. Still they call me a false prophet and a heretic. They also violate the greatest sin on God's hate list by freely sowing discord among the brethren in telling them that my doctrine is off.  That's  a convenient word to use when an individual doesn't know where or how someone is off, only that what he or she teaches is in conflict with what they personally,  without scriptural support,  believe.    Saying someone is off is a cheap way of casting a questionable shadow on everything he or she teaches.

I am finding out that many  who profess  to be on the Lord's side  are severely lacking  in their love for the truth.    I found that to be true while publishing the news of the day of  the Rapture.    There is a multitude of so-called saints who are firm believers  that the day of the Rapture cannot be known.   They have been deceived by Satan and the worst part of  being deceived is that one is unaware of  his or her condition.    Not having a love for the truth makes one a prime victim for deception.

               Where the message of the Rapture is concerned, there are those  who say that the date is not important because we should be in a constant state of readiness.    Little do such individuals know that by making that statement they have entered into the sin of  blasphemy.    If the message of the day of the Rapture is from Satan, it should be viciously attacked.

          What are the rules of engagement against a  false doctrine?    Find the flaw in the scriptures.   If it is from God, it should be tenaciously embraced.   In either case, whether it be from God or Satan,  it should be examined in the light of the scriptures  being offered.    Now, if the message  came from God, and He has seen fit to reveal the day of his appearing,  then those  who say the date doesn't matter because we should always be ready, are saying, in reality, that God gave a vain message and that, my friend, is pure and simple blasphemy.

See "Blasphemy Aainst the Holy Spiritt" on YouTube, The House of Good Newz channel:

The scriptures show five items capable of being  blasphemed.
They are: (1.) The name of God (lsa.52:5; Ro.2:24;    Rev .16:9),    (2.) God Himself  (lsa.65:7; Eze.20:27; Rev.16: 11, 21).    (3.) The doctrine of God (I Tim.6: 1).    (4.) The  Word of God (Tit.2:5).    (5.) The Holy Ghost (Mt.12:31-32).

                Those who rejected the truth of the revelation of the time of the Rapture did so in violation of a commandment given by Paul as he wrote under the direction of the  Holy Ghost.    He wrote in Thessalonians:

1.    "Quench not the Spirit."

2.    "Despise not prophesyings."

3.    "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

One quenches the Spirit by  despising prophesyings.   Paul dealt with the subject of prophecy  more than all of the rest of  the Apostles.   As a result, he was also despised more than all of the other   Unbelief is not a new state of being.   After I taught the rapture  message at my Dad's church one gentlemen came up to me and told me he did not believe the message.    I said,  "Brother,  that puts you  in the majority and that ain't never  been nothin' special."

                Paul was telling the church,  rather than despise the prophecy, prove it. How?  Against  the scriptures.   If it is true, either in part  or in whole, hold fast that which is  good.

                             Like  any true prophesy,  the one God gave to me  is easy to  prove.
 I wrote  a book  and  gave scriptural references.    All  one has to do is examine
  the  scriptures  to  see if they  have been rightly divided.    Will today's loving of the word of God church do that?  No!  I say that emphatically because not one individual  has confronted  me with  objections to the scriptures God purportedly  gave to me.    Some have nit-picked over some of the Greek words,  none of whom  are genuine Greek students.  (A  true Greek student can read,  write,  and  analyze  the syntax  of  Greek language without  the aid of   a dictionary.   I'm  not  a Greek student either. Still, they will question some of the Greek references  as a license to reject  the  entire message.

         After these individuals have accomplished making someone a two­-fold candidate for hell by rejecting the truth of the message,  they smugly go on their sanctified way unaware that they are those whom Paul wrote about  in his  epistle  to Timothy:

           "He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil  surmisings,   Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth... "

                                          I Timothy  6:3-5

                    Understand  that  this  day  we  are living in is a day of unprecedented  deception.   Paul wrote that evil men and seducers (demonic angels, gods, spirits) will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  Here  is revelation.  The strong delusion will be  sent by God.  The deceivers and seducers will deceive and will be deceived.  What is the meaning of will be deceived? It means that God will allow the gods to actually believe their lie that they are fostering upon the earth.  What is a much more convincing lie is they actually believe that what they are saying is the absolute truth!    Now that I have had a firsthand look at the scriptural ignorance of this present Church Age,  I  know beyond all doubt that many  in the Church will believe the lie and will become the  falling away spoken of  in II Thessalonians, Chapter two.  The falling away must precede things spoken by the Spirit of  God.   It is time that we give the more earnest heed  to the things spoken by the Spirit of  God.


To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on

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