Thursday, August 15, 2013

IT'S TIME! (FOR ANTICHRIST)by Pastor Stephen Benton

from The Prophet

It's time to wake up to the fact that we are about to embark upon some of the darkest days known to the church in its entire history.

(Back in August of 2000, when this was written, there was a global religious conference in New York of all the world's religious leaders.  It officially marked the beginning of the "peace and safety" proclamation foretold in 1 Thessalonians.)  There was also a Global Business Conference and a Global Political Conference where President Clinton and Fidel Castro exchanged an historic handshake.

 [Ironically, this was held on 9-10-2000, one year and one day before the "attack" on New York's World Trade Towers.]

This religious conference was designed exclusively to determine the fate of the Jerusalem and to bring about the New World Order. ( the implementation of which the Lord has seen fit to hold back these 13 years.)

More specifically, it is designed to bring into motion the necessary components to usher in the Antichrist.

Now once again it is time for us to focus on the prophecy written to the Thessalonians by the Apostle Paul where he admonished them not to be "soon shaken in mind or troubled as if the Day of Christ is at hand."  
(II Thess. 2:2) 

Just what is meant by the "Day of Christ?"  It means that the world is about to be deceived on a level unprecedented in its entire history.  Jesus gave a warning against deception as The Sign of the last days.

"Take heed that no man deceive you."  (Mt.24:4)

It's time!

I'm not about hype and scare tactics but you had better take heed to what I am saying. Something dramatic has to kick in for the world to throw its allegiance to one man. (and it's not Barak Obama, he does not fit the description outlined in Scripture) That dramatic something is the staging of a false Tribulation.

You should know that the real Tribulation period as set forth in the scriptures will bring about death and devastation unparalleled in the history of the world.  Will Satan actually unleash a planned death and destruction on a major scale in order to bring about his purpose?  He's done it before.

Twice he has ordered the execution of boy babies to thwart the plans of God.  Once was in Egypt in hopes of slaughtering the promised deliverer prophesied to come forth in the fourth generation—that deliverer was Moses.  The second time he slaughtered human life was at the time of the birth of the Messiah.  Both of those murders were preventatives. To what ends will he go in order to advance his own plans?  There is no limit.  All you have to do is look at the history of this world in events such as the crusades, Hitler's holocaust; ethnic cleansing; genocide; the AIDS epidemic, a man-made disease, biological warfare and a whole host of other unreported travesties will tell you what kind of monster we are dealing with.

Will Satan destroy cities and take out life numbering in the hundreds of millions in order to keep his planned course of bringing the world under the Son of Perdition?  You bet he will and he is about to do so soon.

One of the topics that came up in that religious conference is the world's religion's intolerance of the intolerance of the Christian Faith.  We are enemy number one on that hate list.  That should come as no surprise. Jesus warned us not to be surprised if the world hates us.  he shouldn't have had to do that.  We who are followers of the lord should have expected to be the target of the hate of this world.  Why then did Jesus have to remind us?

The answer is both simple and frightening.  This is the Laodicean Church.  More specifically, it is the last days of the Laodicean Church.  This is the Church that is "neither hot nor cold" and the one that Jesus said he would spue (vomit is a better word) out of his mouth.  This church makes Jesus sick to his stomach.  it isn't so much the sin of this church; that has been present in every age dating back to the "church" in the wilderness.  What this church does have in common with the congregation pastured by Moses is its abject unbelief of God's word.  This Church is filled with Christians who met Jesus but never stuck around long enough to know his word.  It is a Church fraught with unbelief. 

Israel didn't miss Canaan because of any specific sin: it missed out because of unbelief. 

(This is a prophet for the Last Days who has been called and sent by God to reveal previously "hidden" truths from God's Word to the Church about the deception to come and the Rapture.  Why is there so much unbelief?)

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