Wednesday, August 14, 2013


from The Prophet

This congregation was told by the Holy Ghost that He would have more to tell us in this final church age than he has spoken since the beginning of the church age in AD 31.  Now that's saying a lot!  And true to his word, the Holy Ghost has done just that. This is the end of the Church Age.  It is the time of the culmination and realization of the great promises that have been made to the Church.

The book of Revelation depicts seven churches which, although real congregations at the time John wrote to them, actually represent seven distinct periods of the history of the Church from its birth on Pentecost Day until it is taken up to heaven in the very near future.  We are now in the Laodicean Period, the final stage of the Church and the picture of the Church at this point in its history is bleak.  Jesus described this last church as wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. That list may not be in the exact order but it is the exact description.

Its most serious defect is that it is deaf.  It has lost its ear to hear what the Spirit has to say and yet it is oblivious to its deaf condition. Jesus is shown standing at the door of this church. Many times that passage in Revelation is misinterpreted as Jesus standing at the door of the heart of the sinner pleading for admission. Wrong!  The letter is addressed to his Church.  He is standing at the door of His Church.  He is not knocking for admission but knocking for the attention of the two or three in each congregation who have an ear to hear, to leave that congregation.

Jesus is not asking to be let in because he doesn't want to be admitted back into what was once His Church.  This present Laodicean Church has made him sick to His stomach and he has vowed to spew (vomit) it out of his mouth.  The church is so deaf that it does not hear Jesus knocking at its door.  It thinks he is still in the building.  Well, Elvis isn't the only one who has left the building!  Where did Jesus go?  I can tell you this: it's probably somewhere you would least expect to find him.  Does he have a crowd?  He never did.

Think about that for a minute. Jesus' ministry was thronged with crowds.  He fed 5,000 people on one occasion and 4,000 on another.  Paul said he was seen by over 500 brethren at once after his resurrection.  I believe they were present at the time of his ascension into heaven.  The point I am making is that with all of the people whose lives were touched by Jesus, only about 120 stuck around to wait for the promise of the Spirit.  That's a very small number.  It's no accident that the word of God promises that where two or three are gathered together in his name, he would be in the midst of them because in many cases, he has only about two or three in the typical church who are in tune with his voice.

I constantly monitor those who claim to be his messengers as they minister on television and radio and I can tell you with confidence that they are preaching another gospel and another Jesus, neither of which was preached by the Apostles.

The proclamation of another Jesus is an essential piece of the puzzle in order for The Lie and The Strong Delusion to be effective when they come forth.  Christianity has been turning out a membership that is unable to defend its faith.  If asked how they know that Jesus lives, the typical answer would echo Christianity's Easter theme songs, "you ask me how I know he lives…he lives within my heart."   Bull!  The Apostles never preached that doctrine.  When the Lie is released it will knock the faith of the typical Christian right out the box and hence, the Great Falling Away.

The Holy Ghost has been preparing us for that period of time.  The Church is about to undergo the greatest fight of affliction it has seen since the days when Saul "wreaked havoc" on the Church.  It will be comparably short in its duration but it will be very intense.  For those who have been spiritually deaf, happily going along the road to heaven, it will be a time of selling out because their faith platform is built on rotten timber.

To read more current revelations from Pastor Steve, check out his book published September of 2017 on  It gives crucial revelations about the rapture, strong delusion and the Lie.

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