Thursday, August 15, 2013


 The Prophet:  Stephen Benton

The demonic spirit of deception is rampant among men posing as Christian leaders.

As you know, there are not many voices out there with even an inkling of an idea of what's going on in the (Holy) Spirit world.  Preachers, the ones assigned as the watchers over the souls of God's people are truly the blind leading blind congregations and both leader and follower are unaware of their blind condition.  That's what Jesus said about the Church of Laodicea,

"…and thou knowest not…that thou art blind…"

I have rehearsed with you again and again the answer Jesus gave the apostles when they asked him three major questions about the events of the last days.  Their questions were:

1.  When shall these things be? (Referring to the destruction of the                   Temple.)
2. What shall be the sign of thy coming?
3.  And of the end of the world?

Jesus answered all three questions with one answer:  "LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU."  God has shown us that this current period until the rapture of the Church will be marked with unprecedented deception and ministers would lead the parade.  Jesus elaborated on the specifics but his initial answer was a caution against being deceived. 

God has been telling us about the sudden shift that will take place amongst the ministry.  There will be massive defections from the truth of the gospel and that the condition would prevail that Paul addressed in Galatians.  Some would come preaching another Christ and another gospel.  Because most ministers in most churches start the message by taking a text from the Bible, the average member sitting in the average church actually believes that their minister is preaching the truth merely because the message begins in the Bible. 

There are some simple yet great truths to be gleaned from the account of
the temptation of Jesus by Satan.  The first thing Satan offered Jesus was personal gratification. At the top of the offerings of those not called by God the Father is an appeal toward personal gratification and fulfilling the lusts of the flesh.  Jesus was hungry and Satan came with a message to meet the current need of the Savior. Satan's message to Jesus was the precursor to the current blessing and prosperity message.  It is a message designed to appeal to the needs and wants of the flesh.  The message does nothing to aid the spiritual man.  The blessing and prosperity message will fill Dodger Stadium but the truth is seeking true worshippers who will worship God in spirit and in truth.  This is the day Paul wrote about when he said people: saints would turn their ears away from the Truth.  He said that the time would come when they would not endure sound doctrine.  Because there is a surplus of uncalled ministers: hirelings, those seeking their own personal message that appeals most to their flesh, people have a never ending supply of teachers to choose from.  People who don't attend church prop themselves up in front of the television on Sunday and pick out their favorite teachers and preachers and listen to them.  The ones they don't like, who usually aren't on television anyway, are passed up with the touch of a button on the remote.

God woke us up with the realization that this is Satan's world.  As such he controls every aspect of it including who preaches the gospel over his airwaves.  You can be sure that Satan will not tolerate any minister on this planet who is preaching a message that contradicts the philosophies and ideologies of the god of this world.

When the "meet your needs" message didn't work with Jesus, Satan took his next message from the scriptures and has been doing so ever since that time.  So when a minister stands up in the pulpit and takes a text from the Bible that is not the criteria by which one should judge the godliness of the preacher.  Believers, beware of anyone not preaching Godly separation. What a mouthful of truth in that statement!

When were led through the book of 1John we learned that some would depart from the group.  That was the way they would be identified as anti-Christ's.  John said that they were once with them but went out from them and continued not with them.  The picture is one of defection.  We are seeing a lot of that these days.  There are preachers whom I have listened to for many years who are no longer preaching the same truth they once preached.  In an article written by Ron Riffe, he referred to the "deep mole" of military intelligence. Listen to what he said:

"…they will seem so good for so long, that no one suspects they may be actually working for the enemy.  But, at a critical time, they will step forward to begin for the enemy, and are so effective because co-workers and their bosses trust them so completely."

We are in that critical time now.  That short period at the end of the Church Age and the beginning of the final week of Daniel's 70 weeks.  It is marked by massive defections from the faith, which really aren't defections at all, only the emergence of the "mole."

Elder Riffe hit the nail on the head where he wrote about the message of felling good about yourself and the need to check out the message of the messenger.  It was nice to hear somebody other than myself admonishing people to check them out.

Elijah complained that he was the only one left upholding the truth of God's word and God's priorities.  God let him now that he had 7000 just like Elijah.  I have often felt alone in proclaiming the truth of God's word but I take consolation in the fact that there is another voice at the other end of this nation that is on the same track of truth.  Again, I request that you pray for that ministry because like any purveyor of Truth, it is under constant satanic attack.

To read more revelations from Pastor Steve check out his book on

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