Friday, August 16, 2013


Part One
from The Prophet

I was reading an article on prophecy written by a noted prophecy "expert."  Before I could finish reading the article I jumped on the computer and began banging out one of my own.  You see, the article I was reading dealt with II Thessalonians, chapter two, verse seven.  Let me print it here in case you don't have your bible at hand. 

"For the mystery of Iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."

The common error lies in the interpretation of the identity of who the "he" is.  It is generally agreed among bible scholars that the "he" is the Holy Spirit.  That is where the error begins and that error itself is the fruit of another error of interpretation.  If you were to read the article you would see that it is an interview of a prophecy speaker during a "blowhard" prophecy conference.  Let me tell you how I feel about the prophecy "experts."  They all make the same common mistake of trying to intellectually "figure out" prophecy scenarios.  They are blind to the fact that this bible of ours was written by God and as such, He has deliberately kept some passages hidden concerning their true meaning.  This tactic is nothing new for God.  He has been doing that since He began communicating His Truth to man.  Man's problem has been consistent in that he thinks he understands the full counsel of God, even when he has been told that he does not!  Let me cite an example in John 16:25:

"These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father."

Those are Jesus' words to his disciples.  Now, their response:

"His disciples said unto him, lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb."

They outright contradicted Jesus.  Jesus told them that he was speaking in proverbs and that he would soon speak to them plainly, meaning that he would remove the veil from the proverb or put another way, give them the divine revelation to the proverb.  They told him that he was already speaking to them plainly.  Who was right, the disciples or Jesus?

It is akin to a professor telling his students that he is giving them a surface study of a subject and they in turn tell him that he is not giving them the surface but a complete, in-depth treatment.  Just like a wise professor, Jesus ignored their ignorance.  But ignorance is costly—especially in this case because it causes one to think he possesses knowledge that he does not have.  That is the problem with the prophecy experts.  Rather than understand that "we see through a glass darkly" until God gives revelation on a scripture, they compound their present errors by relying solely on human intellect to figure out the plans of God.  One of the reasons God hides truth until a "set time" is to keep Satan in the dark.  If anyone has the ability to play armchair quarterback with God it would be his prime adversary, Satan, above and beyond the ability of men.

Yes, we are told to study to show ourselves a workman approved unto God, one that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the scriptures.  But that work does not preclude or eclipse God's work of revelation. I think that I am adept in God's word but as I continue in his word and marvel as the Holy Ghost opens my eyes on passages in which I thought I was well versed, I have come to the conclusion that I don't know anything!

A characteristic of a true end-time prophet of God is that they never take personal credit for their prophecies.  One example is Rabbi Jonathan Cohn who preached about the Harbinger from Isaiah 10 after the 9/11 event. One of his first statements was that he was not looking for the information that he received but that it came straight from God and took him by surprise and subsequently led him to the passage in Isaiah.  The revelation of the scripture comes from the Lord himself, not the prophet.

Let's go back to II Thessalonians.  If the Restrainer (or he that letteth) is the Holy Ghost, the scriptures sure waited a long time to make mention of a work of the Spirit that must have been done many times in the past.
Let's face it, Paul, (then Saul,) could not have wreaked havoc (that word appears only once in scripture and is associated with the workings of Saul) on the Church if the Holy Ghost did not stand aside and allow it.  Herod could not have executed the boy babies in the Bethlehem/Jerusalem area if the Holy Ghost had not allowed it. The kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome could not have arisen if the Holy Ghost did not step aside and allow that to happen.  Do you get my point?  Anything that Satan and his forces have accomplished on this earth was due to the fact that a restraining force had to step aside and allow it.  So then why do the scriptures make a point of this one particular event?  Unless the interpretation is faulty, which is the case?

Jesus taught that we are the salt of the earth.  As such, we are a preservative.  At the present time, the only thing preserving this earth from total chaos is the presence of the Church!  No one was more upset when the scheduled rapture date passed with no one raptured than Satan!  He wanted the Church to leave because as long as the Church is here on earth Satan's plans are held up.  We witnessed that when his plans for the festivities planned at the Great Pyramid were cancelled on New Year's Eve in December of 1999.  That was a planned world event to place a gold capstone on a building that I believe to be God's altar as described in Isaiah 19:19.  That building stands both in the center and on the border thereof of northern Egypt and southern Egypt during the time of Isaiah.

The event did not happen, it was cancelled.  Why?  Because we are still here.  Other significant events have not occurred because of the restraining influence of the Church.  So who is the "he" that "will let till he be taken out of the way?"   It is not the Holy Ghost. The "he" is nothing other than the body of "he", Jesus Christ!  We are the body of Christ and "members in particular." (I Cor. 12:27)  Christ is the head of the body.  That is why the rapture revelation was consistent to its very day.  The head of the body got up from the grave on Saturday, the Sabbath.  Those who are "alive and remain" in the body will rise on the same day.  However, they will not (precede) the dead in Christ, Those who died in the Lord will get up from the grave on the "last day." It will be the same day that Jesus died, a Wednesday. It will be ten days before those who are alive and remain are changed. They will join the resurrected saints in the air and "so shall we ever be with the Lord."  The Church will enter into its rest on God's day of rest.

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